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Stack v0.1.0

Stack places any number of functions into a singly-linked list structure. You can modify that structure and perform various styles of execution against some or all of the list.

I use notation similar to other diagrams used for singly-linked lists: [<function>] -> [x]. Brackets around a function, the stack's .fn property, indicate a stack. The arrow indicates the link, a stack's .next property. And the [x] is a special notation representing undefined or the empty stack (not to be confused with the identity stack). When the -> points to a name without brackets, like -> myStack, the name represents a stack.

Stack encourages small units of testable, reusable code (and it's only 4k minified!).


I divided the API into five main sections:


Each instance of Stack is a NODE. Each NODE linked to another stack is the HEAD of that stack-list. Any NODE not linked to another stack is a TAIL. Other positions in a stack list have names for convenience and searching.



  • Stack() // [identity] -> [x]
  • Stack(myFunc) // [myFunc] -> [x]
  • Stack(myFunc, nextStack) // [myFunc] -> nextStack -> [x]

A stack-list can be built using an array of functions and/or stacks. When a stack-list is linked using an array, the next array element will be linked to the TAIL of the previous stack-list:

Examples with an array:

  • Stack([funcC, funcB, funcA]) // [funcA] -> [funcB] -> [funcC] -> [x]
  • Stack([stackB, stackA, funcA]) // [funcA] -> [stackA.fn] ->...-> [stackB.tail().fn] -> [x]


Stack.alias, a static method, allows you to create your own grammar by renaming methods. .pause() allows stack execution to stop and return a Continuation.


You can manipulate stack-lists using array-like methods such as .push() (alias .from()), .pop(), .shift(), and .unshift(). Other manipulation methods include .insert() (alias .to() or .compose()), .remove() and .drop(). Manipulation methods that add or create a stack can take either functions or stacks as parameters.


These methods fall into two groups. The first group runs the function against the stack NODE in context and returns a boolean. The second group will recur the same function over an entire stack-list returning the first stack with a "truthy" result. Since a trampoline pattern governs the recursion, you can not overflow the call stack.

You can use the exposed .recur() method to create your own styles of searching.


Calling an execution method on a stack-list will run the linked functions by the rules of the method. As with methods using .recur(), execution methods use a trampoline pattern with .iterate() and can not exceed the call stack.

You can use the exposed .iterate() method to create your own styles of execution.

All execution methods can use a receiver object. This object provides context to the iterating function in place of the stack.


Stacks can be understood as series of atomic operations; a simple, imperative program. .assign() and .spread() can provide argument(s) to each function in the series, executing each step until: completion, continuation, or promise.

Flow/app state can be shared through an object argument.

var state = {steps:[]};

Stack([function (state) {
        state.step2 = "done";
    }, function (state) {
        state.step1 = "done";

//state: {steps: ["step1", "step2"], step1: "done", step2: "done"}

.some() and .every() methods work like assign, but also allow for early completion by limiting execution to the first true or false value respectively.


Stacks can also accomplish complex compositions due to their trampoline. Methods .pipe() and .funnel() compose functions in (LIFO) order. Each stack HEAD can be piped or funneled, passing its function's output until it returns from the stack TAIL

Developers may find this style of composition easier to read and reason about when using several functions.

Just remember, when using an array of functions, the HEAD is on "top", at the "end" of the array.

Stack([sum, doubleAll, flatten]).funnel([[1],[2],[3]])// 12;

.pipe() passes its argument to the stack HEAD's function. The output of HEAD's function is then passed to (e.g., f = HEAD, g = g(f(x))) and so on until: completion ( is undefined), a continuation is returned, or a promise is returned.

.funnel() works similarly to .pipe(), except that it can take and pass multiple arguments.


Stacks can pause execution to return a continuation object by returning this.pause() or Stack.pause (in cases where the execution uses a receiver object). You can use continuations for partial application, asynchronous processing, or debugging.


Stacks assume the when.js implementation of promises to defer execution

var value = false;
Stack([function () {
        value = true;
    }, function () {
        defer = when.defer();
        return defer.promise;
//value will remain false until the promise is resolved.

If a stack returns a resolved promise, its .then() method will be executed immediately.


While iterating, stacks can return other stacks to dynamically branch a process. Stacks can also modify the stack structure while processing resulting in a more "permanent" type of branched execution path.

var a = function (x) {return x + "a";},
    b = function (x) {return x + "b";},
    c = Stack(function (x) {return x + "c";}),
    gotoC = function (x) {return x.length > 1 ? c : x;},
    s  = Stack([c,b,gotoC,a])
s.pipe("1") // "1ac"
s.pipe("") // "abc"


Branching can also create recursive execution, where the same stack or stack-list executes many times.

var checkTotal = Stack(function (x) {return x < 10 ? add1 : x}),
    add1 = Stack(function (x) {return x + 1;}, checkTotal);
add1.pipe(1); // 10