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Project README


This project includes a frontend application built with npm, a backend system with Celery for task scheduling, Redis as a message broker, and a Python application. This README provides instructions on how to set up and run the development environment.


  1. Vue.js and npm (for frontend)
  2. Python 3.x
  3. Redis
  4. Celery
  5. Python packages (Flask)


Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory: cd path/to/frontend

  2. Install the necessary npm packages: npm install

  3. Run the frontend application: npm run dev

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

## Backend Setup
1. Start the Redis server:
2. Start Celery Beat (task scheduler):
    celery -A app.celery beat --max-interval 1 -l info
3. Start Celery Worker (task executor):
    celery -A app.celery worker -l info
4. Run the Python application:

## Project Structure
1. Frontend: The directory containing the frontend code and configuration.
2. Backend: Includes Celery configurations, task definitions, and Redis setup.
3. Python Application: The main application logic, typically including routing and business logic.
4. Celery Issues: Ensure that both Celery Beat and Celery Worker are running in separate terminal windows. Check the logs for any errors.
5. Redis Issues: Make sure the Redis server is running and accessible.
6. Frontend Issues: Verify that all npm dependencies are correctly installed and check the console for any errors.

## License
Specify the license under which your project is distributed.