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TN Pro V2.0

TN2_Render TurtleNeck Pro - The smart toolhead buffer.

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TurtleNeck Pro (TNP) Is a toolhead buffer for klipper printers designed to work with the AFC Klipper Add-on. It ustilizes an STM32G0B1 MCU over usb-c to operate. Making it a single cable addition to your klipper machine.

TNP utilizes two hall effect sensors to dectect movement of the buffer before hitting a hard stop in either direction. Adiddtionally on the PCB are 5 endstops ports that can be utilized for filament combiners or "hubs". The purpose of a toolhead buffer such as TNP is to compensate for mismatched rotation distances between a toolheads extruder and a direct drive AFC ("type 2 MMU" if you like calling them that...) TN2.0 MCU uses JST-PH connectors for all of its expansion.

Build manual HERE.


Part QTY
TN2.0 PCB 1
3x2mm magnet 1
M2.5x10 FHCS 1
ECAS04 bowden collet 2
M3x8 SHCS 4
M3x10 FHCS 2
M3 Heatset insters 4
1mm Felt adhesive backed ~1x10mm X4

TN2 0 Pins

#Pins of note#

Device Pin
USB coms PA11/PA12
Trailing hall effect sensor PB1
Advance hall effect sensor PB2
Endstop 1 PB5
Endstop 2 PB6
Endstop 3 PB7
Endstop 4 PB8
Endstop 5 PB9
RGB (neopixel) PD3

#Schematic Schematic_TurtleNeck_2024-10-13