a small file wrapper to archive many assets into one streamable file
Well in theory it is pretty simple, take a file take another file glue them together add a bit of header and there you have it, a pixl-pack.
the format looks a bit like this
header {
uint16 number of entries
uint64 size of first entry
entries {
uint64 size of this entry
uint64 offset to start of file after header
file_entry {
null_terminated_string descriptor (max 256 chars)
Actually it looks exactly like this! This is the entire pack format!
the functionality of this can be included in a single (arguabley quite large header) for both c and c++ (im sure the ffi folks out there can make it work with other things if wanted)
Pixl pack is intended for games that have many assets, but usually don't want to ship them all individually. I am aware that other solutions such as tar, squashfs, cpio and such exist, but honestly, they offer way to much features for what you need for a game.
Please note that this is intended to serve more as a virtual readonly file-system then an archival solution. Also this does not compress data! I recommend mixing it with xz_utils to create packed archives.
#include <pixl_pack.h>
//in c++
std::vector<uint8_t> data_you_got_from_somewhere = somewhere();
using namespace pixl::util;
PackReader reader(data_you_got_from_somewhere);
auto data = reader.filter("my_cool_stuff");
std::cout << "some data with the name: "<< data.path() << std::endl;;
for(uint8_t d : data.get())
std::cout << "got some bytes! " << d <<std::endl;
//writing ( even simpler :) )
using namespace pixl::util;
std::vector<uint8_t> some_data_you_want_to_store;
PackWriter writer;
auto archive_data = writer.generate();
#include <pixl_pack.h>
//in c
pixl_pack_read_context ctx = pixl_pack_gen_read_context(somedata,somedata_len);
for(pixl_read_node* node = ctx.entries_begin;
node != PIXL_NULL;
node = node->next)
if(strcmp( pixl_entry_get_path(&node->entry,somedata,somedata_len),
"my_cool_stuff") == 0)
printf("found my data!")
uint8_t* data = pixl_entry_get_data(&node->entry,somedata,somedata_len);
size_t size = pixl_entry_get_len (&node->entry,somedata,somedata_len);
fwrite(data,1, size, stdout);
//writing (again simpler)
pixl_pack_write_context ctx = pixl_pack_gen_write_context();
size_t size = pixl_write_context_required_size(&ctx);
uint8_t* data = pixl_write_context_assemble(&ctx);
included sample project
#unpacks an archive to disk (note this cannot make folders as of now, so unpacking fails with subdirectories)
ppack (<unpack> <archive.pp>)
#packs files into an archive
ppack (<pack> <archive.pp> <file>... )
(c) Raphael Baier 2020 see LICENSE.MD for license
Part of the Libpixlengine