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What's New In LevelledMobs 4.0

Penal Buffalo edited this page Feb 15, 2024 · 5 revisions
This page was last updated for LevelledMobs 4.0.0 b1

Here is a summary of what's new and changed in LevelledMobs 4.0 (work in progress)

LM 4.0 is a fork of the existing 3.x codebase from 3.15.0 b821 and converted into Kotlin. This is a change of plan from the original vision which was to start a new code base from scratch with completely different rules and settings. After achieving code parity with the existing live version, new features were added one by one.

New features

  • An API was added for easy 3rd party integration
  • custom formula support for multipliers
  • custom strategy supporting user supplied formulas
  • new external-plugins condition that replaces level-plugins and includes user defined plugin detection
  • new file externalplugins.yml where users can add definitions to detect mobs from any 3rd party plugin. Can also define a placeholder than can be used in nametags and other places.

Changed features

  • project-wide namespace was changed to io.github.arcaneplugins.levelledmobs. This will break existing 3rd party integrations into LevelledMobs.
  • commands /lm rules show-rule, /lm rules show-all and /lm rules show-effective have a much better formatted output with friendly names for each value and is grouped into categories.

Removed features

  • removed support for Minecraft versions 1.18 and older
  • rule priority is now completely gone

Bug fixes

  • no longer will mobs receive a small empty nametag when used with certain rule configurations


  • changed to Gradle from Maven
  • most commands use dashes instead of underscores (such as /lm rules show-rule)
  • the console logger uses a different format
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