@rockpack/starter this is create-react-app on steroids. Supports the following types of applications:
@rockpack/starter this module is part of the Rockpack project. See more details on the official site.
- React SPA - Redux, Thunk, React-Router, CSS Modules, @loadable, project structure etc.
- React-Router
- Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux-Thunk
- React-Helmet
- @loadable/components is being used for split your code into SSR application
- React SPA + SSR - SSR, SEO, Redux, Thunk, React-Router, CSS Modules, @loadable, project structure etc.
- Koa is being used for the server
- iSSR is being used for effect handling in the server side
- React-Router
- Redux
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux-Thunk
- React-Helmet-Async
- @loadable/components is being used for split your code into SSR application
- React Component - Configured webpack to create React component (for NPM publishing).
- UMD Library - Configured webpack to create UMD library (vanilla JS, for NPM publishing).
All types of applications support:
- Import of many file formats. List of formats
- Image optimization, SVG Optimization
- Loading SVG files as React components
- CSS/SCSS/Less modules
- Babel or TS; TS support for CSS/SCSS/Less modules
- PostCSS Autoprefixer
- SEO Optimizations, React optimizations, Antd optimizations
- Support for settings via Dotenv and Dotenv safe
- Bundle Analyzer
- GraphQL support
Full list of features see here
Additionally, for each type of application, you can install:
- Configured ESLint with best practices rules @rockpack/codestyle
- Customized Jest with additions @rockpack/tester
- Installation
npm i @rockpack/starter -g
- Creating an App
rockpack <project name>
- Select the type of application.
--yarn - use Yarn as default package manager
rockpack <project name> --yarn
If you can't use @rockpack/starter or want to migrate your existing application please follow the manual for each module