😍 Thank you for contributing to World's Best Dad! 😍
I aim to make World's Best Dad as fast, robust and reliable as possible, while also allowing for extensive customization.
If you spot anywhere that I could trim some expense and improve performance, I will gladly accept new issues or PRs! 😄
World's Best Dad source files are linted with flutter_lints. I recommend you to add this dependency in your pubspec.yaml & use it at all times.
flutter_lints: ^[latest version] # for e.g. ^2.0.1
World's Best Dad source files are formatted with FLutter's Default Code Formatter, see Formatting Documentation for more info.
This is my preferred process for opening a PR on GitHub:
- Fork this repository
- Create a branch off of
for your work:git checkout -b my-feature-branch
- Make some changes, committing them along the way
- When your changes are ready for review, push your branch:
git push origin my-feature-branch
- Create a pull request from your branch to
- No need to assign the pull request to me, I'll review it when I can
- When the changes have been reviewed and approved, I will squash and merge for you