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Segmentation of Thoracic Organs Using Pixel Shuffle

This code was written for participation in the SegTHOR: Segmentation of THoracic Organs at Risk in CT images. The code is based on the corresponding paper, where we employ deep learning approach and explore two concepts: attention mechanism and pixel shuffle as an upsampling operator. The method in this repository differs from the one described in the paper by a few aspects: we have changed the backbone from ResNet to ResNeXt and added a postprocessing step.

An example of the final segmentation:

The visualization is done with ITK-SNAP.

Network Architecture

It is a 3D UNet with ResNext blocks. The architecture consists of decoding and encoding paths with skip-connections between them. We employed strided convolutions for downsampling in encoder and pixel-shuffle for upsampling in decoder.


The Dice index and Hausdorff distance are reported for each organ (esophagus, heart, trachea, aorta). For local validation, the scores are reported without post-processing and test time augmentation. The number in the brackets is the leaderboard placement by the time of this commit.

Esophagus (D) Heart (D) Trachea (D) Aorta (D)
CV 5 0.8249 0.9475 0.9007 0.9310
SegTHOR Test 0.8646 (3) 0.9423 (18) 0.9172 (10) 0.9369 (13)

The Hausdorff distance is reported in voxels. For test, scores include post-processing and test time augmentation, the Hausdorff distance is reported in mm.

Esophagus (H) Heart (H) Trachea (H) Aorta (H)
CV 5 13.14vx 47.28vx 37.79vx 22.26vx
SegTHOR Test 0.2847 (4) 0.1883 (13) 0.2178 (13) 0.1658 (10)


Download checkpoint with the following



  • Ubuntu* 16.04
  • Python* 3.6
  • NVidia* GPU for training
  • 32GB RAM for inference


  1. Create virtual environment

    virtualenv venv -p python3 --prompt="(segthor)"
  2. Activate virtual environment and setup OpenVINO variables:

    . venv/bin/activate
    . /opt/intel/openvino/bin/

    TIP: Good practice is adding . /opt/intel/openvino/bin/ to the end of the venv/bin/activate.

    echo ". /opt/intel/openvino/bin/" >> venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the module

    pip3 install -e .


  1. Download the SegTHOR dataset
  2. Create the directory tree
  3. Prepare the training dataset
  4. Run the training

Creating the Directory Tree

The data directory should contain two subdirectories: preprocessed data for training and original data.

+-- data
|   +-- original
|   +-- preprocessed

The models directory should contain all the experiments you run. Your new experiments will be added here.

+-- models
|   +-- ..

Prepare the Training Dataset

python tools/ \
  --input_path data/train \
  --output_path data/experimental \
  --new_scale 1 1 2.5

You should get a set of folders in the output_path with preprocessed data. The data can be visualized with ITK-SNAP.

Run Training

Run the script:

python3 tools/ \
  --batchSize 2 \
  --nEpochs 10 \
  --splits 5 \
  --threads 12 \
  --train_path data/train_resampled1_1_25_cropped \
  --name test_run \
  --models_path models \
  --gpus 2

The tensorboard log will be accessible in the models\test_run\logs folder.

How to Perform Prediction

Ensure that the test directory contains a series of CT samples in the NIfTI format with the .nii.gz extension.

Run Test

python3 tools/ --name pai_0620 \
  --models_path=models \
  --data_path=data/test \
  --output_path=data/output_062 \
  --new_scale 1 1 2.5

Run test with OpenVINO™

  1. Download and setup OpenVINO™

  2. Run

python3.6 tools/ \
  -i test \
  -o models/pai_0620/test \
  -m models/pai_0620/pai_0620_export.xml \
  -l /opt/intel/openvino/inference_engine/lib/intel64/ \
  -nthreads 12


  title={Segmentation of Thoracic Organs Using Pixel Shuffle.},
  author={Lachinov, Dmitry}

SegTHOR citation

Roger Trullo, C. Petitjean, Su Ruan, Bernard Dubray, Dong Nie, and Dinggang Shen.
Segmentation of organs at risk in thoracic CT images using a sharpmask architecture and
conditional random fields. In 14th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
(ISBI), pp. 1003-1006, 2017.