Install foundry.
NOTE: foundry.toml must contain "gas_price = 1000000000" for tests to pass
cd contracts
forge install # Install submodule dependencies
forge build # Compile contracts
forge test # Run tests
forge test --mt CommitDkg -vvvvv # Run a specific test
Measure coverage by installing the vscode extension: coverage gutters
forge coverage --report lcov
- alias fw="forge test --watch --run-all"
- alias ft="forge test --watch -vvv --match-test"
- alias fc="forge coverage --report lcov" DKG Scenarios Rebalancing and Grouping Scenarios
Static analysis has been conducted on our smart contracts to ensure that they are secure and free of bugs. In addition, we offer a tool to help analyze slitehr output. Details can be found here:
Create a .env
following the .env.example
to it or set them in the environment.
# automatically generates a new block as soon as a transaction is submitted
# see .env for more deployment addresses
forge script script/ControllerLocalTest.s.sol:ControllerLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast
# nodes addresses are generated from index 10 by mnemonic "test test test test test test test test test test test junk"(anvil default)
# offset and length can be set by STAKING_NODES_INDEX_OFFSET and STAKING_NODES_INDEX_LENGTH in .env
forge script script/StakeNodeLocalTest.s.sol:StakeNodeLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast -g 150
See crate arpa-node
for details.
deploy the user contract(GetRandomNumberExample
) and request a randomness:
# this should be executed after we have an available group as logging e.g."Group index:0 epoch:1 is available, committers saved." in node terminal
forge script script/GetRandomNumberLocalTest.s.sol:GetRandomNumberLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast
cast call [contract_deployment_address] [function_signature] [function_input_params]
cast send [contract_deployment_address] [function_signature] [function_input_params] --private-key [sender_private_key]
cast rpc [rpc_method_name] [rpc_method_input_params]
cast receipt [transaction_hash]
Deployment steps:
forge script script/OPControllerOracleLocalTest.s.sol:OPControllerOracleLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:9545 --broadcast
# update the L2 contract addresses in .env
forge script script/ControllerLocalTest.s.sol:ControllerLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast
# update the L1 contract addresses in .env
forge script script/OPControllerOracleInitializationLocalTest.s.sol:OPControllerOracleInitializationLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:9545 --broadcast
forge script script/InitStakingLocalTest.s.sol:InitStakingLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast -g 150
forge script script/StakeNodeLocalTest.s.sol:StakeNodeLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast -g 150
Run nodes:
cd crates/arpa-node
cargo run --bin node-client -- -c test/conf/config_test_1.yml
cargo run --bin node-client -- -c test/conf/config_test_2.yml
cargo run --bin node-client -- -c test/conf/config_test_3.yml
Request randomness:
# L1
forge script script/GetRandomNumberLocalTest.s.sol:GetRandomNumberLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:8545 --broadcast
# L2
forge script script/OPGetRandomNumberLocalTest.s.sol:OPGetRandomNumberLocalTestScript --fork-url http://localhost:9545 --broadcast
Some view calls:
# to check if the latest group info is relayed to L2
cast call <L1ControllerAddress> "getGroup(uint256)" 0 --rpc-url
cast call <L2ControllerOracleAddress> "getGroup(uint256)" 0 --rpc-url
# to check if the randomness is successfully fulfilled on L2
cast call <L2AdapterAddress> "getLastRandomness()(uint256)" --rpc-url