| 1 | +#ifndef ROOTCORE_PACKAGES_H |
| 2 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGES_H |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +// This file contains one define statement for each package detected by |
| 5 | +// RootCore. It is meant to allow to write package A in a form that |
| 6 | +// it uses the services of package B when available, but otherwise |
| 7 | +// skips it without failing. For this to work properly you need to list |
| 8 | +// package B in the PACKAGE_TRYDEP of package A. |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_RootCore |
| 11 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_Doxygen |
| 12 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_Test |
| 13 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_root |
| 14 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_ApplyJetCalibration |
| 15 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_GoogleTest |
| 16 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODRootAccessInterfaces |
| 17 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_Boost |
| 18 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TestTools |
| 19 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_CxxUtils |
| 20 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_AthContainersInterfaces |
| 21 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_AthLinks |
| 22 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_AthContainers |
| 23 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODCore |
| 24 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODEventFormat |
| 25 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODRootAccess |
| 26 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_AsgTools |
| 27 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_AsgExampleTools |
| 28 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_Eigen |
| 29 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_FastJet |
| 30 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_HEPUtils |
| 31 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_Lhapdf |
| 32 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_MCUtils |
| 33 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_Asg_RooUnfold |
| 34 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODBase |
| 35 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_CaloGeoHelpers |
| 36 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_EventPrimitives |
| 37 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_GeoPrimitives |
| 38 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODCaloEvent |
| 39 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTracking |
| 40 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigger |
| 41 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODBTagging |
| 42 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODPFlow |
| 43 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODJet |
| 44 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TruthUtils |
| 45 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTruth |
| 46 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODMissingET |
| 47 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_FourMomUtils |
| 48 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODEventInfo |
| 49 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODPrimitives |
| 50 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODEgamma |
| 51 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_MuonIdHelpers |
| 52 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODMuon |
| 53 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTau |
| 54 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_AssociationUtils |
| 55 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_RootCoreUtils |
| 56 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_SampleHandler |
| 57 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_EventLoop |
| 58 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_PATCore |
| 59 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_PATInterfaces |
| 60 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_PathResolver |
| 61 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODParticleEvent |
| 62 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_ReweightUtils |
| 63 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_GoodRunsLists |
| 64 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_PileupReweighting |
| 65 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_MuonEfficiencyCorrections |
| 66 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_MuonSelectorTools |
| 67 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_MuonMomentumCorrections |
| 68 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_ElectronPhotonSelectorTools |
| 69 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_egammaLayerRecalibTool |
| 70 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_MVAUtils |
| 71 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_egammaRecEvent |
| 72 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_egammaMVACalib |
| 73 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODMetaData |
| 74 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_ElectronPhotonFourMomentumCorrection |
| 75 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_InDetTrackSelectionTool |
| 76 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_MCTruthClassifier |
| 77 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_tauRecTools |
| 78 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TauAnalysisTools |
| 79 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_ElectronEfficiencyCorrection |
| 80 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_CalibrationDataInterface |
| 81 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetInterface |
| 82 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODEventShape |
| 83 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetCalibTools |
| 84 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetSelectorTools |
| 85 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetResolution |
| 86 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetCPInterfaces |
| 87 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetUncertainties |
| 88 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_METInterface |
| 89 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_METUtilities |
| 90 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODBTaggingEfficiency |
| 91 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_CPAnalysisExamples |
| 92 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_DiTauMassTools |
| 93 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_ElectronPhotonShowerShapeFudgeTool |
| 94 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_MultiDraw |
| 95 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_EventLoopAlgs |
| 96 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_EventLoopGrid |
| 97 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_EventShapeInterface |
| 98 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_IsolationSelection |
| 99 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_FsrUtils |
| 100 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_IRegionSelector |
| 101 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_InDetTrackSystematicsTools |
| 102 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetEDM |
| 103 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetRec |
| 104 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_IsolationCorrections |
| 105 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetJvtEfficiency |
| 106 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetUtils |
| 107 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetMomentTools |
| 108 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetSubStructureUtils |
| 109 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_JetSubStructureMomentTools |
| 110 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_PMGTools |
| 111 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_PhotonEfficiencyCorrection |
| 112 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_PhotonVertexSelection |
| 113 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigNavStructure |
| 114 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigConfBase |
| 115 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigConfL1Data |
| 116 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigConfHLTData |
| 117 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigConfInterfaces |
| 118 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigConfxAOD |
| 119 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigDecisionInterface |
| 120 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_RoiDescriptor |
| 121 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigSteeringEvent |
| 122 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigRoiConversion |
| 123 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigDecisionTool |
| 124 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigCalo |
| 125 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigEgamma |
| 126 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TriggerMatchingTool |
| 127 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_QuickAna |
| 128 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_RootCoreTest |
| 129 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODCutFlow |
| 130 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TauCorrUncert |
| 131 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_SUSYTools |
| 132 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_SemileptonicCorr |
| 133 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrackVertexAssociationTool |
| 134 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigAnalysisInterfaces |
| 135 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigMissingET |
| 136 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigBphys |
| 137 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigAnalysisTest |
| 138 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigBunchCrossingTool |
| 139 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigMuonEfficiency |
| 140 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_TrigTauMatching |
| 141 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_ZMassConstraint |
| 142 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODAssociations |
| 143 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODBPhys |
| 144 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigL1Calo |
| 145 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODForward |
| 146 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODHIEvent |
| 147 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODLuminosity |
| 148 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODMetaDataCnv |
| 149 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigMinBias |
| 150 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigMuon |
| 151 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTrigRinger |
| 152 | +#define ROOTCORE_PACKAGE_xAODTriggerCnv |
| 153 | + |
| 154 | +#endif |
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