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🔥 SPHINX: A Mixer of Tasks, Domains, and Embeddings

Official implementation of 'SPHINX: A Mixer of Tasks, Domains, and Embeddings Advances Multi-modal Large Language Models'.

Try out our web demo 🚀 here!

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  • [2024-1-12] We release SPHINX-Tiny built on the compact 1.1B TinyLlama that everyone can play with! 🔥🔥🔥
  • [2024-1-5] We release SPHINX-MoE supercharged with the powerful Mixtral 8x7B Backbone! 🔥🔥🔥
  • [2023-11-17] We release SPHINX-V2, the same architecture but enhanced capabilities! 🔥🔥
  • [2023-11-09] We release the technical report of SPHINX 🔥.
  • [2023-10-17] We release the demo, code, and model of SPHINX 🎉.


We present $\color{goldenrod}{SPHINX}$, a versatile multi-modal large language model (MLLM) with a mixer of training tasks, data domains, and visual embeddings.

  • Task Mix. For all-purpose capabilities, we mix a variety of vision-language tasks for mutual improvement: VQA, REC, REG, OCR, DET, POSE, REL DET, T2I, etc.

  • Embedding Mix. We capture robust visual representations by fusing distinct visual architectures, pretraining, and granularity.

  • Domain Mix. For data from real-world and synthetic domains, we mix the weights of two domain-specific models for complementarity.

On top of SPHINX, we propose to further mix visual scales and sub-images for better capture fine-grained semantics on high-resolution images.



  • SPHINX is built upon LLaMA2-Accessory, please follow the instructions here for environment setup.
  • Important 🔦: For flexible instantiation of SPHINX models, please set up the LLaMA2-Accessory repo to your python environment.
    # go to the root directory of LLaMA2-Accessory
    cd LLaMA2-Accessory
    # install LLaMA2-Accessory 
    pip install -e .
    After this, you will be able to invoke import accessory or import SPHINX without the restriction of working directory.
  • For SPHINX-MoE, megablocks and stk should be additionally installed according their the official guides.
  • To enable the segmentation ability shown in our official demo, SAM is also needed:
    pip install git+


We release the following checkpoints:

Name Architecture Checkpoint
SPHINX llama_ens Hugging face/Baidu(提取码:46s7)
SPHINX-1K llama_ens5 Hugging face/Baidu(提取码:pua9)
SPHINX-v2-1k llama_ens5 Hugging face/Baidu(提取码:88z0)
SPHINX-MoE mixtral_sparse_ens Hugging face
SPHINX-MoE-1k mixtral_sparse_ens5 Hugging face
SPHINX-Tiny Hugging face
SPHINX-Tiny-1k Hugging face

Note that SPHINX-1K was previously called Long-SPHINX

Please download them to your own machine. The file structure should appear as follows:

├── consolidated.00-of-02.model.pth
├── consolidated.01-of-02.model.pth
├── tokenizer.model
├── config.json
└── meta.json


Single-GPU Inference

from SPHINX import SPHINXModel
from PIL import Image
import torch

# Besides loading the `consolidated.*.pth` model weights, from_pretrained will also try to 
# use `tokenizer.model', 'meta.json', and 'config.json' under `pretrained_path` to configure
# the `tokenizer_path`, `llama_type`, and `llama_config` of the model. You may also override
# the configurations by explicitly specifying the arguments
model = SPHINXModel.from_pretrained(pretrained_path="path/to/checkpoint", with_visual=True)

image ="examples/1.jpg")
qas = [["What's in the image?", None]]

response = model.generate_response(qas, image, max_gen_len=1024, temperature=0.9, top_p=0.5, seed=0)


# if you wanna continue
qas[-1][-1] = response
qas.append(["Then how does it look like?", None])
response2 = model.generate_response(qas, image, max_gen_len=1024, temperature=0.9, top_p=0.5, seed=0)


Multi-GPU inference

from SPHINX import SPHINXModel
from PIL import Image
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import multiprocessing as mp

def main(world_size, rank) -> None:
        backend="nccl", rank=rank, world_size=world_size,
    # mp_group tells the model which ranks will work together
    # through model parallel to compose a complete model.
    # When mp_group is None, a single-rank process group will
    # be created and used, which means model parallel size = 1 (not enabled)
    model = SPHINXModel.from_pretrained(
        pretrained_path="path/to/checkpoint", with_visual=True,
    # it's important to make sure that ranks within the same 
    # model parallel group should always receive the same input simultaneously
    image ="examples/1.jpg")
    qas = [["What's in the image?", None]]

    response = model.generate_response(qas, image, max_gen_len=1024, temperature=0.9, top_p=0.5, seed=0)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    N_GPU = 2
    assert N_GPU in [1, 2, 4, 8]
    if N_GPU == 1:
        main(world_size=1, rank=0)
        # You can use whatever method, e.g. torchrun, slurm, etc. for distributed launch
        # Just be sure to initialize torch distributed (by invoking dist.init_process_group)
        # before creating the SPHINX model if model parallel size > 1 is used
        for rank in range(N_GPU):
            process = mp.Process(target=main, args=(N_GPU, rank))

If torchrun is preferred, an example is

torchrun --master_port=1112 --nproc_per_node=2

Host Local Demo

For thoes who want to host a demo like our official one locally, this section provides a step-by-step guide.

  • SAM should be installed to enable segmentation.
  • If you're already familiar with the LLAMA2-Accessory toolkit, note that hosting a SPHINX demo follows the same pipeline as hosting demos for the other models supported by LLAMA2-Accessory.


Execute the following command for demo hosting:

cd LLaMA2-Accessory/accessory
python demos/ --n_gpus=2 \
--pretrained_path /path/to/checkpoint/

Explanation of each argument:

  • --n_gpus: Number of gpus to use. More GPUs alleviate the memory and computation load on each GPU through model parallelism. 1,2,4,8 are supported.
  • --pretrained_path: The path to pretrained checkpoint


In the past we required users to manually specify the llama_type, llama_config and tokenizer_path arguments. However, now LLaMA2-Accessory will automatically investigate the files under pretrained_path to probe these information. If your program raises an error, please make sure that your pretrained_path contain all the files mentioned here.

Finetune SPHINX

Here we show an example of using LLaMA2-Accessory to finetune SPHINX on ImageNet-1k.


We transform the image classification problem into single-turn conversation, with "Classify the image." as instruction and "This is a [CLASS]" as response. We provide the preprocessed training data at 🤗accessory_imagenet_train.json. Note that you still need to prepare the ImageNet-1k images by yourself.

Since LLaMA2-Accessory is designed to support the joint finetuning on multiple datasets, you need to additionally prepare a data_config.yaml file, which specifies the collection of datasets used for finetuning. The following shows the contents of data_config.yaml:

    path: 'path/to/accessory_imagenet_train.json'
    type: 'text'
    root: 'path/to/imagenet/images'  # optional
    ratio: 1.0  # optional

Since we only use one dataset for this example, the META field in data_config.yaml contains only 1 item. For this item, the four keys has the following meanings:

  • path: specifies the path to data annotation file.
  • type: when multiple datasets are used for finetuning, LLaMA2-Accessory guarantees that in each global batch (batch size per GPU * data parallel size * accumulate grad iterations), all data samples are from datasets of the same type. For example, when the training set consists of both text-only and image-text datasets, the two kind of datasets should have different type values.
  • root: optional; when specified, the image paths in the dataset will be considered as relative path to root.
  • ratio: optional; when specified, before training the dataset will be randomly sampled by the ratio.

If you are interested, please refer to for the underlying implementation.


Suppose you have prepared SPHINX-v2-1k at /path/to/sphinx-v2-1k, and data_config.yaml at path/to/data_config.yaml, you can now start finetuning with the following script:

#SBATCH --gres=gpu:8
#SBATCH -n 16
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 8
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16

llama_type=llama_ens5  # llama_ens5 for sphinx-v2-1k and sphinx-1k, llama_ens for sphinx


lr=0.00002  # We recommend 5e-6 for SPHINX-MoE and SPHINX-MoE-1k, and 2e-5 for others

echo "exp name: $exp_name"
mkdir -p output/"$exp_name"

srun python -u \
--output_dir output/"$exp_name" --epochs 1 --warmup_epochs 0.03 \
--batch_size 4 --accum_iter 4 --num_workers 2 \
--max_words 512 \
--lr "$lr" --min_lr 0 --clip_grad 8 --weight_decay 0 \
--data_parallel "$data_parallel" --model_parallel_size "$model_parallel" --checkpointing \
--llama_type llama_ens5 --llama_config $llama_config --tokenizer_path "$tokenizer_path" \
--pretrained_path "$pretrained_path" --pretrained_type="$pretrained_type" \
--data_config $data_config --dialog \
--image_transform padded_resize \
2>&1 | tee -a output/"$exp_name"/output.log

echo "exp name: $exp_name"

Note that the working directory for running the script should be LLaMA2-Accessory/accessory.