You will need to have the PECL APCu installed and available.
SimpleCacheAPCu is a library, it is not a stand alone application.
If you want to use it in a project that is managed by
Composer, make sure the following is within your
"require": {
"awonderphp/simplecacheapcu": "^1.2"
As long as your composer.json
allows the Packagist
repository, that should pull in this library when you run the command:
composer install
For manual installation, there are two other libraries you must install where your autoloader can find them first:
Both of those libraries include exception classes that also must be installed where your autoloader can find them.
Once those two dependencies are installed, there are two class files:
The first class provides PSR-16 without encryption, the second provides PSR-16 with encryption.
Both files use the namespace AWonderPHP\SimpleCacheAPCu
I have started a project called PHP Composer Class Manager but it is not yet ready for deployment, and as of today (March 21 2018) it will likely be awhile.
Please see the file
for class usage.