This project includes a frontend application built with npm, a backend system with Celery for task scheduling, Redis as a message broker, and a Python application. This README provides instructions on how to set up and run the development environment.
- Vue.js and npm (for frontend)
- Python 3.x
- Redis
- Celery
- Python packages (Flask)
Navigate to the frontend directory: cd path/to/frontend
Install the necessary npm packages: npm install
Run the frontend application: npm run dev
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
## Backend Setup
1. Start the Redis server:
2. Start Celery Beat (task scheduler):
celery -A app.celery beat --max-interval 1 -l info
3. Start Celery Worker (task executor):
celery -A app.celery worker -l info
4. Run the Python application:
## Project Structure
1. Frontend: The directory containing the frontend code and configuration.
2. Backend: Includes Celery configurations, task definitions, and Redis setup.
3. Python Application: The main application logic, typically including routing and business logic.
4. Celery Issues: Ensure that both Celery Beat and Celery Worker are running in separate terminal windows. Check the logs for any errors.
5. Redis Issues: Make sure the Redis server is running and accessible.
6. Frontend Issues: Verify that all npm dependencies are correctly installed and check the console for any errors.
## License
Specify the license under which your project is distributed.