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Version YYYY.MM.PP -- Release date 20yy-mm-dd

This release contains ...

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

  • Build changes/improvements:

  • Bug fixes/improvements:

Version 2024.07.0 -- Release date 2024-07-24

This release contains new features, improvements, and bugfixes.

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

    • Added support for a "multi-reduction" operation which allows users to perform a run time-defined number of reduction operations in a kernel. Please see the RAJA User Guide for details and examples.
    • Added first couple of sections for a "RAJA Cookbook" in the RAJA User Guide. The goal is to provide users with more detailed guidance about using RAJA features, choosing execution policies, etc. Additional content will be provided in future releases.
    • Added atomicLoad and atomicStore routines for correctness in some use cases.
    • Added OpenMP 5.1 implementations for atomicMin and atomicMax.
    • Add SYCL reduction support in RAJA::launch
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • Update camp submodule to v2024.07.0 release. This will be a version constraint for this release in RAJA Spack package.
    • Minimum required CMake version bumped to 3.23.
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • Fix CMake issue for case when RAJA is used as a submodule dependency.
    • Various fixes and improvements to builtin atomic support.
    • Fixes and improvements to other atomic operations:
      • Modified HIP and CUDA generic atomic compare and swap algorithms to use atomic loads instead of relying on volatile.
      • Re-implemented atomic loads in terms of builtin atomics for CUDA and HIP so that the generic compare and swap functions can use it.
      • Removes volatile qualifier in atomic function signatures.
      • Use cuda::atomic_ref in newer versions of CUDA to back atomicLoad/atomicStore.
      • Use atomicAdd as a fallback for atomicSub in CUDA.
      • Removed checks where CUDA_ARCH is less than 350 since RAJA requires that as the minimum supported architecture (CMake check).
    • Fixed issues with naming RAJA forall::kernels when using CUDA.
    • Fixes in SYCL back-end for RAJA::launch.
    • Fixed some issues in examples.
    • Bugfixes and cleanup in parts of the SYCL back-end needed to support a bunch of new SYCL kernels that will appear in RAJA Performance Suite release.
    • Fix type naming issue that was exposed with a new version of the Intel oneAPI compiler.
    • Fix issue in User Guide documentation for configuring a project using RAJA CMake configuration.

Version 2024.02.2 -- Release date 2024-05-08

This release contains a bugfix and new execution policies that improve performance for GPU kernels with reductions.

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

    • New GPU execution policies for CUDA and HIP added which provide improved performance for GPU kernels with reductions. Please see the RAJA User Guide for more information. Short summary:
      • Option added to change max grid size in policies that use the occupancy calculator.
      • Policies added to run with max occupancy, a fraction of of the max occupancy, and to run with a "concretizer" which allows a user to determine how to run based on what the occupancy calculator determines about a kernel.
      • Additional options to tune kernels containing reductions, such as
        • an option to initialize data on host for reductions that use atomic operations
        • an option to avoid device scope memory fences
    • Change ordering of SYCL thread index ordering in RAJA::launch to follow the SYCL "row-major" convention. Please see RAJA User Guide for more information.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • NONE.
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • Fixed issue in bump-style allocator used internally in RAJA::launch.

Version 2024.02.1 -- Release date 2024-04-03

This release contains submodule updates and minor RAJA improvements.

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

    • NONE.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • Update BLT submodule to v0.6.2 release.
    • Update camp submodule to v2024.02.1 release.
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • Various changes to quiet compiler warnings in SYCL builds related to deprecated usage.

Version 2024.02.0 -- Release date 2024-02-14

This release contains several RAJA improvements and submodule updates.

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

    • BREAKING CHANGE (ALMOST): The loop_exec and associated policies such as loop_atomic, loop_reduce, etc. were deprecated in the v2023.06.0 release (please see the release notes for that version for details). Users should replace these with seq_exec and associated policies for sequential CPU execution. The code behavior will be identical to what you observed with loop_exec, etc. However, due to a request from some users with special circumstances, the loop_* policies still exist in this release as type aliases to their seq_* analogues. The loop_* policies will be removed in a future release.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: RAJA TBB back-end support has been removed. It was not feature complete and the TBB API has changed so that the code no longer compiles with newer Intel compilers. Since it doesn't appear that anyone depends on it, we have removed it.
    • An IndexLayout concept was added, which allows for accessing elements of a RAJA View via a collection of indicies and use a different indexing strategy along different dimensions of a multi-dimensional View. Please the RAJA User Guide for more information.
    • Add support for SYCL reductions using the new RAJA reduction API.
    • Add support for new reduction API for all back-ends in RAJA::launch.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • Update BLT submodule to v0.6.1 and incorporate its new macros for managing TPL targets in CMake.
    • Update camp submodule to v2024.02.0, which contains changes to support ROCm 6.x compilers.
    • Update desul submodule to afbd448.
    • Replace internal use of HIP and CUDA platform macros to their newer versions to support latest compilers.
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • Change internal memory allocation for HIP to use coarse-grained pinned memory, which improves performance because it can be cached on a device.
    • Fix compilation error resulting from incorrect namespacing of OpenMP execution policy.
    • Several fixes to internal implementaion of Reducers and Operators.

Version 2023.06.1 -- Release date 2023-08-16

This release contains various smaller RAJA improvements.

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

    • Add compile time block size optimization for new reduction interface.
    • Changed default stream usage for Workgroup constructs to use the stream associated with the default (camp) resource. Previously, we were using stream zero. Specifically, this change affects where we memset memory in the zeroed device memory pool and where we get device function pointers for WorkGroup.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • RAJA_ENABLE_OPENMP_TASK CMake option added to enable/disable algorithm options based on OpenMP task construct. Currently, this only applies to RAJA's OpenMP sort implementation. The default is 'Off'. The option allows users to choose a task implementation if they wish.
    • Resolve several compiler warnings.
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • Fix compilation of GPU occupancy calculator and use common types for HIP and CUDA backends in the occupancy calculator, kernel policies, and kernel launch helper routines.
    • Fix direct cudaMalloc/hipMalloc calls and memory leaks.

Version 2023.06.0 -- Release date 2023-07-06

This release contains new features to improve GPU kernel performance and some bug fixes. It contains one breaking change described below and an execution policy deprecation also described below. The policy deprecation is not a breaking change in this release, but will result in a breaking change in the next release.

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

    • In this release the loop_exec execution policy is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. RAJA has had two sequential execution policies for some time, seq_exec and loop_exec. When using the seq_exec execution policy, RAJA would attach #pragma novector, or similar depending on the compiler, to loop kernel execution. This prevented a compiler from vectorizing a loop, even if it was correct to do so. When the loop_exec policy was specified, the compiler was allowed to apply any optimizations, including SIMD, that its heuristics determined were appropriate. In this release, seq_exec behaves the same as how loop_exec behaved historically. The loop_exec and associated policies such as loop_atomic, loop_reduce, etc. are type aliases to the analogous seq_exec policies. This prevents breaking user code with this release. However, users should prepare to switch loop_exec policies to the seq_exec policy variants in the future.
    • GPU global (thread and block) indexing has been refactored to abstract indexing in a given dimension. The result is that users can now specify a block size or a grid size at compile time or get those values at run time. You can also ignore blocks and index only with threads and vice versa. Kernel and launch policies are now shared. Such policies are now multi-part and contain global indexing information, a way to map global indices like direct or strided loops, and have a synchronization requirement. The synchronization allows one to request that all threads complete even if some have no work so you can synchronize a block. Aliases have been added for all of the pre-existing policies and some are deprecated in favor of policies named more consistently. One BREAKING CHANGE is that thread loop policies are no longer safe to block synchronize. That feature still exists but can only be accessed with a custom policy. The RAJA User Guide contains descriptions of the new policy mechanics.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • Update BLT submodule to v0.5.3
    • Update camp submodule to v2023.06.0
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • Fixes a Windows build issue due to macro file definition logic in a RAJA header file. RAJA_COMPILER_MSVC was not getting defined properly when building on a Windows platform using a compiler other than MSVC.
    • Kernels using the RAJA OpenMP target back-end were not properly seg faulting when expected to do so. This has been fixed.
    • Various improvements, compilation and execution, in RAJA SIMD support.
    • Various improvements and additions to RAJA tests to cover more end-user cases.

Version 2022.10.5 -- Release date 2023-02-28

This release fixes an issue that was found after the v2022.10.4 release.

  • Fixes CUDA and HIP separable compilation option that was broken before the v2022.10.0 release. For the curious reader, the issue was that resources were constructed and calling CUDA/HIP API routines before either runtime was initialized.

Version 2022.10.4 -- Release date 2022-12-14

This release fixes an issue that was found after the v2022.10.3 release.

  • Fixes device alignment bug in workgroups which led to missing symbol errors with the AMD clang compiler.

Version 2022.10.3 -- Release date 2022-12-01

This release fixes a few issues that were found after the v2022.10.2 release.

Notable changes include:

  • Update camp submodule to v2022.10.1

  • Update BLT submodule to commit 8c229991 (includes fixes for crayftn + hip)

  • Properly export 'roctx' target when CMake variable RAJA_ENABLE_ROCTX is on.

  • Fix CMake logic for exporting desul targets when desul atomics are enabled.

  • Fix the way we use CMake to find the rocPRIM module to follow CMake best practices.

  • Add missing template parameter pack argument in RAJA::statement::For execution policy construct used in RAJA::kernel implementation for OpenMP target back-end.

  • Change to use compile-time GPU thread block size in RAJA::forall implementation. This improves performance of GPU kernels, especially those using the RAJA HIP back-end.

  • Added RAJA plugin support, including CHAI support, for RAJA::launch.

  • Replaced 'DEVICE' macro with alias to 'device_mem_pool_t' to prevent name conflicts with other libraries.

  • Updated User Guide documentation about CMake variable used to pass compiler flags for OpenMP target back-end. This changed with CMake minimum required version bump in v2022.10.0.

  • Adjust ordering of BLT and camp target inclusion in RAJA CMake usage to fix an issue with projects using external camp vs. RAJA submodule.

Version 2022.10.2 -- Release date 2022-11-08

This release fixes a few issues that were found after the v2022.10.1 patch release and updates a few things. Sorry for the churn, folks.

Notable changes include:

  • Update desul submodule to commit e4b65e00.

  • CUDA compute architecture must now be set using the 'CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES' CMake variable. For example, by passing '-DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=70' to CMake for 'sm_70' architecture. Using '-DCUDA_ARCH=sm_*' will not no longer do the right thing. Please see the RAJA User Guide for more information.

  • A linking bug was fixed related to the usage of the new RAJA::KernelName capability.

  • A compilation bug was fixed in the new reduction interface support for OpenMP target offload.

  • An issue was fixed in AVX compiler checking logic for RAJA vectorization intrinsic capabilities.

Version 2022.10.1 -- Release date 2022-10-31

This release updates the RAJA release number in CMake, which was inadvertently missed in the v2022.10.0 release.

Version 2022.10.0 -- Release date 2022-10-28

This release contains new features, bug fixes, and build improvements. Please see the RAJA user guide for more information about items in this release.

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

    • Introduced a new RAJA::forall and reduction interface that extend the execution behavior of reduction operations with RAJA::forall. The main difference with the pre-existing reduction interface in RAJA is that reduction variables and operations are passed into the RAJA::forall method and lambda expression instead of using the lambda capture mechanism for reduction objects. This offers flexibility and potential performance advantages when using RAJA reductions as the new interface enables the ability to integrate with programming model back-end reduction machinery directly, for OpenMP and SYCL for example. The interface also enables user-chosen kernel names to be passed to RAJA::forall for performance analysis annotations that are easier to understand. Example codes are included as well as a description of the new interface and comparison with the pre-existing interface in the RAJA User Guide.
    • Added support for run time execution policy selection for RAJA::forall kernels. Users can specify any number of execution policies in their code and then select which to use at run time. There is no discussion of this in the RAJA User Guide yet. However, there are a couple of example codes in files RAJA/examples/dynamic-forall.cpp.
    • The RAJA::launch framework has been moved out of the experimental namespace, into the RAJA:: namespace, which introduces an API change.
    • Add support for all RAJA segment types in the RAJA::launch framework.
    • Add SYCL back-end support for RAJA::launch and dynamic shared memory for all back-ends in RAJA::launch. These changes introduce API changes.
    • Add additional policies to WorkGroup construct that allow for different methods of dispatching work.
    • Add special case implementations to CUDA atomicInc and atomicDec functions to use special hardware support when available. This can result in a significant performance boost.
    • Rework HIP atomic implementations to support more native data types.
    • Added RAJA_UNROLL_COUNT macro which enables users to unroll loops for a fix unroll count.
    • Major User Guide rework:
      • New RAJA tutorial sections, including new exercise source files to work through. Material used in recent RADIUSS/AWS RAJA Tutorial.
      • Cleaned up and expanded RAJA feature sections to be more like a reference guide with links to associated tutorial sections for implementation examples.
      • Improved presentation of build configuration sections.
  • Build changes / improvements:

    • Submodule updates:
      • BLT updated to v0.5.2 release.
      • Camp updated to v2022.10.0 release.
    • The minimum CMake version required has changed. For a HIP build, CMake 3.23 or newer is required. For all other builds CMake 3.20 or newer is required.
    • OpenMP back-end support is now off by default to match behavior of all other RAJA parallel back-end support. To enable OpenMP, users must now run CMake with the -DENABLE_OPENMP=On option.
    • Support OpenMP back-end enablement in a HIP build configuration.
    • RAJA_ENABLE_VECTORIZATION CMake option added to enable/disable new SIMD/SIMT vectorization support. The default is 'On'. The option allows users to disable if they wish.
    • Improvements to build target export mechanics coordinated with camp, BLT, and Spack projects.
    • Improve HIP builds to better support evolving ROCm software stack.
    • Add CMake variable RAJA_ALLOW_INCONSISTENT_OPTIONS and CMake messages to allow users more control when using CMake dependent options. When CMake is run, the code now checks for cases when RAJA_ENABLE_X=On and but ENABLE_X=Off. Previously, this was confusing because X would not be enabled despite the value of the RAJA-specific option.
    • Build system refactoring to make CMake configurations more robust; added test to check for installed CMake config.
    • Added basic support to compile with C++20 standard.
    • Add missing compilation macro guards for HIP and CUDA policies in vectorization support when not running on a GPU device.
    • Various compiler warnings squashed.
  • Bug fixes / improvements:

    • Expanded test coverage to catch more cases that users have run into.
    • Various fixes in SIMD/SIMT support for different compilers and versions users have hit recently. Also, changes to internal implementations to improve run time performance for those features.

Version 2022.03.1 -- Release date 2022-08-10

This release contains a bug fix.

Notable changes include:

  • Fix for guarding GPU vectorization when not running on the device.

Version 2022.03.0 -- Release date 2022-03-15

This release contains new features, bug fixes, and build improvements. Please see the RAJA user guide for more information about items in this release.

Notable changes include:

  • Important note: As of this release, the coordinated release of RAJA Portability Suite components (RAJA, Umpire, CHAI) will be tagged as YYYY.MM.pp for year, month, and patch number. For example, This release is tagged as 2022.03.0 meaning March 2022 release. The intent is to indicate that all components with a common year-month release tag are compatible and to make the association amongst them clear for users. If an individual component requires a patch release independent of the others, the release for that component will be labeled 2022.03.1, for example, to indicate that it is one patch release beyond the original combined Suite release.

  • New features / API changes:

    • BREAKING CHANGE: RAJA OffsetLayout constructor was changed to take (begin, end) args (where end is one past the last index) instead of (first, last) args (where last index was included). This is consistent with expected behavior and other RAJA Layout/View concepts.
    • New experimental features that support SIMD/SIMT programming by guaranteeing vectorization without the need to rely on compiler auto-vectorization. Basic documentation for this is included in the RAJA User Guide and should provide enough description for interested users to try it out.
    • "Flatten" policies were added for RAJA Teams. This reshapes multi-dimensional GPU thread blocks to 1D.
    • RAJA Teams now allows a single execution policy to be provided. Previously, it required two; e.g., a CPU policy and a GPU policy.
    • ROCTX support has been added to enable kernel naming with RAJA Teams.
    • Details of CUDA and HIP errors are now added to the reported exception string. Previously, this information was going to stderr.
    • All CUDA execution policies have been expanded to allow users to specify a minimum number of blocks per SM, if they wish to do that. An analogous capability for HIP execution policies is being hashed out.
    • Changes were made to RAJA scans to address a consistency issue and allow const pointers to be passed as the input span.
    • RAJA View pointer type is fixed to properly allow CHAI ManagedArray type to be passed through to View instead of the raw pointer type. This fixes an issue where some required CHAI memory transfers were not occurring.
    • A "combining adapter" concept has been added that allows multi-dimensional loops to be run using one-dimensional interfaces. Please see the RAJA User Guide for more description.
    • Additional feature support and improvements have been made to the RAJA SYCL back-end (please see the RAJA User Guide for more information):
      • "nontrivially copyable" SYCL interface has been removed (i.e., 'RAJA::sycl_exec_nontrivial<...>' and 'RAJA::SyclKernelNonTrivial<...>') as these constructs are no longer needed when using recent updates to the Intel OneAPI compiler. Execution is now dispatched based on the C++ 'is_trivially_copyable' type trait.
      • Support for RAJA::kernel loop tiling policies is now available for SYCL execution.
      • The naming scheme for SYCL 'group' and 'local' policies has been changed from 1-based to 0-based for block dimensions.
      • The use of the SYCL atomic OneAPI extension namespace has been cleaned up.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • AS OF THIS RELEASE, RAJA REQUIRES CMAKE version 3.14.5 or newer.
    • The BLT submodule is updated to v0.5.0, which includes improved support for ROCm/HIP builds. Although the option CMAKE_HIP_ARCHITECTURES to specify the HIP target architecture is not available until CMake version 3.21, the option is supported in the new BLT version and works with all versions of CMake.
    • The camp submodule is updated to v2022.03.0. If you do not use the RAJA submodule and build RAJA with an external version of camp, you will need to use camp v2022.03.0 or newer.
    • The "RAJA_" prefix has been added to all CMake options. Options that shadow a CMake or BLT option are turned into cmake_dependent_option calls, ensuring that they can be controlled independently and have the correct dependence on the underlying CMake or BLT support; e.g., RAJA_ENABLE_CUDA requires ENABLE_CUDA.
    • The camp_DIR export has been removed. Camp paths will be searched using the default logic which is consistent with camp.
    • The raja-config.cmake package file is now "relocatable", meaning it can be moved to another directory location after an install and still work. This should make it easier to use for applications that use RAJA and CMake, but do not use BLT.
    • CMake logic for using CUB in RAJA for a CUDA build has been changed. The default behavior is now that when the CUDA version is < 11, the RAJA CUB submodule will be used. When the CUDA version is >= 11, the CUB version that is included in the associated CUDA toolkit will be used. Users have the ability to override these defaults and select a specific version of CUB if they wish.
    • CMake logic for using rocPRIM in RAJA for a HIP build is similar. The default behavior is now that when the HIP version is < 4, the RAJA rocPRIM submodule will be used. When the HIP version is >= 4, the rocPRIM version that is included in the associated ROCm toolkit will be used. Users have the ability to override these defaults and select a specific version of rocPRIM if they wish.
    • The RAJA Spack package was updated to include the version of this release and address some issues.
    • Added a concept of RAJA_HIP_ACTIVE that mirrors RAJA_CUDA_ACTIVE.
    • The CMake option RAJA_ENABLE_HIP_INDIRECT_FUNCTION_CALL has been removed. Now the choice is made based on the rocm compiler version.
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • A bug in TBB non-inplace scan implementation was fixed.
    • RAJA StaticLayout was fixed to avoid compiler warnings due to converting a negative integer value to an unsigned integral type.
    • Various improvements, updates, and fixes (formatting, typos, etc.) in RAJA User Guide.

Version v0.14.1 -- Release date 2021-11-15

This is a patch release for v0.14.0. It updates the camp submodule to v0.2.3 and fixes a couple of broken macro include guards in RAJA.

Version v0.14.0 -- Release date 2021-08-20

This release contains new features, bug fixes, and build improvements. Please see the RAJA user guide for more information about items in this release.

Notable changes include:

  • New features / API changes:

    • Initial release of some SYCL execution back-end features for supporting Intel GPUs. Users should be able to exercise RAJA::forall, basic RAJA::kernel, and reductions. Future releases will contain additional RAJA feature support for SYCL.
    • Various enhancements to the experimental RAJA "teams" capability, including documentation and complete code examples illustrating usage.
    • The RAJA "teams" interface was expanded to initial support for RAJA resources.
    • The RAJA "teams" interface was expanded to allow users to label kernels with name strings to easily attribute execution timings and other details to specific kernels with NVIDIA profiling tools, for example. Usage information is available in the RAJA User Guide. Kernel naming will be available for all other RAJA kernel execution methods in a future release.
    • Deprecated sort and scan methods taking iterators have been removed, Now, these methods take RAJA span arguments. For example, (begin, end) args are replaced with RAJA::make_span(begin, N), where N = end - begin. Please see the RAJA User Guide documentation for scan and sort operations for details and usage examples.
    • Sort and scan methods now accept an optional resource argument.
    • Methods were added to the RAJA::kernel API to accept a resource argument; specifically 'kernel_resource' and 'kernel_param_resource'. These kernel methods return an Event object similar to the RAJA::forall interface.
    • Kernel launch methods for the RAJA "teams" interface now use the CAMP default resource based on the specified execution back-end. Future work will expand the interface to allow users to pass a resource object.
    • RAJA resource support added to RAJA workgroup and worksite constructs.
    • OpenMP CPU multithreading policies have been reworked so that usage involving OpenMP scheduling are consistent. Specification of a chunk size for scheduling policies is optional, which is consistent with native OpenMP usage. In addition, no-wait policies are more constrained to prevent potentially non-conforming (to the OpenMP spec) usage. Finally, additional policy type aliases have been added to make common use cases less verbose. Please see the RAJA policy documentation in the User Guide for policy descriptions.
    • Host implementation of HIP atomics added.
    • Add ability to specify atomic to use on the host in CUDA and HIP atomic policies (i.e., added host atomic template parameter), This is useful for host-device decorated lambda expressions that may be used for either host or device execution. It also fixes compilation issues with HIP atomic compilation in host-device contexts.
    • The RAJA Registry API has been changed to return raw pointers to registry objects rather than shared_ptr type. This is better for performance.
    • New content has been added to the RAJA Developer Guide available in the Read The Docs Sphinx documentation. This should help folks align their work with RAJA processes when making contributions to RAJA.
    • Basic doxygen source code documentation is now available via a link in our Read The Docs Sphinx documentation.
    • Unified memory implementation for storing indices in TypedListSegment, which was marked deprecated in v0.12.0 release has been removed. Now, TypedListSegment constructor requires a camp resource object to be passed which indicates the memory space where the indices will live. Specifically, the array of indices passed to the constructor by a user (assumed to live in host memory for the "owned" case) will be copied to an internally owned allocation in the memory space defined by the resource object.
    • The ListSegment constructor takes a resource by value now, previously taken by reference, which allows more resource argument types to be passed more seamlessly to the List Segment constructor.
    • 'CudaKernelFixedSM' and 'CudaKernelFixedSMAsync' methods were added which allow users to specify the minimum number of thread blocks to launch per SM. This resulted in a performance improvement for an application use case. Future work will expand this concept to other GPU kernel execution methods in RAJA.
    • RAJA Modules is deprecated and no longer uses the "-fmodules" flag since it can cause issues. The RAJA_ENABLE_MODULES option will be removed in the next release.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • Update BLT submodule to latest release, v0.4.1.
    • Update camp submodule to latest tagged release, v0.2.2
    • The RAJA_CXX_STANDARD_FLAG CMake variable was removed. The BLT_CXX_STD variable is now used instead.
    • Support for building RAJA as a shared library on Windows has been added.
    • A build system adjustment was made to address an issue when RAJA is built with an external version of camp (e.g., through Spack).
    • The build default has been changed to use the version of CUB that is installed in the specified version of the CUDA toolkit, if available, when CUDA is enabled. Similarly, for the analogous functionality in HIP. Specific versions of these libraries can still be specified for a RAJA build. Please see the RAJA User Guide for details.
    • The build system now uses the BLT cmake_dependent_options support for options defined by BLT. This avoids shadowing of BLT options by options defined in RAJA and in the cases where RAJA is used as a sub-module in another BLT project. For example, it provides the ability to disable RAJA tests and examples at a more fine granularity.
    • Checks were added to the RAJA CMake build system to check for minimum required versions of CUDA (9.2) and HIP (3.5).
    • A build system bug was fixed so that targets for third-party dependencies provided by BLT (e.g., CUDA and HIP) are exported properly. This allows non-BLT projects to use the imported RAJA target.
    • An issue was fixed to appease the MSVC 2019 compiler.
    • Improvements to build system to address HIP linking issues.
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • HIP and CUDA block reductions were tweaked to fix the number of steps in the final wavefront/warp reduction. This saves a couple rounds of warp shfls.
    • A runtime bug resulting from defaulted View constructors not being implemented correctly in CUDA 10.1 is fixed. This fixes an issue with CHAI managed arrays not having their copy constructor being triggered properly.
    • Fix bug that caused a CUDA or HIP synchronization error when a zero length loop was enqueued in a workgroup.
    • Added missing HIP workgroup unordered execution policy, so HIP version is consistent with CUDA version.
    • Fixed issue where the RAJA non-resource API returns an EventProxy object with a dangling resource pointer, by getting a reference to the default resource for the execution context.
    • IndexSet utility methods for collecting indices into a separate container now work with any index type.
    • The volatile qualifier was removed from a type conversion function used in RAJA atomics. This fixes a performance issue with HIP where the value was written to stack memory during type conversion.
    • Numerous improvements, updates, and fixes (formatting, typos, etc.) in RAJA User Guide.

Version v0.13.0 -- Release date 2020-10-30

This release contains new features, bug fixes, and build improvements. Please see the RAJA user guide for more information about items in this release.

Notable changes include:

  • New features:

    • Execution policies for the RAJA HIP back-end and examples have been added to the RAJA User Guide and Tutorial.
    • Strongly-typed indices now work with Multiview.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • Update BLT to latest develop branch (SHA-1: cbe99c93d)
    • Added option to enable/disable runtime plugin loading. This is now off by default. Previously, it was always enabled and there was no way to disable it.
  • Bug fixes/improvements:

    • Issues have been addressed so that the OpenMP target back-end is now working properly for all supported features. This has been verified with multiple clang compilers, including clang 10, and the XL compiler.
    • Various data structures have been made trivially copyable to ensure they are mapped properly to device memory with OpenMP target execution.
    • Numerous improvements and fixes (formatting, typos, etc.) in User Guide.

Version v0.12.1 -- Release date 2020-09-09

This release contains fixes for errors when using a CUDA build with a non-CUDA compiler and compiler warnings, plus some other bug fixes related to OpenMP target compilation.

Version v0.12.0 -- Release date 2020-09-03

This release contains new features, notable changes, and bug fixes. Please see the RAJA user guide for more information about items in this release.

Notable changes include:

  • Notable repository change:

    • The 'master' branch in the RAJA git repo has been renamed to 'main'.
  • New features:

    • New RAJA "work group" capability added. This allows multiple GPU kernels to be fused into one kernel launch, greatly reducing the run time overhead of launching CUDA kernels.
    • Added support for dynamic plug-ins in RAJA, which enable the use of things like Kokkos Performance Profiline Tools to be used with RAJA (
    • Added ability to pass a resource object to RAJA::forall methods to enable asynchronous execution for CUDA and HIP back-ends.
    • Added "Multi-view" that works like a regular view, except that it can wrap multiple arrays so their accesses can share index arithmetic.
    • Multiple sort algorithms added. This provides portable parallel sort operations, which are basic parallel algorithm building blocks.
    • Introduced RAJA "Teams" concept as an experimental feature. This enables hierarchical parallelism and additional nested loop patterns beyond what RAJA::kernel supports. Please note that this is very much a work-in-progress and is not yet documented in the user guide.
    • Added initial support for dynamic loop tiling.
    • New OpenMP execution policies added to support static, dynamic, and guided scheduling.
    • Added support for const iterators to be used with RAJA scans.
    • Support for bitwise "and" and "or" reductions have been added.
    • The RAJA::kernel interface has been expanded to allow only segment index arguments used in a lambda to be passed to the lambda. In previous versions of RAJA, every lambda invoked in a kernel had to accept an index argument for every segment in the segment tuple passed to RAJA::kernel execution templates, even if not all segment indices were used in a lambda. This release still allows that usage pattern. The new capability requires an additional template parameter to be passed to the RAJA::statement::Lambda type, which identifies the segment indices that will be passed and in which order.
  • API Changes:

    • The RAJA 'VarOps' namespace has been removed. All entities previously in that namespace are now in the 'RAJA' namespace.
    • RAJA span is now public for users to access and has been made more like std::span.
    • RAJA::statement::tile_fixed has been moved to RAJA::tile_fixed (namespace change).
    • RAJA::statement::{Segs, Offsets, Params, ValuesT} have been moved to RAJA::{Segs, Offsets, Params, ValuesT} (namespace change).
    • RAJA ListSegment constructors have been expanded to accept a camp Resource object. This enables run time specification of the memory space where the data for list segment indices will live. In earlier RAJA versions, the space in which list segment index data lived was a compile-time choice based on whether CUDA or HIP was enabled and the data resided in unified memory for either case. This is still supported in this release, but is marked as a DEPRECATED FEATURE. In the next RAJA release, ListSegment construction will require a camp Resource object. When compiling RAJA with your application, you will see deprecation warnings if you are using the deprecated ListSegment constructor.
    • A reset method was added to OpenMP target offload reduction classes so they contain the same functionality as reductions for all other back-ends.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • The BLT, camp, CUB, and rocPRIM submodules have all been updated to more recent versions. Please note that RAJA now requires rocm version 3.5 or newer to use the HIP back-end.
    • Build for clang9 on macosx has been fixed.
    • Build for Intel19 on Windows has been fixed.
    • Host/device annotations have been added to reduction operations to eliminate compiler warnings for certain use cases.
    • Several warnings generated by the MSVC compiler have been eliminated.
    • A couple of PGI compiler warnings have been removed.
    • CMake improvements to make it easier to use an external camp or CUB library with RAJA.
    • Note that the RAJA tests are undergoing a substantial overhaul. Users, who chose to build and run RAJA tests, should know that many tests are now being generated in the build space directory structure which mimics the RAJA source directory structure. As a result, only some test executables appear in the top-level 'test' subdirectory of the build directory; others can be found in lower-level directories. The reason for this change is to reduce test build times for certain compilers.
  • Bug fixes:

    • An issue with SIMD privatization with the Intel compiler, required to generate correct code, has been fixed.
    • An issue with the atomicExchange() operation for the RAJA HIP back-end has been fixed.
    • A type issue in the RAJA::kernel implementation involving RAJA span usage has been fixed.
    • Checks for iterator ranges and container sizes have been added to RAJA scans, which fixes an issue when users attempted to run a scan over a range of size zero.
    • Several type errors in the Layout.hpp header file have been fixed.
    • Several fixes have been made in the Layout and Static Layout types.
    • Several fixes have been made to the OpenMP target offload back-end to address host-device memory issues.
    • A variety of RAJA User Guide issues have been addressed, as well as issues in RAJA example codes.

Version v0.11.0 -- Release date 2020-01-29

This release contains new features, several notable changes, and some bug fixes.

Notable changes include:

  • New features:

    • HIP compiler back-end added to support AMD GPUs. Usage is essentially the same as for CUDA. Note that this feature is considered a work-in-progress and not yet production ready. It is undocumented, but noted here, for friendly users who would like to try it out.
    • Updated version of camp third-party library, which includes variety of portability fixes. Most users should not need to concern themselves with the details of camp.
    • Added new tutorial material and exercises.
    • Documentation improvements.
  • API Changes:

    • None.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • RAJA version number is now accessible as #define macro variable constants so that users who need to parameterize their code to support multiple RAJA versions can do this more easily. See the file RAJA/include/RAJA/config.hpp for details. RAJA version numbers are also experted as CMake variables.
    • Added support to link to external camp library. By default, the camp git submodule will be used. If you prefer to use a different version of camp, set the RAJA CMake variable 'EXTERNAL_CAMP_SOURCE_DIR' to the location of the desired camp directory.
    • BLT submodule (CMake-based build system) has been updated to latest BLT release (v0.3.0). The release contains a new version of GoogleTest, which required us to modify our use of gtest macros and our own testing macros. For the most part, this change should be invisible to users. However, the new GoogleTest does not work with CUDA versions 9.1.x or earlier. Therefore, if you compile RAJA with CUDA enabled and also wish to enable RAJA tests, you must use CUDA 9.2.x or newer.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed various issues to make internal implementations more robust, resolved issues with non fully-qualified types in some places, and work arounds for some compiler issues.

Version v0.10.0 -- Release date 2019-10-31

This release contains new features, several notable changes, and some bug fixes.

Notable changes include:

  • New features:

    • Added CUDA block direct execution policies, which can be used to map loop iterations directly to CUDA thread block. These are analogous to the pre-existing thread direct policies. The new block direct policies can provide better performance for kernels than the block loop policies when load balancing may be an issue. Please see the RAJA User Guide for a description of all available RAJA execution policies.
    • Added a plugin registry feature that will allow plugins to be linked into RAJA that can act before and after kernel launches. One benefit of this is that RAJA no longer has an explicit CHAI dependency if RAJA is used with CHAI. Future benefits will include integration with other tools for performance analysis, etc.
    • Added a shift method to RAJA::View, which allows one to create a new view object from an existing one that is shifted in index space from the original. Please see the RAJA User Guide for details.
    • Added support for RAJA::TypedView and RAJA::TypedOffsetLayout, so that the index type can be specified as a template parameter.
    • Added helper functions to convert a RAJA::Layout object to a RAJA::OffsetLayout object and RAJA::TypedLayout to RAJA::TypedOffsetLayout. Please see the RAJA User Guide for details.
    • Added a bounds checking option to RAJA Layout types as a debugging feature. This is a compile-time option that will report user errors when given View or Layout indices are out-of-bounds. See View/Layout section in the RAJA User Guide for instructions on enabling this and how this feature works.
    • We've added a RAJA Template Project on GitHub, which shows how to use RAJA in an application, either as a Git submodule or as an externally installed library that you link your application against. It is available here: It is also linked to the main RAJA project page on GitHub.
    • Various user documentation improvements.
  • API Change.

    • The type alias RAJA::IndexSet that was marked deprecated previously has been removed. Now, all index set usage must use the type RAJA::TypedIndexSet and specify all segment types (as template parameters) that the index set may potentially hold.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fix for issue in OpenMP target offload back-end that previously caused some RAJA Performance Suite kernels to seg fault when built with the XL compiler.
    • Removed an internal RAJA class constructor to prevent users to do potentially incorrect, and very difficult to hunt down, things in their code that are technically not supported in RAJA, such as inserting RAJA::statement::CudaSyncThreads() in arbitrary places inside a lambda expression.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • RAJA now enforces a minimum CUDA compute capability of sm_35. Users can use the CMake variable 'CUDA_ARCH' to specify this. If not specified, the value of sm_35 will be used and an informational message will be emitted indicating this. If a user attempts to set the value lower than sm_35, CMake will error out and a message will be emitted indicating why this happened.
    • Transition to using camp as a submodule after its open source release (
    • Made minimum required CMake version 3.9.
    • Update BLT build system submodule to newer version (SHA-1 hash: 96419df).
    • Cleaned up compiler warnings in OpenMP target back-end implementation.

Version v0.9.0 -- Release date 2019-07-25

This release contains feature enhancements, one breaking change, and some bug fixes.

  • Breaking change
    • The atomic namespace in RAJA has been removed. Now, use atomic operations as RAJA::atomicAdd(), not RAJA::atomic::atomicAdd(), for example. This was done to make atomic usage consistent with other RAJA features, such as reductions, scans, etc.

Other notable changes include:

  • Features

    • The lambda statement interface has been extended in the RAJA kernel API. Earlier, when multiple lambda expressions were used in a kernel, they were required to all have the same arguments, although not all arguments had to be used in each lambda expression. Now, lambda arguments may be specified in the RAJA::statement::Lambda type so that each lambda expression need only take the arguments it uses. However, the previous usage pattern will continue to be supported. To support the new interface, new statement types have been introduced to indicate iteration space variables (Segs), local variable/array parameters (Params), and index offsets (Offsets). The offsets can be used with a For statement as a replacement for the ForICount statement. The new API features are described in the RAJA User Guide.
    • Minloc and maxloc reductions now support a tuple of index values. So now if you have a nested loop kernel with i, j, k loops, you can get the 'loc' value out as an i, j, k triple.
  • Bug Fixes:

    • Small change to make RAJA Views work properly with OpenMP target kernels.
    • Changes to fix OpenMP target back-end for XL compilers.
    • Fix build issue with older versions of GNU compiler.
    • Fixes to resolve issues associated with corner cases in choosing improper number of threads per block or number of thread blocks for CUDA execution policies.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • A few minor portability improvements

Version v0.8.0 -- Release date 2019-03-28

This release contains one major change and some minor improvements to compilation and performance.

Major changes include:

  • Build system updated to use the latest version of BLT (or close to it). Depending on how one builds RAJA, this could require changes to how information is passed to CMake. Content has been added to the relevant sections of the RAJA User Guide which describes how this is done.

Other notable changes include:

  • Features (These are not yet documented and should be considered experimental. There will be documentation and usage examples in the next RAJA release.)

    • New thread, warp, and bitmask policies for CUDA. These are not yet documented and should be considered experimental.
    • Added AtomicLocalArray type which returns data elements wrapped in an AtomicRef object.
  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed issue in RangeStrideSegment iteration.
    • Fix 'align hint' macro to eliminate compile warning when XL compiler is used with nvcc.
    • Fix issues associated with CUDA architecture level (i.e., sm_*) set too low and generated compiler warning/errors. Caveats for RAJA features (mostly atomic operations) available at different CUDA architecture levels added to User Guide.
  • Performance Improvements:

    • Some performance improvements in RAJA::kernel usage with CUDA back-end.

Version v0.7.0 -- Release date 2019-02-07

This release contains several major changes, new features, a variety of bug fixes, and expanded user documentation and accompanying example codes. For more information and details about any of the changes listed below, please consult the RAJA documentation for the 0.7.0 release which is linked to our Github project.

Major changes include:

  • RAJA::forallN methods were marked deprecated in the 0.6.0 release. They have been removed. All applications that contain nested loops and have been using forallN methods should convert them to use the RAJA::kernel interface.
  • RAJA::forall methods that take explicit loop bounds rather than segments
    (e.g., RAJA::forall(beg, end, ...) were marked deprecated in the 0.6.0 release. They have been removed. Hopefully, this will result in faster compile times due to simpler template resolution. Users who have been passing loop bounds directly to forall methods should convert those cases to use RAJA segments instead.
  • CUDA execution policies for use in RAJA::kernel policies have been significantly reworked and redefined. The new set of policies are much more flexible and provide improved run time performance.
  • New, improved support for loop tiling algorithms and support for CPU cache blocking, CUDA GPU thread local data and shared memory is available. This includes RAJA::kernel policy statement types to make tile numbers and local tile indices available in user kernels (TileTCount and ForICount statement types), and a new RAJA::LocalArray type with various CPU and GPU memory policies. Due to these new features, RAJA 'shmem window' statements have been removed.
  • This release contains expanded documentation and example codes for the RAJA::kernel interface, including loop tiling algorithms and support for CPU cache blocking, CUDA GPU thread local data and shared memory.

Other notable changes include:

  • Features:

    • Initial support for OpenMP target execution policies with RAJA::kernel added.
    • The RAJA::AtomicRef interface is now consistent with the C++20 std::atomic_ref interface.
    • Atomic compare-exchange operations added.
    • CUDA reduce policies no longer require a thread-block size parameter.
    • New features considered preliminary with no significant documentation or examples available yet:
      • RAJA::statement::Reduce type for use in RAJA::kernel execution policies. This enables the ability to perform reductions and access reduced values inside user kernels.
      • Warp-level execution policies added for CUDA.
  • Performance improvements:

    • Better use of inline directives to improve likelihood of SIMD instruction generation with the Intel compiler.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Several CHAI integration issues resolved.
    • Resolve issue with alignx directive when using XL compiler as host compiler with CUDA.
    • Fix issue associated with how XL compiler interprets OpenMP region definition.
    • Various tweaks to camp implementation to improve robustness.
  • Build changes/improvements:

    • The minimum required version of CMake has changed to 3.8 for all programming model back-ends, except CUDA. The minimum CMake version for CUDA support is 3.9.
    • Improved support for clang-cuda compiler. Some features still do not work with that compiler.
    • Update NVIDIA cub module to version 1.8.0.
    • Enable use of 'BLT_SOURCE_DIR' CMake variable to help prevent conflicts with BLT versions in RAJA and other libraries used in applications.

Version v0.6.0 -- Release date 2018-07-27

This release contains two major changes, a variety of bug fixes and feature enhancements, and expanded user documentation and accompanying example codes.

Major changes include:

  • RAJA::forallN methods are marked deprecated. They will be removed in the 0.7.0 release.
  • RAJA::forall methods that take loop bounds rather than segments (e.g., RAJA::forall(beg, end, ...) are marked deprecated. They will be removed in the 0.7.0 release.
  • RAJA::nested has been replaced with RAJA::kernel. The RAJA::kernel interface is much more flexible and full featured. Going forward, it will be the supported interface for nested loops and more complex kernels in RAJA.
  • This release contains new documentation and example codes for the RAJA::kernel interface. The documentation described key features and summarizes available 'statement' types. However, it remains a work-in-progress and expanded documentation with more examples will be available in future releases.
  • Documentation of other RAJA features has been expanded and improved in this release along with additional example codes.

Other notable changes include:

  • New or improved features:

    • RAJA CUDA reductions now work with host/device lambdas
    • List segments now work with RAJA::kernel loops.
    • New and expanded collection of build files for LC and ALCF machines. Hopefully, these will be helpful to folks getting started.
  • Performance improvements:

    • Some RAJA::View use cases
    • Unnecessary operations removed in min/max atomics
  • Bug fixes:

    • Issues in View with OffsetLayout fixed.
    • Construction of a const View from a non-const View now works
    • CUDA kernel no longer launched in RAJA::kernel loops when iteration space has size zero

Version v0.5.3 -- Release date 2018-01-31

This is a bugfix release that fixes bugs in the IndexSetBuilder methods. These methods now work correctly with the strongly-typed IndexSet.

Version v0.5.2 -- Release date 2018-01-30

This release fixes some small bugs, including compiler warnings issued for deprecated features, type narrowing, and the slice method for the RangeStrideSegment class.

It also adds a new CMake variable, RAJA_LOADED, that is used to determine whether RAJA's CMakeLists file has already been processed. This is useful when including RAJA as part of another CMake project.

Version v0.5.1 -- Release date 2018-01-17

This release contains fixes for compiler warnings with newer GCC and Clang compilers, and allows strongly-typed indices to work with RangeStrideSegment.

Additionally, the index type for all segments in an IndexSet needs to be the same. This requirement is enforced with a static_assert.

Version v0.5.0 -- Release date 2018-01-11

This release contains a variety of bug fixes, removes nvcc compiler warnings, addition of unit tests to expand coverage, and a variety of other code cleanup and improvements. The most notable changes in this version include:

  • New RAJA User Guide and Tutorial along with a set of example codes that illustrate basic usage of RAJA features and which accompany the tutorial. The examples are in the RAJA/examples directory. The user guide is available online here: RAJA User Guide and Tutorial.

  • RAJA::IndexSet is now deprecated. You may still use it until it is removed in a future release -- you will see a notification message at compile time that it is deprecated.

    Index set functionality will now be available via RAJA::TypedIndexSet where you specify all segment types as template parameters when you declare an instance of it. This change allows us to: remove all virtual methods from the index set, be able to use index set objects to CUDA GPU kernels and all of their functionality, and support any arbitrary segment type even user-defined. Please see User Guide for details.

    Segment dependencies are being developed for the typed index set and will be available in a future release.

  • RAJA::nested::forall changes:

    • Addition of CUDA and OpenMP collapse policies for nested loops. OpenMP collapse will do what the OpenMP collapse clause does. CUDA collapse will collapse a loop nest into a single CUDA kernel based on how nested policies specify how the loop levels should be distributed over blocks and threads.

    • Added new policy RAJA::cuda_loop_exec to enable inner loops to run sequentially inside a CUDA kernel with RAJA::nested::forall.

    • Fixed RAJA::nested::forall so it now works with RAJA's CUDA Reducer types.

    • Removed TypedFor policies. For type safety of nested loop iteration variables, it makes more sense to use TypedRangeSegment since the variables are associated with the loop kernel and not the execution policy, which may be applied to multiple loops with different variables.

  • Fixed OpenMP scans to calculate chunks of work based on actual number of threads the OpenMP runtime makes available.

  • Enhancements and fixes to RAJA/CHAI interoperability.

  • Added aliases for several camp types in the RAJA namespace; e.g., camp::make_tuple can now be accessed as RAJA::make_tuple. This change makes the RAJA API more consistent and clear.

Version v0.4.1 -- Release date 2017-10-11

This release contains a bugfix for warnings when using the -Wpedantic flag.

Version v0.4.0 -- Release date 2017-10-11

This release contains minor fixes for issues in the previous v0.3.1 release, plus some improvements to documentation, reduction performance, improved portability across a growing set of compilers and environments (e.g., Windows), namespace refactoring to avoid cyclic dependencies and leverage argument- dependent lookup, etc. In addition, the RAJA backend for Intel TBB is now off by default, whereas previously it was on by default.

A few major changes are included in this version:

  • Changes to the way RAJA is configured and built. We are now using the BLT build system which is a Git submodule of RAJA. In addition to requiring the '--recursive' option to be passed to 'git clone', this introduces the following major change: RAJA_ENABLE_XXX options passed to CMake are now just ENABLE_XXX.

  • A new API and implementation for nested-loop RAJA constructs has been added. It is still a work in progress, but users are welcome to try it out and provide feedback. Eventually, RAJA::nested::forall will replace RAJA::forallN.

Version v0.3.1 -- Release date 2017-09-21

This release contains some new RAJA features, plus a bunch of internal changes including more tests, conversion of nearly all unit tests to use Google Test, improved testing coverage, and compilation portability improvements (e.g., Intel, nvcc, msvc). Also, the prefix for all RAJA source files has been changed from 'cxx'to 'cpp' for consistency with the header file prefix conversion in the last release. The source file prefix change should not require users to change anything.

New features included in this release:

  • Execution policy modifications and additions:

    • seq_exec is now strictly sequential (no SIMD, etc.)
    • simd_exec will force SIMD vectorization
    • loop_exec (new policy) will allow compiler to optimize however it can, including SIMD.

    So, loop_exec is really what our previous simd_exec policy was before, and 'no vector' pragmas have been added to all sequential implementations.

    NOTE: SIMD changes are still being evaluated with different compilers on different platforms. More information will be provided as we learn more.

  • Added support for atomic operations (min, max, inc, dec, and, or, xor, exchange, and CAS) for all programming model backends. These appear in the RAJA::atomic namespace.

  • Support added for Intel Threading Building Blocks backend (considered experimental at this point).

  • Added macros that will be used to mark features for future deprecation (please watch for this as we will be deprecating some features in the next release).

  • Added support for C++17 if CMake knows about it.

  • Remove limit on number of ordered OpenMP reductions that can be used in a kernel.

  • Remove compile-time error from memutils, add portable aligned allocator.

  • Improved ListSegment implementation.

  • RAJA::Index_type is now ptrdiff_t instead of int.

Notable bug fixes included in this release:

  • Fixed strided_numeric_iterator to apply stride sign in comparison.

  • Bug in RangeStrideSegment when using CUDA is fixed.

  • Fixed reducer logic for openmp_ordered policy.

Version v0.3.0 -- Release date 2017-07-13

This release contains breaking changes and is not backward compatible with prior versions. The largest change is a re-organization of header files, and the switch to .hpp as a file extension for all headers.

New features included in this release:

  • Re-organization of header files.

  • Renaming of file extensions.

  • Rudimentary OpenMP 4.5 support.

  • CHAI support.

Version v0.2.5 -- Release date 2017-03-28

This release includes some small fixes, as well as an initial re-organization of the RAJA header files as we move towards a more flexible usage model.

Version v0.2.4 -- Release date 2017-02-22

This release includes the following changes:

  • Initial support of clang-cuda compiler.

  • New, faster OpenMP reductions.

N.B. The default OpenMP reductions are no longer performed in a ordered fashion, so results may not be reproducible. The old reductions are still available with the policy RAJA::omp_reduce_ordered.

Version v0.2.3 -- Release date 2016-12-15

Hotfix to update the URLs used for fetching clang during Travis builds.

Version v0.2.2 -- Release date 2016-12-14

Bugfix release that address an error when launching forall cuda kernels with a 0-length range.

Version v0.2.1 -- Release date 2016-12-07

This release contains fixes for compiler warnings and removes the usage of the custom FindCUDA CMake package.

Version v0.2.0 -- Release date 2016-12-02

Includes internal changes for performance and code maintenance.

Version v0.1.0 -- Release date 2016-06-22

Initial release.