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This sample provides reference for you to learn the Ascend AI Software Stack and cannot be used for commercial purposes.

This sample works with CANN 3.0.0 and later versions, and supports Atlas 200 DK and Atlas 300.

Sample of Real-time Body Pose Detection

Function: Infer human body poses from a live-video footage with the model.

Input: JPG image containing a whole person

Output: JPG image with body pose esitmation

Preformance: inference time time of running the model on Atlas 200 DK is about 17 ms per image/frame


Before deploying this sample, ensure that:

Software Preparation

  • Make sure you log in to the operating environment (HwHiAiUser)


    Icon-note.gif NOTE

    Replace with the IP address of the operating environment. The IP address of Atlas 200 DK is when it is connected over the USB port, and that of Atlas 300 is the corresponding public network IP address.

1. Obtain the source packages.

cd $HOME
git clone

2. Obtain the original model required by the application.

Ensure you are in the project directory (body_pose_picture/) and run one of the following commands in the table to obtain the pedestrian tracking model used in the application.

cd $HOME/samples/python/contrib/body_pose_picture/
Model How to Obtain wget -nc --no-check-certificate '' -O model/
OpenPose_light.pb wget -nc --no-check-certificate '' -O model/OpenPose_light.pb

Icon-note.gif NOTE

  • offline model you can use out-of-the-box without model conversion. If you use this then you can skip the next step on model conversion.
  • OpenPose_light.pb tensorflow pb model for those that want to configure the model conversion process.

3. (Optional) Convert the original model to a Da Vinci model.

Note: Ensure that the environment variables have been configured in Environment Preparation and Dependency Installation.

  1. Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

    The LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable conflicts with the sample when Ascend Tensor Compiler (ATC) is used. Therefore, you need to set this environment variable separately in the command line to facilitate modification.

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${install_path}/compiler/lib64

  2. Run following ATC command to convert the .pb to .om model in the project directory:

    atc --framework=3 --model=model/OpenPose_light.pb --input_shape="input001:1,368,368,3" --input_format=NHWC --output=model/OpenPose_light --output_type=FP32 --out_nodes="light_openpose/stage_1/ArgMax:0" --soc_version=Ascend310

Sample Running

Codes in this repo create a sample to quickly understand how the model works, preprocessing, inference, postprocessing are already included. This application can be run on various input formats, namely image input, video input as well as live camera input.

Dependencies: opencv, numpy, Pillow


  • Image Resize: 368*368
  • Image Type: Float32, BGR
  • Normalization: 1/255


  • figure out the body keypoint coordinates from heatmaps

Download Sample Inputs

cd $HOME/samples/python/contrib/body_pose_picture/
wget -nc --no-check-certificate '' -O data/test.jpg
wget -nc --no-check-certificate '' -O data/yoga.mp4

Test single image

cd $HOME/samples/python/contrib/body_pose_picture/src

See result in output/test_output.jpg

Test a sample video (mp4)

cd $HOME/samples/python/contrib/body_pose_picture/src

See result in output/demo-yoga.mp4-*****.mp4

Test live-camera input

  1. Connect Atlas 200DK board with Raspberry Pi Camera, see Guide

    • Test: cv2.VideoCapture("CAMERA0") where CAMERA0 can be found on the boardl and 0 is the camera_id
    • Make sure id match in src/ e.g. cap = Camera(camera_id=0, fps=10)
  2. Start Presenter Server

    Execute the following command to start the Presenter Server in the background.

    cd $HOME/samples/common/
    bash ../python/contrib/body_pose_picture/src/body_pose.conf
  3. Run Live Application:

    cd $HOME/samples/python/contrib/body_pose_picture/src
  4. Visualize at

Model Training and Description

This model is based on Lightweight OpenPose, you can refer to their guide for training


The original model is the Lightweight OpenPose model, please refer to link, an open-source pose detection network.

License: Apache-2.0 License

In this repository, the model is retrained wiht Tensorflow implementation and simplied for edge computing, and it directly outputs the predicted locations of the human body joints. The set of 14 detected joints are shown in the diagram below:

                 12                     0-right shoulder, 1-right elbow, 2-right wrist, 3-left shoulder
                 |                      4-left elbow, 5-left wrist, 6-right hip, 7-right knee, 8-right ankle
                 |                      9-left hip, 10-left knee, 11-left ankle, 12-top of the head, 13-neck
          /     / \      \
         1     /   \      4
        /     /     \      \
       2     6       9      5
             |       |
             7       10
             |       |
             8       11