git cli ~2.30.1 python ~3.8.10
Before to start, let me introduce you several useful commands that you'll need to use to understand the actions you'll perform.
git log # Display the git history of your current branch
git log --pretty=oneline --graph --decorate --all # Display the git history of our repository using graphs
git help # Display every command available with git
git <command> --help # Display complete documentation about a command and provide example to learn interactively how to use complex git concept.
In this exercice there is two branch, merge-strategy and merge-branch
In this two there is one file called my_files which has different content in each branch.
To start, go to the branch merge-strategy
git checkout merge-strategy
Create a new branch from merge-strategy
git checkout -b merge-strategy-ours
Then merge the branch merge-branch using the strategy ours
git merge -X ours merge-branch
then look at the file.
Go back the to the branch merge-strategy
and then create a new branch from merge-strategy
git checkout -b merge-strategy-theirs
Then merge the branch merge-branch using the strategy theirs
git merge -X theirs merge-branch
then look at the file.
Go to the bisect-branch
git checkout bisect-branch
We start a bisect session in the CLI
git bisect start
We define the HEAD of the current branch as bad commit
git bisect bad
We choose among the other commits a one where the error isn't raised
git bisect good <commit-sha>
Run the command and see what happened ;)
git bisect run python -m unittest unit_test.SimlpeUnitTest
Once you found the default commit you can reset the bisect session
git bisect reset
move to the branch bug fix
git checkout bug-fix
and use the command to display the git history
Then use this command to rebase the bug-fix onto master
git rebase --onto master dev bug-fix
have a look again at you git history to understand what happened
git checkout dev
Now wwe want to apply our bug fix commit to our dev branch, then will find the sha of the commit using git log and cherry-pick it to the dev branch using the new command
git cherry-pick #replace-commit-sha