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Prepare for Deployment

Note: Make sure you deploy only in the regions where Pinpoint is supported.

The config.json.sample file has all the variables that are required during serverless deployment.

  • Copy the file content and create a new config.json file with updated values before deployment.
  • The sample config file has only one stage dev for the development purpose.
  "dev": {
    "region": "us-west-1",
    "memorySize": "128",
    "userPoolName": "serverless-docs-userpool",
    "normalWebClient": "client1",
    "hostedWebClient": "client2",
    "identityPoolName": "serverless_docs_idp",
    "authenticationProviders": {
      "googleAppId": "",
      "googleAppSecret": "",
      "googleAuthScopes": "email openid"
    "serverlessdocs-website-bucket": "serverless-docs-frontend",
    "cognito-signin-domain": "serverless-docs-mydomain",
    "adminGroupName": "Admin",
    "pinpointAppName": "serverless-docs-pinpoint",
    "emailConfig": {
      "verifiedEmailAddress": "",
      "verifiedEmailArn": ""
    "whiteListedDomains": ",",
    "whiteListedEmails": "," 

Note: verifiedEmailAddress and verifiedEmailArn are both mandatory. Please verify an email address before deploying the backend.

  • Use latest Serverless Framework and deploy using the sls deploy --stage <stage name>
  • Once deployed, go to the CloudFormation stage in AWS console and copy the Output Variables.
  • Output variables will be required in the serverless-docs-frontend/app-config.js file.

Make sure you put proper domain name or email in the whiteListedDomains and whiteListedEmails, otherwise users will not be able to signup.

The application is deployed using the latest Serverless Framework version.

$ serverless --version
Framework Core: 2.16.1
Plugin: 4.3.0
SDK: 2.3.2
Components: 3.4.3


Once the configuration file is ready, use the serverless deploy command to deploy the application.

serverless deploy --stage dev --region us-west-2 --verbose

Configure Frontend

If the deployment is successful, the command prompt will show the bunch of variables and their values. These values are required to configure in the serverless-docs-frontend/app-config.js file.