description |
List of available commands |
This page is a reference that serves as a list of available commands. For addon commands, consult the below page here:
{% content-ref url="" %} {% endcontent-ref %}
Nitrocid KS currently provides the following commands (you can see their definitions in the help command list):
Commands | Arguments and Switches |
addgroup |
<groupname> |
adduser |
<username> [password] |
addusertogroup |
<username> <group> |
admin |
alias |
<rem/add> <shelltype> <alias> [cmd] |
beep |
blockdbgdev |
<ipaddress> |
bulkrename |
<targetdir> <pattern> [newname] |
cat |
[-lines|-nolines|-plain] <file> |
cdir |
changes |
chattr |
<file> <add/rem> <attr> |
chdir |
<directory/..> |
chhostname |
<hostname> |
chklock |
[-waitforunlock] <file> |
chlang |
[-usesyslang|-user] <language> |
chmal |
[message] |
chmotd |
[message] |
choice |
[-o|-t|-m|-a] [-single|-multiple] <answers> <input> [title] [title2] [...] |
chpwd |
<username> <pass> <newpass> <newpass> |
chusrname |
<oldusername> <newusername> |
cls |
combinestr |
<input> <input2> [input3] [...] |
combine |
<output> <input> <input2> [input3] [...] |
convertlineendings |
[-w|-u|-m] [-force] <text> |
copy |
<source> <target> |
date |
[-date|-time|-full] [-utc] |
debugshell |
decodebase64 |
<encoded> |
decodefile |
[-key] [-iv] <file> [algorithm] |
decodetext |
[-key] [-iv] <text> [algorithm] |
dirinfo |
<directory> |
disconndbgdev |
<ip> |
diskinfo |
<disknum> |
dismissnotif |
<num> |
dismissnotifs |
echo |
[-noparse] <text> |
edit |
[-text|-sql|-json|-hex] <file> |
encodebase64 |
<text> |
encodefile |
[-key] [-iv] <file> [algorithm] |
encodetext |
[-key] [-iv] <text> [algorithm] |
fileinfo |
<file> |
find |
[-recursive] [-exec] <file> <directory> |
findreg |
[-recursive] [-exec] <fileRegex> <directory> |
fork |
get |
[-outputpath] <url> |
getaddons |
[-reinstall] |
getallexthandlers |
getconfigvalue |
[-set=variable] <config> <variable> |
getdefaultexthandler |
<extension> |
getdefaultexthandlers |
getexthandlers |
<extension> |
getkeyiv |
[algorithm] |
host |
hwinfo |
<type> |
if |
<expression> <command> |
ifm |
input |
<question> |
inputpass |
<question> |
jsonbeautify |
<jsonfile> <output> |
jsonminify |
<jsonfile> <output> |
langman |
<reload/load/unload> <customlangname> |
<list/reloadall> |
license |
lintscript |
<script> |
list |
[-showdetails] [-suppressmessages] [-recursive|-tree] [directory] |
lockscreen |
logout |
lsconfigs |
-deep |
lsconfigvalues |
<config> |
lsconnections |
lsdbgdev |
lsdiskparts |
<disknum> |
lsdisks |
lsexthandlers |
lsnet |
lsvars |
md |
<directory> |
mkfile |
<file> |
modman |
<start/stop/info/reload/install/uninstall> <modfilename> |
<list/reloadall/stopall/startall> |
modmanual |
<modname> |
move |
<source> <target> |
partinfo |
<disknum> <partnum> |
pathfind |
<filename> |
perm |
<username> <allow/revoke> <perm> |
permgroup |
<groupname> <allow/revoke> <perm> |
ping |
[-times] <address1> [address2] [...] |
platform |
[-r|-v|-b|-c|-n] |
put |
<filename> <url> |
rdebug |
reboot |
[ip/safe/maintenance/debug] [port] |
reloadconfig |
retroks |
rexec |
<address> <port> <command> |
rm |
<target> |
rmsec |
<target> |
rmuser |
<username> |
rmgroup |
<groupname> |
rmuserfromgroup |
<username> <groupname> |
saveconfig |
savescreen |
[-select] [saver] |
search |
<regex> <file> |
searchword |
<phrase> <file> |
select |
<answers> <input> [title] [title2] [...] |
setexthandler |
<extension> <implementer> |
setsaver |
<saver> |
settings |
[-saver|-addonsaver|-splash|-type] |
set |
<value> |
setrange |
<value> [value2] [value3] [...] |
shownotifs |
showtd |
showtdzone |
[-all] [-selection] <timezone> |
shutdown |
[ip] [port] |
sleep |
<ms> |
sudo |
<command> |
sumfile |
[-relative] <algorithm/all> <file> [output] |
sumfiles |
[-relative] <algorithm/all> <dir> [output] |
symlink |
<linkname> <target> |
taskman |
themeprev |
[theme] |
themeset |
[-y] [theme] |
unblockdbgdev |
<address> |
unset |
[-justwipe] <$variable> |
unzip |
[-createdir] <zipfile> [path] |
update |
uptime |
usermanual |
verify |
<algorithm> <calculatedhash> <hashfile/expectedhash> <file> |
version |
[-m|-k] |
whoami |
winelevate |
wraptext |
[-columns=num] <file> |
zip |
[-fast|-nocomp] [-nobasedir] <zipfile> <path> |
The below commands are available to all the shells, either built-in or your custom shells:
Commands | Arguments and Switches |
exec |
[-forked] <process> [args] |
exit |
help |
[-general|-mod|-alias|-addon|-unified|-all] [command] |
loadhistories |
presets |
repeat |
<times> [command] |
savehistories |
tip |
wrap |
<command> |
In addition to the built-in commands, we also have commands for other shells.
This shell provides you administrative tools. The following commands are available:
Commands | Arguments and Switches |
arghelp |
[argument] |
bootlog |
cdbglog |
clearfiredevents |
journal |
lsevents |
lsusers |
userflag |
<user> <admin/anonymous/disabled> <false/true> |
userinfo |
[user] |
userlang |
<user> <lang/clear> |
This shell provides debug information. Here are the currently supported commands:
Commands | Arguments and Switches |
currentbt |
debuglog |
<sessionnum> |
excinfo |
<excnum> |
getfieldvalue |
<field> |
getpropertyvalue |
<property> |
keyinfo |
lsaddonfields |
<addon> |
lsaddonfuncs |
<addon> |
lsaddonprops |
<addon> |
lsaddons |
lsfields |
[-suppress] |
lsproperties |
[-suppress] |
lsshells |
previewsplash |
[-splashout] [-context] <splashname> |
showmainbuffer |
The hex shell allows you to edit files byte by byte. You can use the following commands:
Commands | Arguments and Switches |
addbyte |
<byte> |
addbytes |
addbyteto |
<byte> <pos> |
clear |
delbyte |
<bytenumber> |
delbytes |
<startbyte> [endbyte] |
exitnosave |
print |
[startbyte] [endbyte] |
querybyte |
<byte> [startbyte] [endbyte] |
replace |
<byte> <replacedbyte> |
save |
tui |
The text editor shell allows you to easily manipulate with the text files. You can use the below commands:
Commands | Arguments and Switches |
addline |
<text> |
addlines |
clear |
delcharnum |
<charnum> <linenum> |
delline |
<linenum> [linenum2] |
delword |
<word/phrase> <linenum> [linenum2] |
editline |
<linenum> |
exitnosave |
print |
[linenum] [linenum2] |
querychar |
<char> <linenum/all> [linenum2] |
queryword |
<word/phrase> <linenum/all> [linenum2] |
querywordregex |
<regex> <linenum/all> [linenum2] |
replace |
<word/phrase> <word/phrase> |
replaceinline |
<word/phrase> <word/phrase> <linenum/all> [linenum2] |
replaceregex |
<regex> <word/phrase> |
replaceinlineregex |
<regex> <word/phrase> <linenum/all> [linenum2] |
save |