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File metadata and controls

193 lines (164 loc) · 12.4 KB


This file provides documentation on the underlying schema; try to keep it up to date if you make changes.


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
course_name text Course name, e.g. Mathematics
course_number text Course number, e.g. 18


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
active boolean true once owner activates, not visible to students until then
class_name text Class name, e.g. Algebra I
class_number text Class number, e.g. 18.701 (master subject)
class_numbers text[] Class numbers (includes master subject and all cross-listed subjects)
year smallint Calendar year
term smallint Encoding of semester 0=IAP, 1=spring, 2=summer, 3=fall
owner_kerb text[] responsible faculty member (only one who can activate the course)
owner_name text full name of responsible faculty member
instructor_kerbs[] text[] list of instructor kerbs who can view pset groups for the class
homepage text course homepage (not currently used)
match_dates date[] dates to match students in pool (sorted). Least date >= today will be advertised as the pool date
size smallint number of rows in classlist with class_id = id (read/write ratio is high, so worth maintaining)


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres (not MIT id)
departments text[] List of course_numbers in departments table, e.g. ["18"] or ["6","18"]
email text (not currently used, we just email
kerb text kerberos id (lookup column for this table)
full_name text e.g. "Smith, Johnathan" (or "Johnathan Smith") taken from Touchstone/people API
last_login timestamp time of last login (note browser cookies may make this infrequent)
last_seen timestamp time last seen (only updated when more than an hour has passed)
preferred_name text e.g. John Smith
preferred_pronouns text e.g. they/them
toggles jsonb used to cache toggles on home page


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres (not MIT id)
departments text[] List of course_numbers in departments table, e.g. ["18"] or ["6","18"]
description text Student's public description of themself (not currently used)
email text (not currently used, we just email
gender text optional, currently female, male, or non-binary (optional)
hours boolean[] a list of 7x24=168 booleans indicating hours available to pset (in timezone)
kerb text kerberos id (lookup column for this table)
location text currently near or far (but will eventually include dorms, ILGs, etc...
full_name text e.g. "Smith, Johnathan" (or "Johnathan Smith") taken from Touchstone/people API
last_login timestamp time of last login (note browser cookies may make this infrequent)
last_seen timestamp time last seen (only updated when more than an hour has passed)
preferred_name text e.g. John Smith
preferred_pronouns text e.g. they/them
preferences jsonb dictionary of preferences (see Preferences tab)
strengths jsonb dictionary of preference strength (values are integers from 0 to 10)
timezone text ('MIT' means MIT's timezone, America/NewYork)
toggles jsonb used to cache toggles on home page
year smallint 1=frosh, 2=soph, 3=junior, 4=senior/super-senior, 5=graduate student
conduct boolean set when student acknowledges the code of conduct
blocked_kerbs text[] list of kerbs of students this student will never be put in a group with (not currently used)


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
class_id bigint id in classes table
class_number text class number (copied from class)
class_numbers text class numbers (copied from class)
year smallint year of class (e.g. 2020)
term smallint term of class (e.g. 3 = Fall)
group_name text system generated alliterative name (cannot be changed)
description text free text editable by all editors
link text optional URL the group uses (e.g. Zoom link, Slack stream, ...)
visibility smallint 0=invitation, 1=permission, 2=automatic, 3=public
preferences jsonb optional group preferences; if unspecified, system constructs something from member preferences
strengths jsonb preference strengths
creator text kerb of the student who created the group, empty string for system created groups
created timestamp timesttamp set when group is created (used to determine when to follow up for system created groups)
editors text[] list of kerbs of students authorized to modify the group (empty list means everyone)
size smallint number of rows in grouplist with group_id=id (read/write ratio is high, so worth maintaining)
max smallint maximum number of students (None if no limit, may be less than size due to edits)
match_run smallint only set for system created groups (creator=''), incremented with each matching
request_id bigint id in request_table (if this is not None there is a pending request and we should not make another)
uncap_requested boolean True if an uncap request has ever been sent to this group


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
class_id bigint id in classes table
student_id bigint id in students table
kerb text kerberos id of student (copied from students table for convenience)
class_number text class number (copied from classes table for convenience)
year smallint year of class (copied from classes table for convenience)
term smallint term of class (copied from classes table for convenience)
properties jsonb class-specific student properties such as commentment/confidence that may have associated affinity preferences (names should not collide with student properties)
preferences jsonb copied from student preferences initially but may be modified
strengths jsonb copied from student strengths initially but may then be modified
status smallint 0 = unmatched, no pending gaction, 1 = in a group, 2 = in pool, 3 = match requested, 4 = unused, 5 = pool match in progress
status_timestamp timestamp set whenever status changes (currently used to timeout match requests after 24 hours and to delay checkins by 72 hours)
checkin_pending boolean set when student is automatically assigned to a group, cleared when checkin is done


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
class_id bigint id in classes_table
group_id bigint id in groups table
student_id bigint id in students table
kerb text kerberos ud of student (copied from students table for convenience)
class_number text class number (copied from classes table for convenience)
year smallint year of class (copied from classes table for convenience)
term smallint term of class (copied for convenience)


(rows are moved here from grouplist whenver a student leaves a group)

Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
class_id bigint id in classes_table
group_id bigint id in groups table
student_id bigint id in students table
kerb text kerberos ud of student (copied from students table for convenience)
class_number text class number (copied from classes table for convenience)
year smallint year of class (copied from classes table for convenience)
term smallint term of class (copied for convenience)


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
kerb text kerberos ud of user (student or instructor)
event text type of event (e.g. login, join, leave, pool, match, ...)
detail jsonb details associated to the even (e.g. group id or class id)
timestamp timestamp time of event (always in MIT time, no timezone)
status smallint status code -- 0 means informational, nonzero is some sort of error


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
sender_kerb text kerberos of of sender (empty string for system messages)
recipient_kerb text kerberos of of recipient (who will see the message on their home page)
type text type of message (e.g. welcome, notify, accepted, newgroup, ...)
content text the HTML content of the message (will appear inside a p element)
timestamp timestamp time message was sent
read boolean set when user acknowledges messages by clicking ok


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
timestamp timestamp timestamp of request (in MIT time, no timezone)
group_id bigint id of group to whom reqeust was made
student_id bigint id of student on whose behalf the request was made
kerb text kerberos id of student on whose behalf the request was made


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
name text name of survey (e.g. "End of term survey")
start date start of survey window
end end end of survey window


Column Type Notes
id bigint unique identifier automatically assigned by postgres
timestamp timestamp timestamp of response
survey_id bigint id of survey
kerb text kerberos id of respondent
response jsonb dictionary of responses