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548 lines (460 loc) · 64 KB

Change log

Represents the NuGet versions.


  • Fixed: Missing QueryArgs.IncludeText added to set the $text=true equivalent.
  • Fixed: Simplification of creating and setting the QueryArgs.Filter using an implict string operator.


  • Fixed: Added support for SettingsBase.DateTimeTransform, StringTransform, StringTrim and StringCase to allow specification via configuration.
  • Fixed: Added support for CoreEx: hierarchy (optional) for all CoreEx settings to enable a more structured and explicit configuration.


  • Enhancement: Integrated UnitTestEx version 5.0.0 to enable the latest capabilities and improvements.
    • CoreEx.UnitTesting.NUnit given changes is no longer required and has been deprecated, the UnitTestEx.NUnit (or other) must be explicitly referenced as per testing framework being used.
    • CoreEx.UnitTesting package updated to include only standard .NET core capabilities to follow new UnitTestEx pattern; new packages created to house specific as follows:
      • CoreEx.UnitTesting.Azure.Functions created to house Azure Functions specific capabilities;
      • CoreEx.UnitTesting.Azure.ServiceBus created to house Azure Service Bus specific capabilities.
    • Existing usage will require references to the new packages as required. There should be limited need to update existing tests to use beyond the requirement for the root UnitTestEx namespace. The updated default within UnitTestEx is to expose the key capabilities from the root namespace. For example, using UnitTestEx.NUnit, should be replaced with using UnitTestEx.


  • Enhancement: Added net9.0 support.
  • Enhancement: Deprecated net7.0 support; no longer supported by Microsoft.
  • Enhancement: Updated dependencies to latest; including transitive where applicable.


  • Enhancement: Added extended capabilities to the InvokeArgs to allow additional customization.


  • Fixed: The ExecutionContext.Messages were not being returned as intended within the x-messages HTTP Response header; enabled within the ExtendedStatusCodeResult and ExtendedContentResult on success only (status code >= 200 and <= 299). Note these messages are JSON serialized as the underlying MessageItemCollection type.
  • Fixed: The AgentTester has been updated to return a HttpResultAssertor where the operation returns a HttpResult to enable further assertions to be made on the Result itself.


  • Fixed: The IServiceCollection.AddCosmosDb extension method was registering as a singleton; this has been corrected to register as scoped. The dependent CosmosClient should remain a singleton as is best practice.


  • Fixed: Updated Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory package depenedency to latest (including related); resolve Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2024-43483.
  • Fixed: Fixed the ExecutionContext.UserIsAuthorized to have base implementation similar to UserIsInRole.
  • Fixed: Rationalize the UtcNow usage to be consistent, where applicable ExecutionContext.SystemTime.UtcNow is leveraged.


  • Fixed: The ValueContentResult.TryCreateValueContentResult would return NotModified where the request ETag was null; this has been corrected to return OK with the resulting value.
  • Fixed: The ValueContentResult.TryCreateValueContentResult now returns ExtendedStatusCodeResult versus StatusCodeResult as this offers additional capabilities where required.
  • Enhancement: The ExtendedStatusCodeResult and ExtendedContentResult now implement IExtendedActionResult to standardize access to the BeforeExtension and AfterExtension functions.
  • Enhancement: Added WebApiParam.CreateActionResult helper methods to enable execution of the underlying ValueContentResult.CreateValueContentResult (which is no longer public as this was always intended as internal only).
  • Fixed: PostgresDatabase.OnDbException corrected to use PostgresException.MessageText versus Message as it does not include the SQLSTATE code.
  • Enhancement: Improve debugging insights by adding ILogger.LogDebug start/stop/elapsed for the InvokerArgs.
  • Fixed: Updated System.Text.Json package depenedency to latest (including related); resolve Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2024-43485.


  • Enhancement: Enable JSON serialization of database parameter values; added DatabaseParameterCollection.AddJsonParameter method and associated JsonParam, JsonParamWhen and JsonParamWith extension methods.
  • Enhancement: Updated (simplified) EventOutboxEnqueueBase to pass events to the underlying stored procedures as JSON versus existing TVP removing database dependency on a UDT (user-defined type).
  • Note: Accidently published as v3.25.6, re-publishing as v3.26.0 as intended - includes no code changes.


  • Fixed: Fixed the unit testing CreateServiceBusMessage extension method so that it no longer invokes a TesterBase.ResetHost (this reset should now be invoked explicitly by the developer as required).


  • Fixed: Fixed the InvalidOperationException with a 'Sequence contains no elements' when performing validation with the CompareValuesRule that has the OverrideValue set.
  • Fixed: Updated all dependencies to latest versions.


  • Fixed: Added function parameter support for WithDefault() to enable runtime execution of the default statement where required for the query filter capabilities.


  • Fixed: HttpRequestOptions.WithQuery fixed to ensure any previously set Include and Exclude fields are not lost (results in a merge); i.e. only the Filter and OrderBy properties are explicitly overridden.


  • Fixed: Extend QueryFilterFieldConfigBase to include AsNullable() to specifiy whether the field supports null.
  • Fixed: Extend QueryFilterFieldConfigBase to include WithResultWriter() to specify a function to override the corresponding LINQ statement result writing.
  • Fixed: Adjusted the fluent-style method-chaining interface to improve usability (and consistency).


  • Enhancement: Added new CoreEx.Data project/package to encapsulate all generic data-related capabilities, specifically the new QueryFilterParser and QueryOrderByParser classes. These enable a limited, explicitly supported, dynamic capability to $filter and $orderby an underlying query similar to OData. This is not intended to be a replacement for the full capabilities of OData, GraphQL, etc. but to offer basic dynamic flexibility where needed.
    • Added IQueryable<T>.Where() and IQueryable<T>.OrderBy extension method that will use the aforementioned parsers configured within the new QueryArgsConfig and QueryArgs and apply leveraging System.Linq.Dynamic.Core.
    • Updated HttpRequestOptions and WebApiRequestOptions to support QueryArgs ($filter and $orderby query string arguments) similar to the existing PagingArgs.
    • Added QueryAttribute to enable Swagger/Swashbuckle generated documentation.
  • Fixed: Fixed missing IServiceCollection.AddCosmosDb including corresponding CosmosDbHealthCheck.
  • Fixed: Added JsonIgnore to all interfaces that have a CompositeKey property as not intended to be serialized by default.
  • Fixed: Fixed ReferenceDataCollectionBase<TId, TRef, TSelf> constructor which was hiding sortOrder and codeComparer parameters.


  • Fixed: CosmosDb.SelectMultiSetWithResultAsync updated to skip items that are not considered valid; ensures same outcome as if using a CosmosDbModelQueryBase with respect to filtering.


  • Enhancement: CosmosDb.SelectMultiSetWithResultAsync and SelectMultiSetAsync added to enable the selection of multiple sets of data in a single operation; see also MultiSetSingleArgs and MultiSetCollArgs.
  • Enhancement: CosmosDbValue.Type is now updatable and defaults from CosmosDbValueModelContainer<TModel>.TypeName (updateable using UseTypeName).


  • Fixed: CosmosDbValue<TModel>.PrepareBefore corrected to set the PartitionKey where the underlying Value implements IPartitionKey.
  • Fixed: CosmosDbBatch corrected to default to the CosmosDbContainerBase<TSelf>.DbArgs where not specified.
  • Fixed: CosmosDbArgs.AutoMapETag added, indicates whether when mapping the model to the corresponding entity that the IETag.ETag is to be automatically mapped (default is true, existing behavior).


  • Fixed: Added Result<T>.AdjustsAsync to support asynchronous adjustments.


  • Fixed: Added Result<T>.Adjusts as wrapper for ObjectExtensions.Adjust to simplify support and resolve issue where the compiler sees the adjustment otherwise as a implicit cast resulting in an errant outcome.


  • Fixed: DatabaseExtendedExtensions.DeleteWithResultAsync corrected to return a Task<Result>.`


  • Fixed: Updated all dependencies to latest versions (specifically UnitTestEx).


  • Enhancement: Added ICacheKey and updated RequestCache accordingly to support, in addition to the existing IEntityKey, to enable additional caching key specification.
  • Enhancement: Added ItemKeySelector to EntityBaseDictionary to enable automatic inference of the key from an item being added.
  • Fixed: Updated all dependencies to latest versions.


  • Enhancement: Identifier parsing and CompositeKey formatting moved to the CosmosDbArgs to enable overriding where required.
  • Enhancement: Cosmos model constraint softened to allow for IEntityKey to support more flexible identifier scenarios.
  • Enhancement: All Cosmos methods updated to support CompositeKey versus object for identifier specification for greater flexibility.
  • Enhancement: CosmosDbModelContainer and CosmosDbValueModelContainer enable model-only access; also, all model capabilities housed under new Model namespace.
  • Fixed: PagingOperationFilter correctly specifies a format of int64 for the number-type paging parameters.
  • Fixed: CompositeKey correctly supports IReferenceData types leveraging the underlying IReferenceData.Code.


  • Fixed: Mapper.MapSameTypeWithSourceValue added (defaults to true) to map the source value to the destination value where the types are the same; previously this would result in an exception unless added explicitly. The Mapper.SameTypeMapper enables.
  • Fixed: ReferenceDataOrchestrator.GetAllTypesInNamespace added to get all the IReferenceData types in the specified namespace. Needed for the likes of the CosmosDbBatch.ImportValueBatchAsync where a list of types is required.


  • Enhancement: CoreEx.Cosmos improvements:
    • Added CosmosDbArgs to CosmosDbContainerBase to allow per container configuration where required.
    • Partition key specification centralized into CosmosDbArgs.
    • ITenantId and ILogicallyDeleted support integrated into CosmosDbContainerBase, etc. to offer consistent behavior with EfDb.


  • Fixed: Include all constructor parameters when using AddReferenceDataOrchestrator.
  • Enhancement: Integrated dynamic ITenantId filtering into EfDb (controlled with EfDbArgs).


  • Fixed: Updated all dependencies to latest versions.
  • Enhancement: Added DatabaseCommand.SelectAsync and SelectWithResultAsync that has no integrated typing and mapping.


  • Fixed: The ITypedMappedHttpClient.MapResponse was not validating the input HTTP response correctly before mapping; resulted in a null success value versus the originating error/exception.
  • Fixed: The HttpResult<T>.ThrowOnError was not correctly throwing the internal exception.


  • Fixed: Removed Azure.Identity dependency as no longer required; related to
  • Fixed: Removed AspNetCore.HealthChecks.SqlServer dependency as no longer required.
  • Fixed: Updated all dependencies to latest versions.
  • Fixed: CoreEx.AutoMapper updated to leverage latest major version (13.0.1); as such netstandard no longer supported.
  • Fixed: The TimerHostedServiceBase was incorrectly resetting the LastException on sleep versus wake.
  • Fixed: The AddEventSender dependency injection extension methods now correctly register as Scoped.
  • Fixed: The Logger.LogInformation invocations refactored to Logger.LogDebug where applicable to reduce noise in the logs.
  • Fixed: The IPropertyRule.ValidateAsync method removed as it was not required and could lead to incorrect usage.
  • Fixed: The ValueValidator now only supports a Configure method to enable IPropertyRule-based configuration (versus directly).
  • Fixed: The CommonValidator.ValidateAsync is now internal as this was not intended and could lead to incorrect usage.
  • Enhancement: Added AfterSend event to IEventSender to enable post-send processing.
  • Enhancement: Added EventOutboxHostedService.OneOffTrigger method to enable a one-off trigger interval to be specified for the registered (DI) instance.


  • Enhancement: Additional CoreEx.Validation usability improvements:
    • Validator.CreateFor<T> added to enable the creation of a CommonValidator<T> instance for a specified type T (more purposeful name); synonym for existing CommonValidator.Create<T> (unchanged).
    • Validator.Null<T> added to enable simplified specification of a IValidatorEx<T> of null to avoid explicit null casting.
    • Collection extension method has additional overload to pass in the IValidatorEx<TItem> to use for each item in the collection; versus, having to use CollectionRuleItem.Create.
    • Dictionary extension method has additional overload to pass in the IValidatorEx<TKey> and IValidator<TValue> to use for each entry in the dictionary; versus, having to use DictionaryRuleItem.Create.
    • MinimumCount and MaximumCount extension methods for ICollection added to enable explicit specification of these two basic validations.
    • Validation.CreateCollection renamed to Validation.CreateForCollection and creates a CommonValidator<TColl>.
      • Existing CollectionValidator deprecated as the CommonValidator<TColl> offers same; removes duplication of capability.
    • Validation.CreateDictionary renamed to Validation.CreateForDictionary and creates a CommonValidator<TDict>.
      • Existing DictionaryValidator deprecated as the CommonValidator<TDict> offers same; removes duplication of capability.
  • Enhancement: Added ServiceBusReceiverHealthCheck to perform a peek message on the ServiceBusReceiver as a means to determine health. Use IHealthChecksBuilder.AddServiceBusReceiverHealthCheck to configure.
  • Fixed: The FileLockSynchronizer, BlobLeaseSynchronizer and TableWorkStatePersistence have had any file/blob/table validations/manipulations moved from the constructor to limit critical failures at startup from a DI perspective; now only performed where required/used. This also allows improved health check opportunities as means to verify.


  • Enhancement: Added basic FluentValidator compatibility to the CoreEx.Validation by supporting key (common) named capabilities:
    • AbstractValidator<T> added as a wrapper for Validator<T>; with both supporting RuleFor method (wrapper for existing Property).
    • NotEmpty, NotNull, Empty, Null, InclusiveBetween, ExclusiveBetween, Equal, NotEqual, LessThan, LessThanOrEqualTo, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqualTo, Matches, Length, MinimumLength, MaximumLength, PrecisionScale, EmailAddress and IsInEnum extension methods added (invoking existing equivalents).
    • NullRule and NotNullRule added to support the Null and NotNull capabilities specifically.
    • WithMessage added to explcitly set the error message for a preceeding IValueRule (equivalent to specifying when invoking extension method).
    • ValidatorStrings have had their fallback texts added to ensure an appropriate text is output where ITextProvider is not available.
    • Note: The above changes are to achieve a basic level of compatibility, they are not intended to implement the full capabilities of FluentValidation; nor, will it ever. The CoreEx.FluentValidation enables FluentValidation to be used directly where required; also, the existing CoreEx.Validation.InteropRule enables interoperability between the two.
  • Enhancement: Added StringSyntaxAttribute support to improve intellisense for JSON and URI specification.
  • Enhancement: Added EventPublisherHealthCheck that will send an EventData message to verify that the IEventPublisher is functioning correctly.
    • Note: only use where the corresponding subscriber(s)/consumer(s) are aware and can ignore/filter to avoid potential downstream challenges.


  • Enhancement: This is a clean-up version to remove all obsolete code and dependencies. This will result in a number of minor breaking changes, but will ensure that the codebase is up-to-date and maintainable.
    • As per v3.14.0 the previously obsoleted TypedHttpClientBase methods WithRetry, WithTimeout, WithCustomRetryPolicy and WithMaxRetryDelay are now removed; including TypedHttpClientOptions, HttpRequestLogger and related SettingsBase capabilities.
    • Health checks:
      • CoreEx.Azure.HealthChecks namespace and classes removed.
      • SqlServerHealthCheck replaced with simple generic DatabaseHealthCheck.
      • IServiceCollection.AddDatabase automatically adds DatabaseHealthCheck.
      • IServiceCollection.AddSqlServerEventOutboxHostedService automatically adds TimerHostedServiceHealthCheck.
      • IServiceCollection.AddReferenceDataOrchestrator automatically adds ReferenceDataOrchestratorHealthCheck (reports cache statistics).
      • HealthReportStatusWriter added to support richer JSON reporting.
      • Generally recommend using 3rd-party library to enable further health checks; for example:


  • Fixed: The Result.ValidatesAsync extension method signature has had the value nullability corrected to enable fluent-style method-chaining.
  • Fixed: The fully qualified type and property name is now correctly used as the LText.KeyAndOrText when creating within the PropertyExpression<TEntity, TProperty> to enable a qualified key that can be used by the ITextProvider to substitute the text at runtime; the existing text fallback behavior remains such that an appropriate text is used. The PropertyExpression.CreatePropertyLTextKey function can be overridden to change this behavior.


  • Enhancement: Planned feature obsoletion. The TypedHttpClientBase methods WithRetry, WithTimeout, WithCustomRetryPolicy and WithMaxRetryDelay are now marked as obsolete and will result in a compile-time warning. Related TypedHttpClientOptions, HttpRequestLogger and SettingsBase capabilities have also been obsoleted.
    • Why? Primarily based on Microsoft guidance around IHttpClientFactory usage. Specifically advances in native HTTP resilency support, and the .NET 8 networking improvements.
    • When? Soon, planned within the next minor release (v3.15.0). This will simplify the underlying TypedHttpClientBase logic and remove the internal dependency on an older version of the Polly package.
    • How? Review the compile-time warnings, and update the codebase to use the native IHttpClientFactory resiliency capabilities.
  • Enhancement: Updated CoreEx.UnitTesting to leverage the latest UnitTestEx (v4.2.0) which has added support for testing HttpMessageHandler and HttpClient configurations. This will enable improved mocked testing as a result of the above changes where applicable.
  • Enhancement: Added CustomSerializers property to IEventSerializer of type CustomEventSerializers. This allows for the add (registration) of custom JSON serialization logic for a specified EventData.Value type. This is intended to allow an opportunity to serialize a specific type in a different manner to the default JSON serialization; for example, exclude certain properties, or use a different serialization format.
  • Enhancement: Updated the unit testing ExpectedEventPublisher so that it now executes the configured IEventSerializer during publishing. A new UnitTestBase.GetExpectedEventPublisher extension method added to simplify access to the ExpectedEventPublisher instance and corresponding GetPublishedEvents property to enable further assert where required.


  • Enhancement: Added DatabaseMapperEx enabling extended/explicit mapping where performance is critical versus existing that uses reflection and compiled expressions; can offer up to 40%+ improvement in some scenarios.
  • Enhancement: The AddMappers<TAssembly>() and AddValidators<TAssembly>() extension methods now also support two or three assembly specification overloads.
  • Enhancement: A WorkState.UserName has been added to enable the tracking of the user that initiated the work; this is then checked to ensure that only the initiating user can interact with their own work state.
  • Fixed: The ReferenceDataOrchestrator.GetByTypeAsync has had the previous sync-over-async corrected to be fully async.
  • Fixed: Validation extensions Exists and ExistsAsync which expect a non-null resultant value have been renamed to ValueExists and ValueExistsAsync to improve usability; also they are IResult aware and will act accordingly.
  • Fixed: The ETag HTTP handling has been updated to correctly output and expect the weak W/"xxxx" format.
  • Fixed: The ETagGenerator implementation has been further optimized to minimize unneccessary string allocations.
  • Fixed: The ValueContentResult will only generate a response header ETag (ETagGenerator) for a GET or HEAD request. The underlying result IETag.ETag is used as-is where there is no query string; otherwise, generates as assumes query string will alter result (i.e. filtering, paging, sorting, etc.). The result IETag.ETag is unchanged so the consumer can still use as required for a further operation.
  • Fixed: The SettingsBase has been optimized. The internal recursion checking has been removed and as such an endless loop (StackOverflowException) may occur where misconfigured; given frequency of IConfiguration usage the resulting performance is deemed more important. Additionally, prefixes are now optional.
    • The existing support of referencing a settings property by name (settings.GetValue<T>("NamedProperty")) and it using reflection to find before querying the IConfiguration has been removed. This was not a common, or intended usage, and was somewhat magical, and finally was non-performant.


  • Enhancement: Added new CoreEx.Database.Postgres project/package to support PostgreSQL database capabilities. Primarily encapsulates the open-source Npqsql .NET ADO database provider for PostgreSQL.
    • Added EncodedStringToUInt32Converter to support PostgreSQL xmin column encoding as the row version/etag.
  • Enhancement: Migrated sentence case logic from inside PropertyExpression into CoreEx.Text.SentenceCase to improve discoverablity and reuse opportunities.
  • Fixed: The IServiceCollection.AddAzureServiceBusClient extension method as been removed; the ServiceBusClient will need to be instantiated prior to usage. Standard approach is for consumers to create client instances independently.
  • Fixed: The WorkOrchestrator.GetAsync<T>() and WorkOrchestrator.GetAsync(string type, ..) methods were not automatically cancelling where expired.
  • Fixed: The InvokerArgs activity tracing updated to correctly capture the Exception.Message where an Exception has been thrown.
  • Internal:
    • All throw new ArgumentNullException checking migrated to the xxx.ThrowIfNull extension method equivalent.
    • All Run Code Analysis issues resolved.


  • Enhancement: The ITypedToResult updated to correctly implement IToResult as the simple ToResult where required.
  • Enhancement: Added Result.AsTask() and Result<T>.AsTask to simplify the conversion to a completed Task<Result> or Task<Result<T>> where applicable.
  • Enhancement: Added IResult.IsFailureOfType<TException> to indicate whether the result is in a failure state and the underlying error is of the specified TException type.
  • Enhancement: Added EventTemplate property to the WebApiPublisherArgs and WebApiPublisherCollectionArgs to define an EventData template.
  • Enhancement: Added SubscriberBase<T> constructor overload to enable specification of valueValidator and ValueIsRequired parameters versus setting properties directly simplifying usage.
  • Enhancement: Enum renames to improve understanding of intent for event subscribing logic: ErrorHandling.None is now ErrorHandling.HandleByHost and ErrorHandling.Handle is now ErrorHandling.HandleBySubscriber.
  • Enhancement: Simplified the ServiceBusSubscriber.Receive methods by removing the afterReceive parameter which served no real purpose; also, reversed the validator and valueIsRequired parameters (order as stated) as the validator is more likely to be specified than valueIsRequired which defaults to true.
  • Enhancement: Added CoreEx.Hosting.Work namespace which includes light-weight/simple foundational capabilities to track and orchestrate work; intended for the likes of asynchronous request-response scenarios.
    • Added IWorkStatePersistence to enable flexible/pluggable persistence of the WorkState and resulting data; includes InMemoryWorkStatePersistence for testing, FileWorkStatePersistence for file-based, and TableWorkStatePersistence leveraging Azure table storage.
    • Added WorkStateOrchestrator support to EventSubscriberBase, including corresponding ServiceBusSubscriber and ServiceBusOrchestratedSubscriber using the ServiceBusMessage.MessageId as the corresponding WorkState.Id.
    • Extended EventSubscriberArgs to support a new SetWorkStateDataAsync operation to enable the setting of the underlying WorkState data is a consistent manner where using the event subscriber capabilities.


  • Enhancement: The WebApiPublisher publishing methods have been simplified (breaking change), primarily through the use of a new argument that encapsulates the various related options. This will enable the addition of further options in the future without resulting in breaking changes or adding unneccessary complexities. The related README has been updated to document.
  • Enhancement: Added ValidationUseJsonNames to SettingsBase (defaults to true) to allow setting ValidationArgs.DefaultUseJsonNames to be configurable.


  • Enhancement: A new Abstractions.ServiceBusMessageActions has been created to encapsulate either a Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus.ServiceBusMessageActions (existing in-process function support) or Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.ServiceBusMessageActions (new isolated function support) and used internally. Implicit conversion is enabled to simplify usage; existing projects will need to be recompiled. The latter capability does not support RenewAsync and as such this capability is no longer leveraged for consistency; review documented PeekLock behavior to get desired outcome.
  • Enhancement: The Result, Result<T>, PagingArgs and PagingResult have had IEquatable added to enable equality comparisons.
  • Enhancement: Upgraded UnitTestEx dependency to 4.0.2 to enable isolated function testing.
  • Enhancement: Enabled IJsonSerializer support for CompositeKey JSON serialization/deserialization.
  • Enhancement: Added IEventDataFormatter which when implemented by the value set as the EventData.Value allows additional formatting to be applied by the EventDataFormatter.
  • Enhancement: Added IsMapNullIfNull to BidirectionalMapper that indicates whether to map null source value to a corresponding null destination automatically.
  • Fixed: Added ReferenceDataMultiDictionaryConverterFactory to ensure each IReferenceDataCollection is serialized correctly according to its underlying type.
  • Fixed: EventDataFormatter and CloudEventSerializerBase updated to correctly set the Key property where applicable.
  • Internal: Upgraded NUnit dependency to 4.0.1 for all CoreEx unit test; also, all unit tests now leverage the NUnit constraint model testing approach.


  • Fixed: The CoreEx.Text.JsonSerializer has been updated to cache the indented option correctly.
  • Fixed: The ReferenceDataOrchestator updated to use the correct serializer for ETag generation.


  • Enhancement: The ValueContentResult.CreateResult has been updated to return the resulting value as-is where is an instance of IActionResult; otherwise, converts value to a ValueContentResult (previous behavior).
  • Enhancement: The PagingArgs has been extended to support Token; being a continuation token to enable paging to be performed where the underlying data source does not support skip/take-style paging.


  • Fixed: The ReferenceDataMultiCollection and ReferenceDataMultiItem have been replaced with the ReferenceDataMultiDictionary as existing resulted in an unintended format with which to return the data. This fix also removed the need for the ReferenceDataMultiCollectionConverterFactory as custom serialization for this is no longer required.


  • Fixed: The WebApi.PutWithResultAsync methods that support get function parameter have had the result nullability corrected.
  • Fixed: The BidirectionalMapper<TFrom, TTo> has been added to further simplify the specification of a bidirectional mapping capability.


  • Enhancement: The Mapper<TSource, TDestination> has a new constructor override to enable the specification of the mapping (OnMap equivalent) logic.
  • Enhancement: The Mapper has had When* helper methods added to aid the specification of the mapping logic depending on the OperationTypes (singular) being performed.
  • Enhancement: A new NoneRule validation has been added to ensure that a value is none (i.e. must be its default value).


  • Fixed: All related package dependencies updated to latest.


  • Enhancement: Added Converter.Create<TSource, TDestionation> to enable a simple one-off IConverter<TSource, TDestionation> implementation to be created.
  • Fixed: The IReferenceData.SetInvalid method corrected to throw NotImplementedException where not explicitly implemented.
  • Fixed: The ReferenceDataBase updated to handle the IsValid and SetInvalid functionality correctly.


  • Enhancement: Added IBidirectionalMapper<TFrom, TTo> to enable a single mapping capability that can support mapping both ways.
  • Enhancement: Added IBidirectionalMapper<TFrom, TTo> registration support to Mapper.Register and by extension IServiceCollection.AddMappings.
  • Enhancement: Finalized initial capabilities for CoreEx.OData; package now published.


  • Enhancement: UnitTestEx as of v4.0.0 removed all dependencies to CoreEx, breaking a long-time circular reference challenge. Added extension capabilities to enable existing behaviors. These extensions have been added within CoreEx.UnitTesting and CoreEx.UnitTesting.NUnit respectively; using UnitTestEx namespace to minimize breaking changes and clearly separate. The following will need to be corrected where applicable:
    • Add UnitTestEx namespace where missing to enable new extension methods.
    • Replace existing TestSetUp.Default.ExpectedEventsEnabled = true with TestSetUp.Default.EnableExpectedEvents(); changed to a method as extension properties are not currently supported in C#.
    • Replace existing TestSetUp.Default.ExpectNoEvents = true with TestSetUp.Default.ExpectNoEvents(); changed to a method as extension properties are not currently supported in C#.
    • The existing ApiTester.Agent property has had to be made an extension method as follows:
      • Before: test.Agent<ContactAgent, Contact>().Expect...
      • After: test.Agent().With<ContactAgent, Contact>().Expect...
    • The ValidationTester has not been ported; but has been implemented using extension methods on the GenericTester as follows:
      • Before: ValidationTester.Create().ExpectErrors("").Run<XxxValidator, Xxx>(x);
      • After: GenericTester.Create().ExpectErrors("").Validation().With<XxxValidator, Xxx>(x);
  • Enhancement: Added net8.0 support.


  • Enhancement: Update the JsonFilterer classes to support qualified (indexed) property names; all paths are standardized with the $ prefix internally.
  • Enhancement: Added JsonNode extension methods ApplyInclude and ApplyExclude to simplify corresponding JsonFilterer usage.
  • Enhancement: Added JsonElementComparer to compare two JsonElement values (and typed values) and return the differences (JsonElementComparerResult). Additionally, the JsonElementComparerResult.ToMergePatch will create a corresponding JsonNode that represents an application/merge-patch+json representation of the differences.
  • Enhancement: Added DateTimeToStringConverter to enable the explicit formatting of a DateTime to a string and vice-versa.
  • Enhancement: Added JsonObjectMapper to enable explicit mapping of a Type (class) to a JsonObject and vice-versa (versus serialization). This enables property conversion, mapping and operation types to be specified, similar to other CoreEx mapping capabilities.
  • Enhancement: Renamed WebApiPublisher.PublishAsync<TColl, TItem> to WebApiPublisher.PublishCollectionAsync<TColl, TItem> to be more explicit with respect to purpose and usage.
  • Enhancement: The WebApiPublisher.PublishAsync has had the eventModifier delegate parameter simplified to no longer include a value as this is already available via the Value property of the existing EventData parameter.
  • Enhancement: Added additional overloads to WebApiPublisher.PublishAsync and WebApiPublisher.PublishCollectionAsync to support the event publishing of a different (mapped) type where applicable; see eventModifier delegate parameter. Additionally, supports WebApiPublisher.Mapper to convert/map by default where applicable.
  • Fixed: The Result.OnFailure* methods corrected to pass in the Error versus the Value (previously throwing incorrect exception as a result).
  • Enhancement: Added new CoreEx.OData project/package to support OData capabilities. Primarily encapsulates the open-source Simple.OData.Client.
    • Note: this package has not been published as this is currently considered experimental; is subject to future change and/or removal.
  • Enhancement: Added new CoreEx.Dataverse project/package to support Microsoft Dataverse (formerly known as Common Data Service or CDS) capabilities. Primarily encapsulates the ServiceClient and mappings to/from the Dataverse entities.
    • Note: this package has not been published as this is currently considered experimental; is subject to future change and/or removal.


  • Fixed: The IEfDb.With fixed (as extension methods) to also support the with value being passed into the corresponding Action<T> to simplify usage (only a subset of common intrinsic types supported, both nullable and non-nullable overloads).
  • Fixed: Missing Result.CacheSet and Result.CacheRemove extension methods added to CoreEx.Results to fully enable IRequestCaching in addition to existing Result.CacheGetOrAddAsync.


  • Enhancement: Added IEventSubscriberInstrumentation (and related EventSubscriberInstrumentationBase) to enable EventSubscriberBase.Instrumentation monitoring of the subscriber as applicable.
  • Enhancement: Previous EventSubscriberInvoker exception/error handling moved into individual subscribers for greater control; a new ErrorHandler added to encapsulate the consistent handling of the underlying exceptions/errors. This was internal and should have no impact.
  • Enhancement: ErrorHandling.ThrowSubscriberException renamed to Handle and ErrorHandling.TransientRetry renamed to Retry. Old names have been obsoleted and as such will generate a compile-time error where not corrected.
  • Enhancement: Added DataConsistencyException to support the throwing of possible data consistency issues; internally integrated throughout CoreEx.
  • Enhancement: Added IDatabase.SqlFromResource support to enable simple access to SQL statements embedded as a resource within a specified assembly.
  • Enhancement: Result.When* methods updated to support optional otherwise function to enable if/then/else scenarios (only invoked where Result.IsSuccess).


  • Fixed: ServiceBusSubscriber was not correctly bubbling (not handling) exceptions where UnhandledHandling was set to ErrorHandling.None. Was incorrectly treating same as ErrorHandling.ThrowSubscriberException and automatically dead-lettering and continuing.


  • Enhancement: Distributed tracing has been added via the InvokerBase set of classes throughout CoreEx to ensure coverage and consistency of implementation. A new InvokeArgs has been added to house the ActivitySource instance; this also provides for further extension opportunities limiting future potential breaking changes.


  • Enhancement: Added ServiceBusReceiverActions as a means to encapsulate the ServiceBusReceivedMessage and ServiceBusReceiver as a ServiceBusMessageActions equivalent to enable both the ServiceBusSubscriber and ServiceBusOrchestratedSubscriber to be leveraged outside of native Azure Functions.
  • Enhancement: Added support for claim-check pattern for large messages. EventData.Value serialization to be stored as an attachment in the likes of blob storage and then referenced (claim-check) from the actual message. A new IAttachmentStorage encapsulates the attachment behavior with the IEventSerializer implementations referencing as applicable; whereby separating this behavior from the IEventSender enabling greater consistency and reuse. Added BlobAttachmentStorage and BlobSasAttachmentStorage to support Azure blob storage.


  • Fixed: The DatabaseParameterCollection.AddParameter now explicitly sets the DbParameter.Value to DbNull.Value where the value passed in is null.


  • Enhancement: Added Hosting.ServiceBase class for a self-orchestrated service to execute for a specified MaxIterations; provides an alternative to using a HostedService. Useful for the likes of timer trigger Azure Functions for eample.
  • Enhancement: Added EventOutboxService as an alternative to EventOutboxHostedService; related to (and leverages) above to achieve same outcome.
  • Fixed: Database.OnDbException was incorrectly converting the unhandled exception to a Result; will now throw as expected.


  • Enhancement: Added new CoreEx.Results namespace with primary Result and Result<T> classes to enable monadic error-handling, often referred to Railway-oriented programming; see CoreEx.Results for more implementation details. Thanks Adi for inspiring and guiding on this change. Related changes as follows:
    • Enhancement: EventSubscriberBase, SubscriberBase and SubscriberBase<T> modified to include EventSubscriberArgs (Dictionary<string, object?>) to allow other parameters to be passed in. The ReceiveAsync methods now support the args as a parameter, and must return a Result to better support errors; breaking change.
    • Enhancement: Where overriding Validator.OnValidateAsync this method must return a Result, as does the CustomRule (for consistency); breaking change. The Result enables other errors to be returned avoiding the need/cost to throw an exception.
    • Enhancement: ExecutionContext user authorization methods have been renamed (UserIsAuthorized and UserIsInRole) and explicitly leverage Result; breaking change.
    • Enhancement: IReferenceDataProvider.GetAsync method now supports a return type of Result<T>; breaking change.
  • Enhancement: The WebApi namespace has been moved to a new CoreEx.AspNetCore project/package to decouple these explicit ASP.NET Core capabilities from the core; breaking change.
    • The IExceptionResult interface has been deprecated as a result; all exceptions have been updated accordingly.
  • Fixed: Validation extension method EnsureValue has been renamed to Required to be more explicit as to purpose; breaking change.
  • Fixed: InvokerBase and InvokerBase<TResult> now split sync and async code to avoid sync over async; requires both the sync and async virtual methods to be overridden to implement correctly.
  • Enhancement: Ad-hoc performance optimizations; some minor breaking changes primarily impacting internal usage.
  • Enhancement: Added net6.0 and net7.0 support in addition to .NET Standard to all packages. This will allow access to additional features per version where required, and overall performance improvements.
  • Enhancement: Added CoreEx.Solace to enable the publishing of messages to Solace message broker; thanks Israel.
  • Enhancement: Updated CoreEx.Cosmos to support direct model queries using ModelQuery methods where applicable.
  • Enhancement: Added PagingOperationFilterFields to allow specific selection of fields for the PagingOperationFilter. This was influenced by pull request 67.


  • Fixed: EventOutboxHostedService updated so when a new IServiceScope is created that ExecutionContext.Reset is invoked to ensure existing ServiceProvider is not reused.
  • Fixed: EventDataFormatter defaults PartitionKey and TenantId properties, where not already set, from the value where implements IPartitionKey and ITenantId respectively.


  • Enhancement: Added IServiceBusSubscriber with following properties: AbandonOnTransient (perform an Abandon versus bubbling exception), MaxDeliveryCount (max delivery count check within subscriber), RetryDelay (basic transient retry specification) and MaxRetryDelay (defines upper bounds of retry delay). These are defaulted from corresponding IConfiguration settings. Both the ServiveBusSubscriber and ServiveBusOrchestratedSubscriber implement; related logic within ServiceBusSubscriberInvoker.
  • Enhancement: Added RetryAfterSeconds to TransientException to allow overriding; defaults to 120 seconds.
  • Fixed: Log output from subscribers will no longer write exception stack trace where known IExtendedException (noise reduction).
  • Fixed: ValidationException message reformatted such that newlines are no longer included (message simplification).


  • Fixed: The dead-lettering within ServiceBusSubscriberInvoker will write the exception stack trace, etc. to a new message property named SubscriberException to ensure this content is consistently persisted, with related error description being the exception message only.


  • Enhancement: Added PagingAttribute and PagingOperationFilter to enable swagger output of PagingArgs parameters for an operation.


  • Enhancement: Added CoreEx.EntityFrameworkCore support for .NET framework net7.0.
  • Enhancement: Updated ServiceBusSubscriberInvoker to improve logging, including opportunities to inherit and add further before and after processing logging and/or monitoring.
  • Enhancement: Updated ServiceBusOrchestratedSubscriber to perform a LogInformation on success.
  • Enhancement: The TypedHttpClientBase<TSelf> will probe settings by GetType().Name to enable settings per implementation type as an overridding configurable option.
  • Fixed: HttpResult.CreateExtendedException passes inner HttpRequestException for context.
  • Fixed: EventSubscriberOrchestrator.AmbiquousSubscriberHandling is correctly set to ErrorHandling.CriticalFailFast by default.


  • Enhancement: Simplified usage for TypedHttpClientCore and TypedHttpClientBase such that all parameters with the exception of HttpClient default where not specified.
  • Enhancement: IServiceCollection extension methods for CoreEx.Validation and CoreEx.FluentValidation support option to include/exclude underlying interfaces where performing register using AddValidator and AddValidators.
  • Enhancement: Enable interoperability between CoreEx.Validation and a non-CoreEx.Validation mapped IValidator; see Interop validation extension method.
  • Enhancement: ServiceBusOrchestratedSubscriber added to support orchestrated (EventSubscriberOrchestrator) event subscribers (IEventSubscriber, SubscriberBase and SubscriberBase<T>) based on matching metadata (EventSubscriberAttribute) to determine which registered subscriber to execute for the current ServiceBusReceivedMessage.
  • Enhancement: BlobLockSynchronizer added to perform IServiceSynchronizer using Azure Blob storage.
  • Fixed: Resolved transaction already diposed exception for the EventOutboxHostedService by creating a new IServiceProvider scope and instantiating a EventOutboxDequeueBase per execution to ensure all dependencies are reinstantiated where applicable.
  • Enhancement: Updated all package dependencies to latest.


  • Enhancement: ReferenceDataOrchestrator supports IConfigureCacheEntry to enable flexibility of configuration; no changes to current behaviour.
  • Fixed: ReferenceDataBase was not correctly managing the Id and IdType throughout the inheritence hierarchy.
  • Enhancement: Database, Entity Framework, and Cosmos capabilities can be configured within their respective *Args to perform a Cleaner.Clean automatically on the response. Defaults to false to maintain current functionality.
  • Fixed: Mapper<T> was not correctly initializing nullable destination properties during a Flatten; for example, a destination DateTime? was being set with a DateTime.MinValue where source property was not nullable. A new InitializeDestination can be optionally specified (or overridden) to perform; otherwise, current initialization behavior will continue.


  • Fixed: Database RowVersion conversion fixed to correctly enable per database provider.


  • Fixed: ReferenceDataOrchestrator further updated to attempt to use ExecutionContext where possible when Current has not previously been set; this is similar to previous behaviour (< 2.5.1).
  • Fixed: ReferenceDataOrchestrator updated to leverage AsyncLocal for Current to remove static value leakage; lifetime within the context of the request.


  • Fixed: System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object for the IServiceProvider has been resolved where reference data loading (ReferenceDataOrchestrator), that in turn loaded child reference data. A new start up UseReferenceDataOrchestrator method simplifies set up.


  • Enhancement: Added string casing support to Cleaner and EntityCore using new StringCase; being None (as-is default), Upper, Lower and Title. Leverages standard .NET TextInfo to implement underlying case conversion.
  • Fixed: Applied all changes identified by Code Analysis.
  • Fixed: NullReferenceException in EntityBaseDictionary where item value is null corrected.
  • Enhancement: Added KeyModifier function to ObservableDictionary to allow key manipulation to ensure consistency, i.e. all uppercase.
  • Fixed: Potential SQL Injection opportunity within DatabaseExtendedExtensions.ReferenceData corrected when schema and table names were being specified explicitly; now quoted using DbCommandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier.


  • Enhancement: Added CompareValuesRule, EnumRule and EnumValueRule as additional validation rules.


  • Enhancement: PagingArgs.MaxTake default set by SettingsBase.PagingMaxTake.
  • Enhancement: Reference data ICacheEntry policy configuration can now be defined in settings.


  • Fixed: Entity Framework EfDb.UpdateAsync resolved error where the instance of entity type cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value is already being tracked.
  • Fixed: The CollectionMapper was incorrectly appending items to an existing collection, versus performing a replacement operation.
  • Enhancement: Improved Entity Framework support where entities contain relationships, both query and update; new EfDbArgs.QueryNoTracking and EfDbArgs.ClearChangeTrackerAfterGet added to configure/override default behaviour.
  • Enhancement: Added TypedHttpClientOptions OnBeforeRequest and within TypedHttpClientBase<TSelf> to enable updating of the HttpRequestMessage before it is sent.


  • Enhancement: Added additional ReferenceDataBaseEx.GetRefDataText method overload with a parameter of id; as an alternative to the pre-existing code.
  • Enhancement: ReferenceDataOrchestrator caching supports virtual OnGetCacheKey to enable overridding classes to further define the key characteristics.


  • Enhancement: Added support for MySQL through introduction of MySqlDatabase that supports similar pattern to SqlServerDatabase.
  • Enhancement: Added new EncodedStringToDateTimeConverter to simulate row versioning from a DateTime (timestamp) as an alternative.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: CoreEx.EntityFrameworkCore updated to only have database provider independent reference of Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore. Developer will need to add database specific within own solution to use.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: Moved classes that inherit from the likes of EntityBase into corresponding Extended namespace as secondary, and moved the corresponding Models implementation into root as primary and removed namespace accordingly. This is to ensure consistency, such that extended usage is explicit (non-default). MessageItem updated to no longer inherit from EntityBase as the extended capabilities are not required.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: The AddValidators extension method has been updated to register the implementing validators directly, versus the underlying IValidatorEx. This enables multiple validators to be registered for an entity. Any references to the interface will need to be updated to reference the concrete to continue functioning through dependency injection. Generally, the validators are not mocked, and the concrete classes can be if need using MOQ where required; impact of change is considered low risk for higher reward.
  • Enhancement: Added the security related capabilities to ExecutionContext as was previously available in Beef.


  • Enhancement: Added new Mapping.Mapper as a simple (explicit) IMapper capability as an alternative to AutoMapper. Enable the key Map, Flatten and Expand mapping capabilities. This is no reflection/compiling magic, just specified mapping code which executes very fast.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: Validation Additional method renamed to AdditionalAsync to be more explicit.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: The SqlServer specific capabilities within CoreEx.Database project/assembly have been moved to a new CoreEx.Database.SqlServer project/assembly.


  • Enhancement: Updated the EventOutboxEnqueueBase and EventOutboxDequeueBase to include the EventDataBase.Key value/column.
  • Enhancement: Added the EventOutboxHostedService (migrated from NTangle) to enable hosted outbox publishing service execution.
  • Enhancement: LoggerEventSender updated to also log event metadata.


  • Enhancement: Loosened EntityCollectionResult generic TEntity constraint to EntityBase to enable inherited extended entitites.
  • Enhancement: Extended TypedHttpClientBase<TSelf> to support DefaultOptions and SendOptions to enable default configuration of new TypedHttpClientOptions; i.e. the likes of WithRetry can now default versus having to be set per invocation of SendAsync.
  • Enhancement: Added TypedMappedHttpClientBase, TypedMappedHttpClientCore and TypedMappedHttpClient with new IMapper property used to add extended support for request and response type mappings as part of the request. New methods are GetMappedAsync, PostMappedAsync, PutMappedAsync and PatchMappedAsync where applicable.
  • Enhancement: IConverter<T> usability improvements; including others that leverage.
  • Enhancement: AutoMapper converters added for common IConverter<T> implementations to enable.
  • Enhancement: ReferenceDataOrchestrator.ConvertFromId(object? id) overload added to enable usage when Type of Id is unknown.
  • Enhancement: Added RefDataLoader overload that supports stored procedure command usage.
  • Enhancement: Extended TableValuedParameter to support standard list types; including corresponding configurable DatabaseColumn names.
  • Enhancement: Add DatabaseCommand.SelectMultiSetAsync overloads to support paging.
  • Enhancement: Added IEntityKey to enable key-based support in a consistent and standardized manner; refactored IIdentifier and IPrimaryKey to leverage; existing references within updated to leverage IEntityKey where applicable.
  • Enhancement: Improved validation handling of nullable vs non-nullable types when adding rules.
  • Enhancement: EntityBase usage simplified especially where inheriting indirectly, i.e. from a base class that inherits EntityBase. As a result EntityBase<> will be deprecated next version. ICloneable support removed, now supported via ExtendedExtensions.Clone<T>().
  • Enhancement: Improved the HttpArg query string output support.
  • Enhancement: Added Models.ChangeLog (does not inherit from EntityBase) as alternative to Entities.ChangeLog (which does). Also, added corresponding AutoMapper mapping between the two.
  • Enhancement: CosmosDbContainerBase updated to further centralize functionality, inheriting classes updated accordingly.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: ICollectionResult.Collection renamed to ICollectionResult.Items.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: IReferenceDataCollection properties AllList and ActiveList renamed to AllItems and ActiveItems respectively.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: HttpClientEx removed as was a duplicate of TypedHttpClient; the latter was/is the intended implementation.
  • Enhancement: JsonDataReader when loading IReferenceData will attempt to read using both JSON and .NET Property names before overridding to allow additional flexibility within the specified JSON/YAML.
  • Enhancement: ReferenceDataOrchestrator concurrency support improved to ensure loading of reference data items for a Type is managed with a SemaphoreSlim to ensure only a single thread loads (only once).
  • Fixed: SettingsBase was not looking for keys containing __ or : consistently.
  • Fixed: JsonFilterer implementations now filters contents of a JSON object array correctly.


  • Enhancement: Ported and refactored CosmosDb components from Beef repo.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: Replaced DatabaseArgs.Paging with DatabaseQuery.Paging and DatabaseQuery.WithPaging.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: Replaced EfDbArgs.Paging with EfDbQuery.Paging and EfDbQuery.WithPaging.
  • Enhancement: Added JsonDataReader to enable dynamic loading of either YAML or JSON formatted data for data migration/uploading.
  • Enhancement: Added WebApiExceptionHandlerMiddleware to manage any unhandled exceptions.
  • Enhancement: Added TypedHttpClient to enable basic support for instantiating a TypedHttpClientCore without having to explicitly inherit.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: HealthChecks project deprecated with functionality moved to individual projects where applicable.
  • Enhancement: Added EfDbEntity to provide a typed entity wrapper over the IEfDb operations.
  • Enhancement: AddAzureServiceBusClient has had support to configure ServiceBusClientOptions added.
  • Fixed: The ServiceBusMessage cannot be sent due to local transactions not being supported with other resource managers/DTC resolved.
  • Fixed: The AuthenticationException and AuthorizationException HTTP status codes were incorrect; updated to 401 and 403 respectively.


  • Enhancement: InvokerBase<TInvoker, TArgs> has been updated to that the TArgs value is optional.
  • Enhancement: ReferenceDataFilter added to simplify HTTP Agent filtering as a single encapsulated object.
  • Enhancement: WebApi.ConvertNotfoundToDefaultStatusCodeOnDelete property added to convert NotFoundException to the default StatusCode (NoContent) as considered an idempotent operation; defaults to true.
  • Enhancement: PropertyExpression.SentenceCaseConverter added to enable overridding of default ToSentenceCase logic.
  • Fixed: HttpArg where HttpArgType.FromUriUseProperties was incorrectly formatting string values.
  • Fixed: WebApi.Patch operation was not returning the updated value correctly.
  • Fixed: WebApiExecutionContextMiddleware not setting Username and Timestamp correctly.
  • Fixed: WebApiInvoker was not setting the x-error-type and x-error-code headers for IExtendedException exceptions.
  • Fixed: WebApiParam updated to use ETag header (primary) then IETag.ETag property (secondary) as request ETag value.
  • Fixed: ValidationException updated to return message as MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain where message only (i.e. no property errors).
  • Fixed: IChangeLog values set correctly for IDatabase and IEfDb create and update.
  • Fixed: IDatabase connection open override methods now called correctly.
  • Fixed: CollectionRuleItem<TItem> updated to support duplicate checking by IIdentifier<T> as well as the existing IPrimaryKey.


  • Fixed: Invokers updated to leverage async/await correctly.


  • Enhancement: Added WithTimeout(TimeSpan timeout) support to TypedHttpClientBase to enable per request timeouts.
  • Enhancement: Added AddFluentValidators<TAssembly> to automatically add the requisite dependency injection (DI) configuration for all validators defined within an Assembly.
  • Enhancement: Breaking change: Refactored the extended entities to simplify implementation and improve experience via new EntityBase.GetPropertyValues and corresponding PropertyValue.
  • Enhancement: Ported and refactored validation framework from Beef repo.
  • Enhancement: Added support for IReferenceData serialization where only the Code is serialized/deserialized. This also required new IReferenceDataContentJsonSerializer, ReferenceDataContentJsonSerializer and ReferenceDataContentWebApi for when full IReferenceData content serialization is required.
  • Enhancement: Serializers updated to support ICollectionResult which by default only (de)serializes the underlying Collection. The Paging is expected to be handled separately.
  • Enhancement: Ported and refactored core database framework components from DbEx rep.
  • Enhancement: Ported and refactored extended database and entity framework components from Beef repo.
  • Enhancement: Added implementation agnostic IMapper for typed value mappings. Added AutoMapper implementation with wrapper to enable.


  • Enhancement: Overloads added to WebApi and WebApiPublisher to allow the body value to be passed versus reading from the HttpRequest. This is useful where allowing the likes of the ASP.NET infrastructure to deserialize value directly.
  • Enhancement: Automatic ETag generation is performed prior to field filtering as this is considered a post response action and should not affect ETag value.
  • Enhancement: Added EventSendException to provide a standard means to capture the events not sent to enable additional processing of those where required.


  • Enhancement: Status code checking added to TypedHttpClientBase<TSelf>.
  • Enhancement: Added IValidator<T> to enable any implementation (agnostic); created wrappers to enable FluentValidation (including dependency injection helper).
  • Enhancement: Added AcceptsBodyAttribute to enable Swagger (via AcceptsBodyOperationFilter) to output body type characteristics where not explicitly defined.
  • Enhancement: Added opt-in simulated concurrency (ETag) checking/generation to WebApi.PutAsync and WebApi.PatchAsync where underlying data source does not support.
  • Enhancement: Added CancellationToken to all Async methods.


  • Enhancement: IIdentifier.GetIdentifier method replaced with IIdentifier.Id. The IIdentifier<T> overrides the Id property hiding the base IIdentifier.Id.
  • Enhancement: ValueContentResult properties are now all get and set enabled. The Value property has been removed as it is JSON serialized into Content.
  • Fixed: ValueContentResult.ETag generation enhanced to handle different query string parameters when performing an HTTP GET for IEnumerable (collection) types.
  • Enhancement: Added HttpClientEx as a light-weight means to instantiate a one-off instance from an HttpClient.
  • Enhancement: Added JsonMergePatch (application/merge-patch+json) whereby the contents of a JSON document are merged into an existing object value as per RFC7396.
  • Enhancement: Added/updated reference data capabilities.
  • Plus, many more minor fixes and enhancements.


  • Enhancement: Breaking change: The event publishing (IEventPublisher) is now designed to occur in three distinct phases: 1) formatting (EventDataFormatter.Format), 2) serialization (IEventSerializer.SerializeAsync), and 3) sending (IEventSender.SendAsync). The EventPublisher has been added to orchestrate this flow.
  • Enhancement: Updated the IJsonSerializer implementation defaults to align with the expected default serialization behavior.
  • Fixed: The TypedHttpClientBase fixed to handle where the requestUri parameter is only a query string and not a path.


  • New: Initial publish to GitHub/NuGet.