These are the topics for week 1:
What's information?
What are entities?
What's a database?
What's the role of a database in an application?
What is Structured Query Language (SQL)?
What are data types (as applied to databases)?
How to use SQL to Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD)
What's a database dump?
Information is something that adds knowledge. It tells you something you didn't know before.
For example:
"At 9:30 on Sunday November 10th 2019 Wouter Kleijn was walking on the Sarphatistraat in Amsterdam."
This is information because it adds knowledge: you now know where Wouter was at a particular point in time. For a computer this might be a bit difficult to understand though because it is just an English sentence.
It's much easier if you structure it this way:
- Address:
- Street: Sarphatistraat
- City: Amsterdam
- Who: Wouter Kleijn
- When: 2019-11-10T09:30:00+01:00 (+01:00 refers to the Amsterdam timezone)
- Activity: Walking
A database will allow you to store structured information and at a later point in time retrieve that information again.
You can ask the database:
"Who was walking on the Sarphatistraat on November the 10th 2019?"
and the database will tell us: "Wouter Kleijn".
For further study, check out the following:
You abstract (generalize) to make sense of the world. You do it everywhere, all the time. Even without thinking about it. As Zachery Tellman states: "To abstract is to treat things which are different as equivalent". You speak of a dog called Bello, and since it's a dog you also know that Bello is an animal and a pet. This is not something that Bello will tell you, humans made all this up. Dog, animal, pet, humans, all these are abstractions.
One way of abstracting is to think of entities and their relationships. An entity is an abstraction. It represents a certain category of things, like: humans, women, men, animals, pets, broken bicycles, chairs, music, teachers, chewing gum, and planets. You can think of a pet as an entity that has a relationship to another entity human, its owner. More formally you can say a human owns zero or more pets.
When creating an application you need to think of all the entities and their relationships that are relevant to our application, you call this the application's domain. Together these entities and relationships form the domain model for your application.
Learn more about entities with the following resources:
A database's primary purpose is to provide a mechanism for storing
and retrieving
structured information.
There are many different types of databases but they all provides these two capabilities.
If you just consider these two properties (information storage and retrieval) you could implement a database using just a JavaScript array:
Information storage
. Pushing onto the array adds knowledge:
const musicians = [
"John Coltrane",
"Miles Davis",
"Thelonious Monk",
"Sonny Rollins"
musicians.push("Steve Lehman");
Information retrieval
. Using the[]
operator you can access what was previously stored:
console.log(musicians[0]); // prints: 'John Coltrane'
While this JavaScript database is a nice and simple example, in practice you'll work with much more complicated datasets.
In this module you will focus primarily on much more sophisticated relational databases, in particular MySQL.
To learn more, check out the following resources:
A database setup typically involves two components, a server and a client.
The server is the actual database management system and runs as a process on a machine either on your computer or on another computer in a data center somewhere.
The client is a program that talks to the database management system (the server), so it has to know where that server is running.
The client then creates a TCP connection (if you're interested in some more details look up the TCP protocol, otherwise you can forget about TCP for now) to the server.
To do this the client needs to know:
- the server's address
- an IP address like
- or a name like my-db-server
- a username
- a password
- the name of the database
The client would be your web application talking to the database.
The reason why you would want to use a database is that you can store information in a reliable and structured way. The database will ensure your information is stored safely (if setup correctly), with a high degree of reliability. The database also allows you to structure your information in such a way that we're able to find what we're looking for.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used for managing the data that is stored in a DBMS (DataBase Management System). The Query
part in SQL refers to the act of "asking a database" for a certain type of information; you are quering the database
There are several implementations (software) of DBMS. Each software provides its own query language. For this course, you will learn MySQL.
To learn more, check out the following:
When you store data in MySQL, each datum (singular of the word data) needs to be associated with its type.
For example numbers like 42, 1636 or -345 are all associated with the type int
The following is a list of the most frequently used data types.
Type | Description | Example Value |
int | Numbers | 42 |
float | Decimal numbers | 3.14 |
varchar(N) | String with variable maximum of N characters | "Dragon" |
text | String with fixed maximum of 65535 characters | "Positive" |
datetime | Store date and time without timezone | 2019-01-01 22:10:23 |
timestamp | Store date with timezone (e.g. last login) | 2019-01-01 22:10:23 UTC |
BLOB | Store binary files | an image |
There are many more data types. You can read about them here.
With the knowledge of all the datatypes, you can now create tables that contain the data with these datatypes.
Tables contain columns and columns have datatypes. For example, in a column with names of students, you cannot have numbers.
MySQL provides a
statement that creates a table with columns. You can choose the table name, column names but you have to choose the pre-defined datatypes supported by MySQL. For example, a columnRegistration number
cannot have the data type number. It must useint
because it represents the numeric datatype. -
MySQL provides
statement which reads (columns and rows) from a table with or without filtration. -
MySQL provides
statement which changes the contents of (columns and rows of) a table. -
MySQL provides
statement which can delete rows of tables. In order to delete columns, you need to useALTER
Check out the following to learn more about how to apply SQL:
A database dump
(aka SQL dump) contains a record of the table structure and/or the data from a database and is usually in the form of a list of SQL statements. (An example file named world.sql
is present in the Week1 folder, look for databases
- Collecting the dump of an existing database from terminal
mysqldump -uroot -p database_name > dump-file.sql
- Applying the dump from mysql command prompt (
)source /path/to/the/dump/file
- Applying the dump from the terminal(with generally a dollar prompt
)mysql -uroot -p [database] < /path/to/the/dump/file
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