- Qt5Keychain to add support of the wallet and keychains. Disable it using
To build AsemanQtTools as QML module, just simply run below commands:
mkdir build && cd build
qmake QT+=widgets QT+=multimedia QT+=dbus QT+=sensors QT+=positioning ../asemantools.pro
sudo make install
You can remove any of the QT configs if you don't need it.
To build it as Embeded mode, you should use asemantools.pri instead of the asemantools.pro. so copy asemantools folder to the project directory and add below lines to your project's .pro file:
QT += widgets multimedia dbus sensors positioning
You can remove any of the QT configs if you don't need it.
To use AsemanQtTools in the module mode just import module in the qml files like below:
import AsemanTools 1.0
And use it.
Note: You can't use AsemanTools in the android and ios apps in the qml-module mode.
It's same as the QML Module mode. But you need to initialize module in the C++ main()
#include "asemantools/asemanqttools.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Some features of the AsemanTools needs AsemanMain
component. So you should create it in the main.qml
To use AsemanTools in the Android and iOS applications, you should use Aseman initializers instead of the Qt initializers. Note that Aseman initializers inherits from the Qt initializers.
So add below lines to the pro files:
ios {
QTPLUGIN += qsqlite
QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = $$PWD/asemantools/iOS/info.plist
android {
ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR = $$PWD/asemantools/android
You can also copy them, change above paths and change the files.