- Undistorted images, masks and depthmaps are now under the undistorted folder. Use the
script to port old datasets to the new folder structure.
- Undistorting 16bit images now produces 16bit undistorted images. @pierotofy
- Matching:
- Bag-of-words pair selection
- VLAD pair selection
- Words based matching
- Local bundle adjustment is used by default
- extract_metadata extracts exif only once
- Changed default FLANN parameters for faster, less precise matching
- Require cmake version 3 or later
- Faster local bundle adjustment by limiting the neighborhood and the number of iterations
- New GCP file format allows for GCPs without known world coordinates
- Python 3 support. @spease
- Brown-Conrady camera model. @bdholt1
- reporting
- docs on coordinates systems and incremental reconstruction pipeline. @jdjakub, @bryanibit
- export reconstruction in proj4 geographic coordinates
- improved initialization for planar scenes
- support for recent (1.65+) versions of boost python. @spease
- fix bug when using GCP. @jhacsonmeza
- better navigation for 360 images. @mpetroff
- use loky for better exception handling when using multi-processing. @pierotofy
- Add option
to run bundle adjustment locally around the last added image - Add option
to optimize or not the internal camera parameters - Add tools to split large datasets into multiple submodels and align them a posteriori
command is now namedopensfm_run_all
- Features are now saved in the
folder. The feature type is no longer used to name the feature folder and files - The option
is nowtrue
by default. - Update openMVS exporter with current master
- Speed up the search for candidate matching images
- Open binary file in binary mode under Windows
Initial release.