All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Initial support for Server 2025
- Increase Dbatools module requirement v2.1.27
- Improve detection of empty fields in tables
- Improve detection of true/false elements in tables
- Update GitHub release workflow to add post to Bluesky social platform
- Fix #36
- Increase dbatools module version (v2.1.18)
- Increase Eomm/why-don-t-you-tweet (v2.0)
- Fix DNS Zone table not displaying 'Available For Scavenge' and 'Last Scavenge Time' correctly
- Fix DHCP Infrastructure table not displaying 'Database Logging Enabled' and 'Database Backup Interval' correctly
- Fix #31
- Increase AsBuiltReport.Core module version (v1.4.0)
- Add SQL Server support
- General Information
- Security
- Login
- Roles
- Databases
- User
- System
- Server Objects
- Backup Devices
- Add Local Windows Group Members information @flynngw
- Add more HealthCheck conditions
- Improve report readability
- Fix CodeQL security alerts
- Fix FailOver Cluster section
- Fix issue in Get-AbrWinOSHotfix install date logic
- Added Hyper-V per VM configuration reporting @oolejniczak
- Added Hyper-V Management OS Adapters table @rebelinux
- Added FailOver Cluster section
- Improved bug and feature request templates
- Changed default logo from Microsoft to the AsBuiltReport logo due to licensing requirements
- Changed default report style font to 'Segoe Ui' to align with Microsoft guidelines
- Changed Required Modules to AsBuiltReport.Core v1.3.0
- Fixes #8
- Added table to show the pending/missing Windows updates (Health Check)
- Added DHCP Server Section
- Added DNS Server Section
- Changed WINRM session authentication from kerberos to negotiate
- Added Windows Logo
- Added table column sorting on primary key
- Added table caption
- Updated project ReadMe file
- Added IIS Web Server section
- Added SMB File Server section
- Added Windows Service Status to OS section
- Migrate report to new module structure
- Implemented better error handling (try/catch)
- Added Host Hardware Summary
- Added Host Operating System Section
- Added Host Networking Section
- Added Host Storage Section
- Added Host ISCSI Section
- Added Hyper-V Configuration Section
- Added Local Users and Groups Section