MLModel is the complete model of a machine-learning algorithm. It serves as the base class for all machine learning models on Angel. A complex machine-learning algorithm usually needs multiple PSModel to work together, and MLModel provides unified handling of these PSModels.
MLModel is an abstract class and needs to be inherited in implementing a specific machine-learning algorithm. It is a container class that handles all the PSModels in the algorithm; all the PSModels in it will be loaded, trained and saved as an overall model. In addition, MLModel contains the logic of the predict
- Definition:
def predict(storage: DataBlock[predictType]): DataBlock[PredictResult]
- Functionality: get model predictions (given a trained model); procedures of this method need to be implemented in specific PSModel
- Parameters: storage: DataBlock[predictType], data
- Return value: DataBlock[PredictResult], prediction result on provided data
- Definition:
- Definition:
def setSavePath(conf: Configuration)
- Functionality: set save path for model
- Parameters: conf: Configuration, job configuration
- Return value: none
- Definition:
- Definition:
def setLoadPath(conf: Configuration)
- Functionality: set load path for model
- Parameters: conf: Configuration, job configuration
- Return value: none
- Definition:
- Definition:
def addPSModel(name: String, psModel: PSModel[_])
- Functionality: add a new PSModel to MLModel
- Parameters:
- name: String, PSModel name
- psModel: PSModel[_], PSModel object
- Return value: none
- Definition:
- Definition:
def getPSModel(name: String): PSModel[_]
- Functionality: retrieve PSModel object with its name
- Parameters: name: String, PSModel name
- Return value: a PSModel object
- Definition: