This page will provide a clear steps on how you can add support for new binds
- Step 1: Create new Annotation for this bind in easyadapter module.
annotation class BindNew (
val viewId : String,
...Extra fields if needed
- Step 2: In easyadapter-compiler module create new class that extend BindingData class.
data class BindingNewData (
...Override abstract fields.
...Add Extra fields if you need them.
) : BindingData() {
...Override generateFieldBinding method to write code generator for this bind
- Step 3: Support parsing this bind annotation in Adapter Parser.
element.getAnnotation( {
...You can check the annotated field type if needed
val binding = BindingNewData(elementName, it.viewId)
- Step 4: Support parsing this bind annotation in KSP Adapter Parser.
if (it.isAnnotationPresent(BindNew::class)) {
...You can check the annotated field type if needed
val annotation = it.getAnnotationsByType(BindNew::class).first()
val binding = BindingNewData(elementName, annotation.viewId)
Now you are done, enjoy the new bind annotation.