Feature availability: This feature is available in Snyk CLI version v1.1117.0 or greater.
snyk iac capture [<OPTIONS>] [<PATH>]
The snyk iac capture
command generates a mapping artifact that contains the minimum amount of information needed to generate, from Terraform state files, resource mappings from code to Cloud, such as resource IDs and names, and sends the mapping artifact to Snyk.
Snyk uses this information to link Cloud issues to their originating IaC files. The links can be viewed in the Snyk Web UI.
For more information, see Fix Cloud issues in IaC
For a list of related commands see the snyk iac help; iac --help
Possible exit codes and their meaning:
0: success
1: failed to capture one or more Terraform states
You can use environment variables and set variables for connecting with the Snyk API; see Configure the Snyk CLI
Use the -d
option to output the debug logs.
Specify the <ORG_ID>
to run Snyk commands tied to a specific organization. Overrides the default <ORG_ID>
that is the current preferred organization in your Account settings
Note that you can also use --org=<orgslugname>
. The ORG_ID
works in both the CLI and the API. The organization slug name works in the CLI, but not in the API.
For more information see the article How to select the organization to use in the CLI
Generate the mapping artifact from Terraform state in the standard input instead of looking for state files in the PATH
$ terraform pull | snyk iac capture --stdin
Optional argument to generate the mapping artifact from Terraform state file(s) in the PATH. Can either be a path to a directory, a path to a file, or a glob pattern.
$ snyk iac capture /path/to/states/**/*.tfstate
$ snyk iac capture
$ snyk iac capture /path/to/states/**/*.tfstate
$ snyk iac capture /path/to/state.tfstate
$ terraform pull | snyk iac capture --stdin