This document is meant to provide an overview of the Mimic codebase so that its easier for programmers to start modifying or contributing to it. While it isn't meant to replace more detailed documentation that can be found throughout the repository, think of it as a sort of quickstart guide to the repository itself and to how Mimic works under the hood.
If you're looking for developer notes and programming guidelines, check out mimic/docs/
|-- mimic
|-- docs
|-- icons
|-- logos
|-- plug-ins
|-- rigs
|-- scripts
|-- shelves
|-- ...
contains all of the general documentation that you might need in order to navigate or contribute to this repository. This directory also contains the
. Files preceded with an underscore,_
, provide an index and sometimes basic descriptions of Mimic content. -
contains logos, graphics, and button icons used throughout the Mimic documentation and user interface. -
contains a ton of logos that users may feel free to use however they'd like. -
contains plug-in scripts that are used by Mimic and loaded by Maya at runtime. The name of this directory follows a Maya convention and shouldn't be modified. -
contains robot rigs, meaning the robot-geometry and attribute models that Mimic allows you to control on screen. Rigs are organized by robot brand. -
contains the actual Mimic codebase and any supplementary Python packages. The name of this directory follows a Maya convention and shouldn't be modified. -
contains an user interface button for Mimic that is loaded by Maya at runtime. The name of this directory follows a Maya convention and shouldn't be modified.
There are initialization files named
throughout the repository, allowing Mimic to be imported as one, big Python package. Notice that every directory that contains Python code also contains such a file. Notice also that these files are blank and need only be present to work. -
Look out for markdown files with the extension
throughout Mimic. These provide tons of documentation specific to nearby Python modules and files and will help to clarify any questions you have about how Mimic works. -
Most directories contain a Python module of the same name, for example the directory
contains the
. Nearby modules that provide supplementary functionality are prefixed accordingly, for
provides supplementary functionality
. -
The most important Python modules in the Mimic repository are prefixed by
and are located in thescripts
directory. For documentation on these,
; inline and functional comments are included throughout.