- V
- Switched to PvP versioning and started with v1.0.0.0
- Switched to GHC 9.6.6 and stackage resolver lts-22.43
- V 0.10.0: Changes for schema version 0.5.1: implemented license validation according to the SPDX License List (https://spdx.org/licenses), Version: 3.25.0 2024-08-19
- V 0.9.0: Changes for schema version 0.5.0 (0.4.0 was skipped): a number of files and directories became mandatory and got fixed names, so their paths can be excluded from the NASSA.yml file. The package integrity checks are a bit more organised now
- V 0.8.0: Added validation of the ORCID identifier
- V 0.7.0: Adapted checks on softwareDependencies to nassa-schema v0.3.0
- V 0.6.1: Discarded checks on designDetailsFile field
- V 0.6.0: Added all the necessary mechanisms to make nassa aware of the NASSA standard versions of modules
- V 0.5.0: Added a cli subcommand validate
- V 0.4.2: Implemented more correct ORCID parsing
- V 0.4.1: Solved an issue with column truncation in the list subcommand
- V 0.4.0: A whole number of breaking changes to the main yml file data structure, and more sophisticated read-time validation (including for .bib files)
- V 0.3.0: Added more programming languages: Java, Julia, C#, Ruby, Processing
- V 0.2.0: Some small changes to NASSA.yml field checks, some general refactoring and added checks if files/dirs referenced in the .yml file actually exist
- V 0.1.0: First prototype for a representative selection of variables in NASSA.yml files