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File metadata and controls

1083 lines (883 loc) · 48.1 KB


Schemaless Attributes

In order to use the HasSchemalessAttributes trait, you will need to ensure the model has the correct casting applied:


use ...;
use Spatie\SchemalessAttributes\Casts\SchemalessAttributes;

class User extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'extra_attributes' => SchemalessAttributes::class,

Component Examples

This file contains basic examples and explains the parameters that can be used for the components.



<x-ark-input type="email" name="my-input" :label="trans('forms.email_address')" :value="old('email')" :errors="$errors" />

Parameter Description Required
name input name, will also be used as id if none specified yes
errors laravel error bag yes
label label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified no
type input type, can be the general HTML types. Defaults to text no
placeholder placeholder value no
value default value to show, can be used with laravel's old('value') functionality no
model livewire model to attach to no
id id of the input, by default name is used no
tooltip content of the tooltip, will be shown next to the label no
tooltip-class allows additional classes for the tooltip no


<x-ark-textarea name="my-textarea" :errors="$errors" />

Parameter Description Required
name input name, will also be used as id if none specified yes
errors laravel error bag yes
label label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified no
model livewire model to attach to no
rows amount of rows to show, defaults to 10 no
readonly whether the input is readonly or not no
id id of the input, by default name is used no


<x-ark-checkbox name="my-checkbox" />

Parameter Description Required
name input name, will also be used as id if none specified yes
class allows additional classes for the component no
verticalPosition allows to reposition the checkbox. Default alignment is middle. no
label label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified no
labelClasses allows additional classes for the label no
model livewire model to attach to no
checked whether the input is checked or not no
disabled whether the input is disabled or not no
id id of the input, by default name is used no
value value of the input no
right right-aligns the checkbox. Default alignment is left no

Radio Button

<x-ark-radio name="my-radio-button" />

Parameter Description Required
name input name, will also be used as id if none specified yes
label label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified no
model livewire model to attach to no
checked whether the input is checked or not no
disabled whether the input is disabled or not no
id id of the input, by default name is used no


<x-ark-toggle name="my-toggle" :errors="$errors" />

Parameter Description Required
name input name, will also be used as id if none specified yes
label label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified no
model livewire model to attach to no
default default toggle position, defaults to false = unchecked no

Tile Selection

    title="Tile Selection"
    description="Grid boxes for multi-selection"
            'id' => 'reddit',
            'icon' => 'brands.reddit',
            'title' => 'Reddit',
            'checked' => true,
            'id' => 'youtube',
            'icon' => '',
            'title' => 'Youtube',
            'checked' => false,
            'id' => 'windows',
            'icon' => '',
            'title' => 'Windows',
            'checked' => false,
    description="Grid boxes for multi-selection"
            'id' => 'reddit',
            'title' => 'Reddit',
            'checked' => false,
            'id' => 'youtube',
            'title' => 'Youtube',
            'checked' => false,
            'id' => 'windows',
            'title' => 'Windows',
            'checked' => false,
Parameter Description Required
id ID used to identify tile selections yes
title title of options yes
options array to display - requires "id", "title" & "checked" ("icon" is required if not single) yes
description description of options no
model associates a value with livewire component no
single only allows a single option to be selected no
hiddenOptions used for hiding options (e.g. expanding the field) no
class allows additional classes for the component no

Upload Single Image

This component renders an input file for a single image upload.

<x-ark-upload-image-single id="profile" :image="$image""imageSingle" />

It requires the use of a Livewire Component. There is a trait that can be used with your Livewire Component \ARKEcosystem\UserInterface\Components\UploadImageSingle.

  1. Install Compressorjs
yarn add -D compressorjs
  1. Import the following scripts inside the <head> tag of your template.
    <x-ark-pages-includes-compress-image-scripts />
  1. Open vite.config.js file and copy the compress-image.js script into the public folder:


Crop functionality (optional)

  1. Import the following scripts inside the <head> tag of your template.
    <x-ark-pages-includes-crop-image-scripts />
  1. Add cropperjs as a dependency.

yarn add cropperjs

  1. Copy the crop-image.js script into the public folder:


How to use

    dimensions="w-64 h-64"
    upload-text="Upload Screenshot"
    delete-tooltip="Delete Screenshot"
        aspectRatio: 1 / 1,
Parameter Description Required
id The component ID yes
image Object with the image reference (if uploaded) yes
model The two-bindings connection with Livewire Component yes
dimensions Size of the upload component no
upload-text Text to display when no existing image no
delete-tooltip Tooltip text for the delete button no
min-width Minimum width for the image no
min-height Minimum height for the image no
max-width Maximum width for the image no
max-height Maximum height for the image no
width Width of the cropped image no
height Height of the cropped image no
max-filesize Maximum filesize allowed for the image no
with-crop Enable the crop functionality (be sure to import JS files) no
crop-options The cropping plugin options no
crop-title Crop modal title no
crop-message Crop modal message no
crop-modal-width Crop modal max width no
crop-cancel-button ID of the crop modal cancel button no
crop-save-button ID of the crop modal save button no
crop-cancel-button-class Class of the crop modal cancel button no
crop-save-button-class Class of the crop modal save button no
crop-save-icon Whether to show or not the icon on crop modal save button no
crop-fill-color A color to fill any alpha values in the output canvas no
crop-image-smoothing-enabled Set to change if images are smoothed no
crop-image-smoothing-quality Set the quality of image smoothing, one of "low" (default), "medium", or "high" no
crop-endpoint Where to upload the image no
accept-mime List of comma separated mime types no

Upload Multiple Images

This component renders an input file for a multiple image upload.

<x-ark-upload-image-collection id="media" :image="$imageCollection""tempCollection" />

It requires the use of a Livewire Component. There is a trait that can be used with your Livewire Component \ARKEcosystem\UserInterface\Components\UploadImageCollection.

  1. Install Compressorjs
yarn add -D compressorjs
  1. Import the following scripts inside the <head> tag of your template.
    <x-ark-pages-includes-compress-image-scripts />
  1. Open vite.config.js file and copy the compress-image.js script into the public folder:


Sort functionality (optional)

  1. Install Livewire Sortable
yarn add -D livewire-sortable
  1. Add the following snippet to your resources/app.js
import 'livewire-sortable'
// Or.
  1. Add imagesReordered method to handle index reordering when an image is sorted.
public function imagesReordered(array $ids): void
  1. Then, you can use upload-image-collection component with sortable functionality.

How to use

    dimensions="w-64 h-64"
    upload-text="Upload Screenshot"
    delete-tooltip="Delete Screenshot"
Parameter Description Required
id The component ID yes
image Object with the image reference (if uploaded) yes
model The two-bindings connection with Livewire Component yes
dimensions Size of the upload component no
upload-text Text to display when no existing image no
delete-tooltip Tooltip text for the delete button no
min-width Minimum width for the image no
min-height Minimum height for the image no
max-width Maximum width for the image no
max-height Maximum height for the image no
width The width of the output image. If not specified, the natural width of the original image will be used no
height The height of the output image. If not specified, the natural height of the original image will be used no
max-filesize Maximum filesize allowed for the image no
quality The quality of the output image. It must be a number between 0 and 1 no
accept-mime The mime type of the upload image no
upload-error-message Error message to display in case of error during the upload no
sortable Enable the sort functionality (be sure to import JS files) no



<x-ark-navbar title="Deployer" :navigation="[['route' => 'tokens', 'label' => trans('menus.dashboard')]]" />

Parameter Description Required
title used for the "ARK <title>" navbar text yes
navigation an array of route, label pairs for the navbar navigation options yes

Sidebar Links

Sidebar links that automatically change class when they correspond to the active route

<x-ark-sidebar-link :name="trans('menus.tokens.networks')" route="" :params="[$token]" />

Misc Components


Note: Requires various icons to be present to properly work. Relies on Blade SVG to load them.

Simple inline usage with a string message (if not specified, it sets type="info" by default):

<x-ark-alert message="your-message-here" />

The available types are: "info", "success", "warning", "error", "question".

Additionally, you can use it as a block and set the content:

<x-ark-alert type="info" title="Title Override">
    {!! trans('tokens.networks.no_source_provider_alert', ['route' => route('tokens.source-providers', $selectedToken)]) !!}

You can also get a dismissible alert by specifying dismissible, this flag adds a closing button at the end of the title:

<x-ark-alert type="info" dismissible>
    {!! trans('tokens.networks.no_source_provider_alert', ['route' => route('tokens.source-providers', $selectedToken)]) !!}
Parameter Description Required
message Alternative to slot no
type Type of alert box [default=info] no
dismissible Whether the alert box is dismissable or not [default=false] no
title Title override instead of using the generic one based on the type [default=null] no


Note: Requires various icons to be present to properly work. Relies on Blade SVG to load them.

Simple inline usage with a string message (if not specified, it sets type="info" by default):

<x-ark-toast message="your-message-here" />

The available types are: "info", "success", "warning", "error", "question".

Additionally, you can use it as a block and set the content:

<x-ark-alert type="info" title="Account Updated">
    <x-slot name="message">
        Your account has been updated.

To configure click events, you may pass wire-close or alpine-close props to the component depending on whether you want to handle clicks with Livewire or Alpine.

    message="Account updated"
    alpine-click="submit" />

If handling Livewire clicks, you may pass the target prop to the component to set which Livewire method is targeted. When toast is clicked and the targeted method is executed, a loading spinner will be shown instead of the "dismiss" button. You may read more about Livewire targeting on the Livewire docs.

    message="Account updated"
    wire-click="dismiss({{ $id }})"
    target="dismiss" />

Of course, you may pass any additional HTML attributes to the component and they'll be merged with the base HTML attributes in the root element.

    message="Account updated"
    aria-label="Toast" />
Parameter Description Required
message Alternative to slot #message no
type Type of toast box [default=info] no
alpine-click Alpine.js action to run on click [default=null] no
wire-click Livewire action to run on click [default=null] no
target Targeting Livewire method for a loading spinner [default=null] no
title Title override instead of using the generic one based on the type [default=null] no


Parameter Description Required
title Title for accordion open/close option yes
slot Content of accordion yes
dark Whether the styling should be dark mode or not no
border Whether accordion & button should have a border no
leftBorder Whether accordion content should have a left border no
container-class Class for accordion container no
title-class Class for title no
circle-class Class for icon no
circle-size Size of icon no
toggle-title Include "Show"/"Hide" prefix text along with title no
icon-open-class Icon class for when accordion is open no
icon-closed-class Icon class for when accordion is closed no
content-class Class for content no
button-class Class for button no
button-open-class Button class for when accordion is open no
on-toggle JS Method which is called when the accordion is opened or closed no
<x-ark-accordion-group slots="2">
        <p>Title for slot 1</p>
        <p>Content for slot 1</p>

        <p>Title for slot 2</p>
        <p>Content for slot 2</p>
<x-ark-accordion title="Title">
    <p>Content for slot</p>

JS on-toggle

    on-toggle="() => { this.$ = '...'; }"
    <p>Content for slot</p>


<x-ark-clipboard :value="$this->user->password" />


<x-icon name="arrows.chevron-down-small" size="xs" class="md:h-3 md:w-2" />

Chevron toggle component

Shows the chevron icon which rotates based on specific js/alpine criteria

<div x-data="{ containerOpen: false }">
        is-open="containerOpen === true"
Parameter Description Required
is-open JS statement relating to the Alpine parent yes
size Size of the chevron icon in relation to the icon component [default=xs] no

Simple Footer

Only contains date, copyright notice and an link

<x-ark-simple-footer />

Settings Dropdown

<div class="relative">
    <x-settings-dropdown button-class="icon-button w-10 h-10">
        <button class="settings-dropdown-entry">@lang('actions.start')<x-ark-icon name="plus" size="xs" calss="ml-2" /></button>
        <button class="settings-dropdown-entry">@lang('actions.stop')<x-ark-icon name="minus" size="xs" calss="ml-2" /></button>
        <button class="settings-dropdown-entry">@lang('actions.reboot')<x-ark-icon name="reload" size="xs" calss="ml-2" /></button>


    <div>content here</div>
<x-ark-dropdown />
Parameter Description Required Default Value
dropdownProperty The variable name used by Alpine.js no 'dropdownOpen'
initAlpine Enable the dropdown functionality no true
closeOnBlur Enable the close-on-blur functionality no true
closeOnClick Enable the close-on-click functionality no true
dusk Apply a Dusk property for Dusk Tests no null
button Override the default trigger button no false
height Specify height for the content container no false
fullScreen Cover the entire horizontal viewport on smaller screen (until md) no false
buttonClass The class(es) applied to the trigger button no 'text-theme-primary-500'
buttonClassExpanded The class(es) applied to the trigger button when content is visible no 'text-theme-secondary-400 hover:text-theme-primary-500'
wrapperClass The class(es) applied to the wrapper element no ''
dropdownContentClasses The class(es) applied to the content container no null
buttonTooltip Apply the given text as button tooltip no null
disabled This Boolean attribute prevents the user from interacting with the component no false
withPlacement Allows specifying where the dropdown opens using popperjs no null

With Placement

When using the withPlacement property, you need load in the dropdown JS in app.js:

import Dropdown from '@ui/js/dropdown';

window.Dropdown = Dropdown;


Displays a defined number of items and hides the rest, showing a button to show/hide the hidden items. It's possible to add placeholders and define when to show/hide them via css. The remaining items counter is automatically generated and can be displayed by adding a helper css class (2 helpers available).

  • counter-before prepends the counter inside the element. E.g. if the remaining items are 7
<span class="counter-before">+</span>
<!-- outputs -->
<span class="counter-before">7+</span>
  • counter-after appends the counter inside the element. E.g. if the remaining items are 7
<span class="counter-after">+</span>
<!-- outputs -->
<span class="counter-after">+7</span>

As optional, an increment counter is automatically generated too and can be displayed by adding a helper css class (2 helpers available).

  • increment-before prepends the increment inside the element. E.g. for the 3rd item
<span class="increment-before">.</span>
<!-- outputs -->
<span class="increment-before">3.</span>
  • increment-after appends the increment inside the element. E.g. for the 3rd item
<span class="increment-after">.</span>
<!-- outputs -->
<span class="increment-after">.3</span>

Remember to wrap the items in <x-ark-expandable-item>...</x-ark-expandable-item> component.

<x-ark-expandable total="12">
    @foreach($items as $item)

    <x-slot name="placeholder">

    <x-slot name="collapsed">
            <!-- this append the counter after the "+" symbol -->
            <span class="counter-after">+</span>
            <span>show more</span>

    <x-slot name="expanded">
Parameter Description Required Default Value
total Total count of items in the collection yes
triggerDusk Specify a trigger name used by Dusk no null
triggerClass The class(es) applied to the trigger element no ''
collapsedClass The class(es) applied to the collepsed element no ''
expandedClass The class(es) applied to the expanded element no ''
collapsed The collapsed element no null
expanded The expanded element no null
placeholder The placeholder element no null
placeholderCount Total copy of placeholder no 1
showMore Implement your own show/hide system no null
style Useful to inject css variable(s) no ''

Font Loader

Improve font loading times.

This component is inspired by Harry Roberts' article.

Here follow you can see an example on how to use it:

{{-- an example with a custom font --}}
<x-ark-font-loader src="">
{{-- an example with a google font --}}
<x-ark-font-loader src="" preconnect="">
{{-- an example with a google font, omitting the `&display=swap`. It'll be appended automatically for Google Fonts! --}}
<x-ark-font-loader src="" preconnect="">
Parameter Description Required Default Value
src The source of the font file yes
preconnect The source of the css file linked to the font itself. Can be different from the font source. no null


Used for sliding different elements (e.g. images).

    title="News Articles"
    title-tooltip="See all the latest articles here"
    view-all-url="{{ $route }}"
        '0' => [
            'slidesPerGroup' => 1,
            'slidesPerView' => 1,
        '768' => [
            'slidesPerGroup' => 2,
            'slidesPerView' => 2,
        '1280' => [
            'slidesPerGroup' => 3,
            'slidesPerView' => 3,
        <img src="logo.png" />
Parameter Description Required
id Used for initialising the slider yes
title Text used for the slider title [null] no
titleClass CSS classes for the title text if provided ['text-2xl'] no
titleTooltip Tooltip to be shown next to the title [null] no
viewAllUrl URL used to navigate to a dedicated page [null] no
viewAllClass CSS classes for view all text [''] no
hideNavigation Option to hide navigation arrows on the left & right [false] no
hideBullets Option to hide pagination bullets [false] no
topPagination Show pagination at the top instead of the bottom [false] no
paginationClass CSS classes for pagination bullets [''] no
rows How many rows the slider consists of. Only used if breakpoints are not specified [1] no
columns How many columns the slider consists of. Only used if breakpoints are not specified [5] no
breakpoints Allow more advanced overriding of breakpoints [null] no
spaceBetween How much space (in pixels) to have between each slide [0] no
loop Allow looping from start to end and vice versa [false] no
allowTouch Used for mobile [true] no
autoplay Enable automatic sliding [false] no
autoplayDelay How long to wait on each slider when autoplay is enabled [3000] no
hideViewAll Option to hide the view all text [false] no
shadowSpacing Whether the slider should allow spacing for shadows [false] no
delayInit Delays initialisation of the slider. See below for example [false] no

Delayed Initialisation Example (Alpine)

We use $nextTick here to make sure the UI is updated prior to initialising our slider, otherwise it may trigger too quickly.

<div x-data="{ hidden: true }">
            hidden = false;
            $nextTick(() => { window.sliders['news-articles'].init() });
        Initialise Slider

    <div x-bind:class="{ 'hidden': hidden }">
            title="News Articles"
                <img src="logo.png" />

Loader Icon

Shows a spinner icon. Useful to add inside a button.

Here follow you can see an example on how to use it:

<button class="button-secondary">
    <x-ark-loader-icon class="w-7 h-7 text-white" path-class="bg-theme-primary-600" />
Parameter Description Required Default Value
class The class of the circle no
path-class The class of the spinner no


  1. Install the npm dependencies
yarn add chart.js@^3.6.0

Or if you need to update to the latest major version instead

yarn upgrade chart.js -L

When using dates, these additional dependencies will be required :

yarn add date-fns
yarn add chartjs-adapter-date-fns

You will then need to import these in your .js chart file :

import "chartjs-adapter-date-fns";
import { en } from "date-fns/locale";

 const options = {
    scales: {
        x: {
            type: "time",
            adapters: {
                date: {
                    locale: en,

See this page for more details about time adapters.

  1. On resource/app/js/app.js add:
import { Chart } from "chart.js";
import CustomChart from "@ui/js/chart.js";

window.CustomChart = CustomChart;
  1. On vite.config.js extract chart.js module:

  1. Use the component:
Parameter Description Required Default Value
id The id of the chart yes
data An array of data to visualize yes
labels An array of labels for each data item yes
currency The current currency. (ISO-3 like 'USD') yes
canvas-class The class of the wrapper canvas no
width The width of the canvas no
height The height of the canvas no
grid Whether to show the grid or not no
tooltips Whether to show tooltips or not no
theme The theme to apply. (an array with 'name' and 'mode'. E.g. ['name' => 'grey', 'mode' => 'light']) no


    <x-slot name="tabs">
        <x-ark-tab name="tab-1">One</x-ark-tab>
        <x-ark-tab name="tab-2">Two</x-ark-tab>
        <x-ark-tab name="tab-3">Three</x-ark-tab>

    <x-ark-tab-panel name="tab-1">...</x-ark-tab-panel>
    <x-ark-tab-panel name="tab-2">...</x-ark-tab-panel>
    <x-ark-tab-panel name="tab-3">...</x-ark-tab-panel>

It's possible to customize tab list by using tabsTrigger slot. In the example below we use a custom dropdown.

<x-ark-tabbed x-data="{ menuToggle: false, closeMenu() {() => menuToggle = false} }">
    <x-slot name="tabsTrigger">
        <x-ark-dropdown :init-alpine="false" dropdown-property="menuToggle">
            <x-slot name="button">
                <span x-show="selected === 'tab-1'">One</span>
                <span x-show="selected === 'tab-2'">Two</span>

            <div class="block items-center py-3 mt-1">
                <button type="button" wire:key="tab-1" @click="selected = 'tab-1'; closeMenu()"
                    class="dropdown-entry" :class="{ 'dropdown-entry-selected' : selected === 'tab-1' }">
                <button type="button" wire:key="tab-2" @click="selected = 'tab-2'; closeMenu()"
                    class="dropdown-entry" :class="{ 'dropdown-entry-selected' : selected === 'tab-2' }">

    <x-ark-tab-panel name="tab-1">...</x-ark-tab-panel>
    <x-ark-tab-panel name="tab-2">...</x-ark-tab-panel>

The parameter accepted by <x-ark-tabbed>

Parameter Description Required
x-data Extra data passed to Alpine js component no
on-selected to customise the action when a tab is pressed no
default-selected the tab selected by default no
no-data avoid to load Alpine js component no

The parameter accepted by <x-ark-tab>

Parameter Description Required
name The name of the tab yes

The parameter accepted by <x-ark-tab-panel>

Parameter Description Required
name The name of the tab panel (it must be the same used for x-ark-tab) yes

Page Layout Head

Standardises the <head> tag for projects so everything necessary is included (e.g. fonts)

    {{-- any additional includes --}}
Parameter Description Required Default Value
default-name The name of the project (e.g. Deployer) no config('', 'ARK')
mask-icon-color Safari icon color yes
microsoft-tile-color Microsoft Tile color yes
theme-color General theme colour yes

Page Layout Body

Standardises the <body> tag for projects so everything necessary is included (e.g. dark mode, content, etc)

<x-ark-pages-includes-layout-body cookie-domain="">
    <x-ark-navbar ...>

    <x-slot name="content">


    <x-slot name="footer">
        <footer class="pt-10 bg-theme-secondary-900">
            <x-footer.desktop />
            < />

    <x-slot name="includes">
Parameter Description Required Default Value
includes Slot used for adding additional includes no
content Slot used to override content no layout-content component with content yield inside
footer Slot used to override footer no <x-ark-footer />

Page Layout Content

Handles the primary content area for a page. By default it is included in the layout-body component as per the example below.

Parameter Description Required Default Value
slim Whether the page is full-width or not no false
slim-class Override full-width styling no "px-8 lg:max-w-7xl"

External Link Confirmation modal

Goes through all links on the page to determine if it's an external link or not

Checking the entire page for external links

<x-ark-external-link-confirm />

Checking a specific element for external links

<x-ark-external-link-confirm selector="#footer" />
Parameter Description Required Default Value
selector Selector of the element where external links are checked for no whole page (null)