If, for whatever reason, you want to keep using the non-segwit version of Joinmarket,
you can do so by adding the following entry in your joinmarket.cfg
segwit = false
(obviously, add it into the POLICY
section, don't create a duplicate of that
section. Also make sure to enter exactly false
in lower case, otherwise it
will be ignored. The default is segwit).
If you do this, the pre-existing Joinmarket wallet should load fine and you should be able to do coinjoins just as before.
Note, however, that most are migrating to segwit, and we strongly encourage it (it's better not to have a split into two groups), not least because segwit transactions are cheaper.
The rest of this document will assume you do want to migrate.
To do joinmarket coinjoins with other participants using segwit, you need to use a wallet with segwit addresses. These addresses are P2SH (start with '3' on mainnet); note they are not multisig, however, they are yours only (technically we are using address type P2SH/P2WPKH).
(Some parts of this are a repeat of what's in the usage guide).
You can go into the scripts/
directory, which contains the wallet-tool.py
and follow the instructions as in the first half of:
You will notice the main difference from what's shown there is that after using
the generate
command, your new wallet has addresses starting with '3' not '1'.
Also, the BIP32 paths are different, see the bottom of this page for some details on that.
Migrating coins to this new-style wallet can be done in these steps:
Install this new version (0.3.0+), use "Quickstart" from the readme or see here
Generate a new wallet; go into the
directory and do the same as before:python wallet-tool.py generate
Once you've written down the 12 word seed and saved the new .json file, check the addresses with:
python wallet-tool.py newwallet.json
(or whatever you called the file). You should see a set of '3' addresses (or '2' on testnet) instead of '1'. Also the spacing/layout may look a bit different, but it's the same information.
Note down at least 3 addresses from mixdepth 0 if you plan to use as a Taker; if as a Maker (yieldgenerator), best to note down one address from each mixdepth.
Next, load your old wallet; you have two options - either (1) use your old Joinmarket installation, or (2) use this one, and go into joinmarket.cfg and add:
segwit = false
to the [POLICY]
section. This will allow you to run python wallet-tool.py
and it
will find the old wallet. Whether using method (1) or (2), the next step is the same:
Use python sendpayment.py -N 0 -m [mixdepth] oldwalletname 0 destaddr
to send coins from
your old wallet, mixdepth 0, into the new one you've created, with a sweep from that
mixdepth. The -N 0 means using direct-send, i.e. not using joinmarket/IRC.
Don't forget to reset tx_fees
in your joinmarket.cfg
if you want to adjust the projected fee.
If you've used (2), then delete the line segwit = false
from joinmarket.cfg, and
reload the new wallet with python wallet-tool.py newwalletname.json
Once you're sure it's working you can repeat this process for any number of mixdepths for which you want to transfer coins.
JM wallet
mixdepth 0 tpubDC3ynQKo14bet1kCgg5ms7d5ABHVkrWLKLqbMQTiDY5T3nd4dUCCLNzJFyj78FvcQbDsJCk96AJfdATnS7Cf1VaM2JsqM73i2VyBeoQVSwa
external addresses m/49'/1'/0'/0 tpubDEdFHGLtyru2nSRdv4F3GXw8MQBx5mVaJQeTP7Am6okGeQLfqt9ysD2npE9eFQXNBfcamxooyJ4nKfb2rQzG97zNsG9tex4YRUKRwRMBvR5
m/49'/1'/0'/0/000 2NGQED4c5BZL1RNVgzJHM7BAThPyT1GXXdf 2.00000000 used
m/49'/1'/0'/0/001 2N2xYemrtcTHdVxejvAKgYcbx27pJbWcC7D 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/0'/0/002 2N6D25kEWEgN78rG8i8soBo2N4kJ3U6jKhK 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/0'/0/003 2Mzerss9QDXi3PyyxiTwSN2xV3977EBmRK9 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/0'/0/004 2MtFEA9H43ptf2MUcZoA9WFQvg6XF5iVgsk 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/0'/0/005 2MzJTsaZFBc3HDktYKvd8rkTGeDMCmaMWPn 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/0'/0/006 2Mu2NezBjuzXKaJKrPAh7a9TcWa7REDXNXt 0.00000000 new
Balance: 2.00000000
internal addresses m/49'/1'/0'/1
Balance: 0.00000000
Balance for mixdepth 0: 2.00000000
mixdepth 1 tpubDC3ynQKo14bevgk8tW8uX6TbdThjGcLkULcZUtMkeH7QVK5wXXF9nLF8dYUrvVkVcbUpsSgCZyQDajHNJzcg8f6FDHSFgS4ask5BgdeTock
external addresses m/49'/1'/1'/0 tpubDFRo71SzBY98U2suh1CVgFV8s7SbdTUYj3xgg4Zk9XrPAFfXg7krxCLsVmq8pYW7bWcnRMPrRP9uVrgLSztKGvHJE2Re64CgNPNddpqzArm
m/49'/1'/1'/0/000 2N42BUaNAGuEsVxXtgR2i2XRWwFyrcku7xJ 2.00000000 used
m/49'/1'/1'/0/001 2N6wivgfa9SNAmLkNLTA5tjLa6RbteiJ9NP 2.00000000 used
m/49'/1'/1'/0/002 2N8fsY6cPigbkyAUPoYuqXrvwSTNbDuSs38 2.00000000 used
m/49'/1'/1'/0/003 2N7p1vw9yB5GRyX2rDMfUGu6szVtNFrsJ4J 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/1'/0/004 2N8ezrbwLe4HVRKupxGDxqqah6QWvpafCMr 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/1'/0/005 2MshrDThyZD6irvPzqjPm7UENwptL9jwWMu 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/1'/0/006 2Mw8zcteMmzdEqtVDjWrJ425wSog3TsSzgt 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/1'/0/007 2MukpuXRWAa1oSZnvcodybvnEz9L2EF9bLv 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/1'/0/008 2N6Zhsg7E6KjEY3PUaLsZqpzpfLrqiTkUaE 0.00000000 new
Balance: 6.00000000
internal addresses m/49'/1'/1'/1
Balance: 0.00000000
Balance for mixdepth 1: 6.00000000
mixdepth 2 tpubDC3ynQKo14bf1LnhHPQQ2ReJCZzV24AViKCKGW99SBwFr3DLSio24mwjNcHZwDqdGUejr6K3WEhv7DdASLNrFsZhx8rgbjzTtYGjeuZLPtf
external addresses m/49'/1'/2'/0 tpubDEunZR6GYohjUiAsNecPvm6zA63apCuKe4J8bJz9tjJAuNy485e4LQFAmuF3YVzHFbUvbDpGz1SvGx1tLvoYrExo5Cmhbnw9N4RcJfQVcy8
m/49'/1'/2'/0/000 2MujbkR3UsUfYf53e4TNErWqpxLEFeX7CjF 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/2'/0/001 2N6c1979MmfdZPhGQHpPx4upZoh9A66tpXx 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/2'/0/002 2N12iWBShn3NhbqiJVrERJ1ArE2aNbJLiuC 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/2'/0/003 2N2WRcxDYkaNHxnv4upAiqCCVRz9YyMqvCA 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/2'/0/004 2ND2k7Bsh21dNqC52dK5GtXeXhfQDUfpuc6 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/2'/0/005 2N9PvkbGu93vE52v433maZwjkjMQvcXgguc 0.00000000 new
Balance: 0.00000000
internal addresses m/49'/1'/2'/1
Balance: 0.00000000
Balance for mixdepth 2: 0.00000000
mixdepth 3 tpubDC3ynQKo14bf3T8XrYA9CgKLmpr1wsAZf2VuGhku36bXQMaCRYges3NWd9AW7GoFTiCAwyPWTTz4V99A3VDSKryPgG7US1vaNLB8daxFWXh
external addresses m/49'/1'/3'/0 tpubDEf2oHNW6QCmUF4moLgMpjhgmsnJgDGdfrihxBFGAXncbnvhHBAWD8EFe6hphPpBxtoEaHVaSvqTQW52QJ282vMQxvDNPDzPrnrDu8Hem6p
m/49'/1'/3'/0/000 2N5Ybuqi3a8Wfg8gZfjN5CVNBUYPirsNda6 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/3'/0/001 2MxQgX1Ykcj1fJzeVZDJ7xmcdRZjxnB5PHp 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/3'/0/002 2N7JwhZEo2CjphzU8FRVJm7CU8UF2FVRYPF 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/3'/0/003 2N5MJvtRGTdQSipDsBgDLHQzc3hzwMdk6BK 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/3'/0/004 2NGUERANYNAZamXWGMtYxJy49WvQra69FPP 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/3'/0/005 2MvxVh7hpxCGfojwmtW32K9QkkahP2bvSyZ 0.00000000 new
Balance: 0.00000000
internal addresses m/49'/1'/3'/1
Balance: 0.00000000
Balance for mixdepth 3: 0.00000000
mixdepth 4 tpubDC3ynQKo14bf5z1LUdPiEFaJ3omV4y2VasyT5PUL8H9JhShXMvn24zRhRdpMA5oAVwheLmvL2J6r2NFoUdoSVhZjCWd1aUxsUfa332cnEpk
external addresses m/49'/1'/4'/0 tpubDEW6kkqjuEdqiNCpPixL2ToQWsRNojGHzWBfXpUDp9cyix8en1HY2ZwndU3KCNBbdpac5GiUwkqR2jiZjtRedAAbnNHWL86cEDMsMoFXiTH
m/49'/1'/4'/0/000 2NEraA2d5cV83qQkg7oebhx2ugGT4eF9QY5 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/4'/0/001 2N5RKKMTFXA8Punt6H9JrPQFnNJFz3DSe9W 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/4'/0/002 2NBzFW263ohqGyK53HuFcB7kSLkvBSV38gc 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/4'/0/003 2NCLjgm6Dgc3q4QSNiRUMKbt2aQSidGNfrX 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/4'/0/004 2MvQkFkhZeymz8r1XtSUT3fz3hdaZp2dxt5 0.00000000 new
m/49'/1'/4'/0/005 2N9zM5Jv4tjwJ2ezKMQi4ECjvheWugWajhj 0.00000000 new
Balance: 0.00000000
internal addresses m/49'/1'/4'/1
Balance: 0.00000000
Balance for mixdepth 4: 0.00000000
Total balance: 8.00000000
First, the seed phrase is now based on BIP39, but this is transparent: it's still a 12 word seed, but based on a new dictionary. It uses the mnemonic package/implementation.
Second, this new wallet type is not compatible with the old; that doesn't make sense - even if it generated the same private keys, you would still have to transfer to new segwit style outputs.
Third, the new type is based on BIP49, which is currently supported by TREZOR, Ledger, Electrum (via custom HD path option, only one account at a time), Samourai, Eclair to my knowledge, and probably others. So these Joinmarket wallets could be loaded into those wallets, but be wary of privacy issues if querying your addresses over some external server.
BIP49 is a modification of BIP44 for segwit, but really it's just a new BIP32 HD path. (To get even further into the technical weeds, these standards (44/49) use hardened derivation except for keys below the account level).
Segwit doesn't have much direct technical import for Joinmarket, since coinjoin (at least when properly implemented) isn't subject to any dangers from transaction malleability.
However, there can be significant, if not huge, fee savings based on the change from 'size' to 'weight' in block limits. Instead of paying (fee/kB) * kB of tx size, you pay for (non-witness + 0.25 * witness)/4 * (fee/kB) (very rough explanation), which rough calculations suggests might give ~ 25-30% savings over a non-segwit tx in a typical scenario. Somewhat higher fee savings may be achieved if we switched to a "native" segwit address in future, rather than a P2SH-wrapped one.
Since segwit-style joinmarket must be done "all-in-one" for privacy (otherwise a Taker
risks creating a single '1' address output), the yieldgenerator in this implementation
makes swreloffer
and swabsoffer
offer types, and won't also offer original-type offers.
However, the parameters of the offer are the same, and are still set in the (now much
simplified) yield-generator-basic.py
or yg-privacyenhanced.py
Other variants may be added later subject to anyone getting around to doing it.