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###[Q] Ask good! Please see [ask] and The perfect question.
###[Q] Give me teh codez plz
###[Q] Many formatting issues
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###[Q] Ask OP to edit question instead of adding info in comments Please [edit] your post to include any additional information you have to your question. Avoid adding this in the comments, as they are harder to read and can be deleted easier. The edit button for your post is just below the post's tags.
###[Q] Code as image Please don't post your code as an image.
###[Q] "It doesn't work" with no exception/error details Can you elaborate on how your code "doesn't work"? What were you expecting, and what actually happened? If you got an exception/error, post the line it occurred on and the exception/error details. Please [edit] these details in or we may not be able to help.
###[Q] Too many ways to solve the problem There are too many ways to approach this problem. The answers would just turn into a straw-poll for which one people liked. The best thing is to do some research on the topic yourself, find two or three, analyze them, determine if they work for you or not, and try them out. Come to us when you have a specific question about something you have attempted to do.
###[Q] "Why won't it work?" questions with no code It seems you have a problem with your code. However, we can't help unless we have code or information that can reproduce the problem. Otherwise, we are just blindly guessing.
###[Q] "Need to make program" but no question All that has been posted is a program description. However, we need you to ask a question. We can't be sure what you want from us. Please [edit] your post to include a valid question that we can answer. Reminder: make sure you know what is on-topic here, asking us to write the program for you and suggestions are off-topic.
###[Q] Need to make changes to existing (missing) code We won't know how to make the changes to your existing code base without seeing your original code. Please post a minimal example of what needs to change, and fully explain what needs to be modified.
###[Q] "Where do I start?" question Questions that ask "where do I start" are typically too broad and are not a good fit for this site. People have their own method for approaching the problem and because of this there cannot be a correct answer. Give a good read over Where to Start, then address your post.
###[Q] More than one question asked It is preferred if you can post separate questions instead of combining your questions into one. That way, it helps the people answering your question and also others hunting for at least one of your questions.
###[Q] Asking for code translation
###[Q] Non English question Please write your question in English, since $SITENAME$ is an English site.
###[Q] Software Rec. question Unfortunately, questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic here. However, you may find better luck SoftwareRecs.SE. Remember to read their question requirements as they are more strict than this site.
###[Q] CodeReview question It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their requirements as they are a bit more strict than this site.