Link: Advent Of Cyber 3 on TryHackMe
Scan the target server with the IP MACHINE_IP. Remember that MS Windows hosts block pings by default, so we need to add -Pn, for example, nmap -Pn MACHINE_IP for the scan to work correctly. How many TCP ports are open?
Command: nmap -Pn MACHINE_IP -T3
Answer: 7
In the scan results you received earlier, you should be able to spot NFS or mountd, depending on whether you used the -sV option with Nmap or not. Which port is detected by Nmap as NFS or using the mountd service?
Answer: 2049
How many shares did you find?
Answer: 4
How many shares show “everyone”?
Answer: 3
What is the title of file 2680-0.txt?
Answer: Meditations
It seems that Grinch Enterprises has forgotten their SSH keys on our system. One of the shares contains a private key used for SSH authentication (id_rsa). What is the name of the share?
Answer: confidential
We can calculate the MD5 sum of a file using md5sum FILENAME. What is the MD5 sum of id_rsa?
Answer: 3e2d315a38f377f304f5598dc2f044de