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vim cheet sheet

This is a cheat sheet of the bind keys. It includes both vim built-in keys as well as some custom keys for the various plugins.

Also see here for the Chinease edition 中文版, note the Chinese version may not be updated as frequently as this English version.

  1. basic builtin commands
  2. visual mode
  3. plugin
  4. code/text formating
  5. vim custome settings
  6. syntax highlight
  7. best practice
  8. special file editing
  9. abbreviations
  10. vim settings in source file

other helpful skills

1. switch between shell and vim (ctl-z + fg)

If you are doing some code editing, debugging and testing work, i mean, edit files with vim -> exit vim -> test and run -> edit files again -> exit vim -> test and run -> ... you don't have to open and close vim again and again.

fg (ctl-z) and bg will save you.

some shell commands:

$ jobs # shell command, list all background tasks

$ fg             # move last background task to frontground (restore executing)
$ fg % <task_id> # move background task <task_id> to frontground

$ bg             # move task to background
$ bg % <task_id> # move task <task_id> to background
$ ctl-z          # move current task to background

so the process can be simplified to: after finishing editing, press ctrl-z to put vim process into background, now you are in shell, do your testing, and use fg to call back your vim again.