A list of the widgets and properties covered in ui.py.
- QCalendarWidget
- No Grid
- No Navigation Bar
- QCheckBox
- Tristate
- QColorDialog
- Show Alpha Channel
- No Buttons
- Native Dialog
- Qt Dialog
- QColumnView
- No Size Grips
- QComboBox
- Editable
- Placeholder Text
- Max Visible Items
- QCommandLinkButton
- Text Only
- Description
- Icon
- QCompleter
- QDateEdit
- QDateTimeEdit
- Calendar Popup
- Date Formats
- QDial
- Notches
- QDialog
- Modal
- Size Grip
- QDialogButtonBox
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Center Buttons
- QDockWidget
- Closable
- Movable
- Floatable
- Vertical Title Bar
- QDoubleSpinBox
- Prefix
- Suffix
- QErrorMessage
- QFileDialog
- Native Dialog
- Qt Dialog
- QFileIconProvider
- QFontComboBox
- QFontDialog
- No Buttons
- Native Dialog
- Qt Dialog
- QFrame
- No Frame
- Box
- Panel
- Styled Panel
- Horizontal Line
- Vertical Line
- Windows Panel
- Shadow Mask
- Shape Mask
- Plain
- Raised
- Sunken
- QGroupBox
- Checkable
- Flat
- QHeaderView
- No Highlight Sections
- Highlight Sections
- Movable
- Clickable
- Not Clickable
- QInputDialog
- Text Input
- Int Input
- Double Input
- Combobox
- List
- No Buttons
- QKeySequenceEdit
- QLabel
- Indented
- MarkdownText
- Editable
- Selectable
- QLCDNumber
- Outline
- Filled
- Flat
- QLineEdit
- Placeholder
- Read Only
- No Frame
- No Echo
- Password
- Password On Edit
- Clear Button
- QListWidget
- Sortable
- Icons
- QListWidgetItem
- QMainWindow
- QMdiArea
- QMdiSubWindow
- QMenu
- Separator
- Disabled
- Tear Off
- Icon
- Separators Collapsible
- Title
- ToolTips Visible
- QMenuBar
- Popup Up
- Popup Down
- Native Menu Bar
- Qt Menu Bar
- Disabled
- QMessageBox
- Standard Button
- Ok
- Cancel
- Close
- Open
- Reset
- Save
- SaveAll
- RestoreDefaults
- Yes
- Help
- No
- Apply
- Discard
- Standard Icon
- Critical
- Information
- NoIcon
- Question
- Warning
- Standard Button
- QPlainTextEdit
- Background Visible
- Center on Scroll
- Cursor Width
- Placeholder Text
- Read Only
- QProgressBar
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- Inverted
- TopToBottom
- BottomToTop
- QProgressDialog
- QPushButton
- Disabled
- Enabled
- Checkable
- Icon
- Auto Default
- Flat
- QRadioButton
- QRubberBand
- QSpacerItem
- QScrollArea
- QScrollBar
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- QSlider
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Ticks Above
- QSpinBox
- Prefix
- Suffix
- QSplashScreen
- QSplitter
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Non-Collapsible Children
- Handle Width
- QSplitterHandle
- QStackedWidget
- QStatusBar
- No Size Grip
- QSystemTrayIcon
- QTableView
- Sortable
- Corner Button Disabled
- No Grid
- Grid Style
- Word Wrap
- QTableWidget
- QTableWidgetItem
- QTabBar
- Auto Hide
- Closable
- Non-Expanding
- Movable
- RoundedNorth
- RoundedSouth
- RoundedWest
- RoundedEast
- TriangularNorth
- TriangularSouth
- TriangularWest
- TriangularEast
- LeftSide
- RightSide
- Use Scroll Buttons
- No Scroll Buttons
- QTabWidget
- Top
- Left
- Right
- Bottom
- QTextBrowser
- QTimeEdit
- QToolBar
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Floatable
- Movable
- QToolButton
- DelayedPopup
- MenuButtonPopup
- InstantPopup
- LeftArrow
- RightArrow
- UpArrow
- DownArrow
- Icon
- Auto Raise
- ToolButtonIconOnly
- ToolButtonTextOnly
- ToolButtonTextBesideIcon
- ToolButtonTextUnderIcon
- ToolButtonFollowStyle
- QToolBox
- QToolTip
- QTreeView
- Sortable
- Sections Clickable
- Hidden Header
- Indented
- All Focus
- Non-Expandable
- Undecorated Root
- QTreeWidget
- QUndoView
- QUndoGroup
- QUndoStack
- QWhatsThis
- QWizard
- Classic Style
- Modern Style
- Mac Style
- Aero Style
- HaveHelpButton
- WatermarkPixmap
- LogoPixmap
- BannerPixmap
- BackgroundPixmap
- QWizardPage