Releases: Alovoa/alovoa
First public release!
0.10.0 - Even more QoL changes and tons of other changes
Update privacy policy and TOS in English and German
Optimized for very small screens (KaiOS compatible)
Added email template - looks more professional
Improved dark theme support even further
Better rate limiting
Added spinner when loading large content
Improve UI for most pages
Deleting account now takes 24 hours for improved security
Improved translation
Improved README
Added fonts
Improved tests
Minified files for faster loading speed
Fixed vapid notification
Added protection mechanism for minor
Improved search algorithm, should be much faster
Changed picture format to webp, reducing the size down to ~10% compared to png
Removed opening new tabs, replaced with iframes
Added SEO for Google, possibly other search engines
Tons of other bug fixes and QoL changes
Much better UI and better (and automatic!) dark theme support
0.9.0 UI tweaks
0.8.0 Better UI and QoL changes
Now live!
Note: Social login only works on localhost
0.7.0 More languages
Alovoa now supports 10 languages!
Admin area finished!
Allow user to delete profile picture
Fixed: oAuth Users can't request data or delete account
User can now add more images
User can now add their interests and filter by interest in the search area
Vastly improved mobile view
Replaced all hard coded text strings so they can be easily replaced (translation is way easier)
Dark Theme!!!
Lots and lots of bug fixes and improvements
Note: Profile image size for test version has been increased to 50KB
New version now live:
Web Push API using VAPID. You can now opt-in to receive notifications on every modern browser except Safari (and every other browser on iOS).
Keep in mind that the application will connect to a proprietary server that's hard coded in your browser.
0.2.0 Further improvements
What's new:
Encrypted messages
More secure captcha
Cleaning up User table
Less accurate location for more privacy
Several quality of life improvements