enables you to boot into many types of operating systems using lightweight tooling to get you up and running as soon as possible.
- I had to change the windows.ipxe to make custom to my lab
- I created a new SMB share on my TrueNAS and mount as CIFS in swarm cluster so my netbootxyz container can mount as volume
- This way I can manipulate files from windows explorer, and also, when I pull some image in netbootxyz, the iso go to my SMB
- I created a service account on my Zentyal server to connect this SMB as rw
- I made this two files for init script to start windows setup from my SMB (you can check how they work on windows.ipxe file)
@echo off
echo Initializing network
echo Select the folder where the setup.exe is located:
echo 1 - win10_22h2_english
echo 2 - win10_enterprise_2016_ltsb
set /p choice=Enter choice (1/2):
if "%choice%"=="1" set win_folder=win10_22h2_english
if "%choice%"=="2" set win_folder=win10_enterprise_2016_ltsb
if not defined win_folder (
echo Choosing default win10_22h2_english
echo Connecting to Shared Drive
net use \\\netbootxyz /user:ALEIXOHOME\sa-netbootxyz thohwa0Eecahche
echo Starting installer from %win_folder%
echo Press any key to continue
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml netbootxyz