Below are issues that were not able to be corrected in time for v1.0 release.
While BoxTurtle was originally designed for connecting with CAN bus (and that is still the recommended configuration if possible), it can also be connected with USB for data communications.
If you have an AFC-Lite v1.0 board, the USB connector faces outward in an orientation that is not optimal for a regular USB-C plug in the stock mounting position. This was corrected with AFC-Lite v1.1. As a workaround, use a right-angle USB-C cable or adapter to connect the BoxTurtle.
The 30 tooth MJF gears provided in the kit will likely be too loose to use as-is on the 8 x 80mm shaft. Either print the FDM version of the gears or secure the MJF gear with some glue at the appropriate position on the shaft (using the installation tool). Make sure to not glue the gear to the installation jig! Also ensure that any glue residue is removed that would prevent the spacer from sitting flush against the gear.
The TurtleNeck switches are missing the required metal levers, and the FilamATrix switches have levers. Follow this guide on how to migrate the switches from the FilamATrix switches to the TurtleNeck buffer switches.
The TurtleNeck switch cables are labeled 1 and 2 in Batch 1 kits. For simplicity, use "1" for the Advance switch and "2" for the Trailing switch.
Changes were made to the wheel design late in the beta process after hardware kits had been created/bagged/labeled. As such, the extra hardware required for the wheels (heatsets and M3x6 screws) are in a separate 'Hardware for Wheel' bag included in your kit.
The 3mm ID PTFE tubing is a bit short of length from the BOM. Make sure you cut the 80mm lengths between the motor mount and extruder body first. The feeder inlet tubes are specified to be 50mm in the manual, but can easily be shorter at 40-45mm.
As each printer connection is different, cable was not included in batch 1 kits to connect the BoxTurtle to your printer. A 2x2 pin Molex connector is included in the kits for you to create your own cable to connect the AFC lite for power and (optionally) canbus data.
If you encounter any suspected failure issue with your N20 respooler motors, please contact your reseller. LDO is conducting analysis on any failures.
If you are doing a new build of Clockwork2 there will not be sufficient heatsets in the bag - the kits were designed with an upgrade to an existing CW2 extruder in mind. Additionally the kits may be a 1-2 heatsets short for all components even after accounting for spares in the FilamATrix bag, this will be corrected in a future batch.