0.1.61 - 2020-06-22
- Pause new loans
0.1.60 - 2020-06-21
- Refactor verify jobs for DRY
- Ensure API for collateral locks checks BTC confs for all utxos
0.1.59 - 2020-04-03
- Add signature checks
- Update agenda job handling
0.1.58 - 2020-02-26
- Unique loanIds as index
- Fix total collateral value
- Email management endpoints for arbiter
- Fix last warning sent calculations
0.1.57 - 2020-02-26
- Test auto update
0.1.56 - 2020-02-11
- Fix already bound port crash
- Auto-update functionality
- Update addresses
- Update arbiter endpoints
0.1.55 - 2020-02-11
- Add asset variable to emails
0.1.54 - 2020-02-10
- Verify deposit transactions
- Update Kovan arbiter endpoint
- Add auto-reconnect to mongoose
0.1.53 - 2020-02-02
- Add live collateral values per loan and markets apis
- Add min collateral values to loan apis
0.1.52 - 2020-01-28
- Setup containerization
- Update kovan addresses which fixes Min Seizable Collateral calculation atomicloans-eth-contracts/pull/117
- Fix migrate-mongo
0.1.51 - 2020-01-15
- Fix issue with fund withdraw route syntax
0.1.50 - 2020-01-15
- Fix fund withdraw route not specifying currency
0.1.49 - 2020-01-15
- Update kovan contract addresses
0.1.48 - 2020-01-14
- Fix worker imports
0.1.47 - 2020-01-14
- Update npm packages
0.1.46 - 2020-01-14
- Set Travis CI
- Add opt in email notifications to Arbiter
- Improve tests for Funds, Loans, and Sales contracts
0.1.45 - 2020-01-04
- Update Kovan Contract Addresses
0.1.44 - 2019-12-10
- Ensure loan updates when Tx reverted by EVM
0.1.43 - 2019-12-10
- Add Tx error case for being reverted by EVM
0.1.42 - 2019-12-08
- Add DAI market for Mainnet
0.1.41 - 2019-12-07
- Add DAI market for Kovan
0.1.40 - 2019-12-06
- Fix issue with failed transaction overwriting query ordering
0.1.39 - 2019-12-05
- Add route for resetting transactions
0.1.38 - 2019-12-05
- Add route for eth txs (/api/loan/txs)
0.1.37 - 2019-12-05
- Create job for sanitizing transactions
0.1.36 - 2019-12-04
- Set minimum tx fee to 5 gwei
0.1.35 - 2019-12-04
- Improve error handling of transaction underpriced
0.1.34 - 2019-11-27
- Ensure tx evm failure resolves in instance status failed
0.1.33 - 2019-11-27
- Bump minimum lender agent to 0.1.31
0.1.32 - 2019-11-27
- Remove unnecessary migrate
0.1.31 - 2019-11-27
- Move MongoDB migrations agent startup
0.1.30 - 2019-11-27
- Bump Migrate Mongo package
0.1.29 - 2019-11-27
- Remove unnecessary increase connection for MongoDB
0.1.28 - 2019-11-27
- Add migrations to background job
0.1.27 - 2019-11-27
- Add timeout for connect and socket to avoid MongoTimeoutError
0.1.26 - 2019-11-27
- Remove MongoDB deprecation warning for migrations
0.1.25 - 2019-11-26
0.1.24 - 2019-11-26
- Add improved error handling
- Migrate DAI to SAI
0.1.23 - 2019-10-24
- Enable agent to work in single api and worker process
0.1.22 - 2019-10-23
- Increase cancel expiration to 24 hours
0.1.21 - 2019-10-23
- Ensure Agent cancels loan if not withdrawn within 3 hours of request
- Add version of agent to agent info route
0.1.20 - 2019-10-21
- Add ability to update loan fund through agent
- Fix loan fund supplied calculation issues
0.1.19 - 2019-10-18
- Set max gas limit for all transactions
0.1.18 - 2019-10-18
- Reduce maximum gas limit
0.1.17 - 2019-10-17
- Fix rounding issues with liquidation
0.1.16 - 2019-10-17
- Improve logging for liquidation
0.1.15 - 2019-10-16
- Add ability to repopulate Liquidation data after resetting an Agent
- Improve handling of case where loan is approved but not withdrawn (should cancel loan after 3 hours of request)
0.1.14 - 2019-10-16
- Improve handling of transactions with same nonce in queue
0.1.13 - 2019-10-15
- Improve handling of replacing failed transactions
0.1.12 - 2019-10-15
- Improve error handling for web3 transactions
0.1.11 - 2019-10-15
- Fix typo with transaction error handling
0.1.10 - 2019-10-15
- Add handling of transactions with insufficient balance
0.1.9 - 2019-10-15
- Add handling of transactions that have timed out
0.1.8 - 2019-10-15
- add agent version endpoint
- add signature verication for update endpoint
- improve block timestamp query
0.1.7 - 2019-10-13
- add basic update with heroku
0.1.6 - 2019-10-13
- improve updating process with tmp folder
0.1.5 - 2019-10-13
- add preliminary agent updating
- initial version