This document outlines the migration guidance for transitioning to a global deployment SKU for GPT models in Azure OpenAI, as well as troubleshooting steps for handling resource deletion conflicts.
To migrate to a global deployment SKU, follow these steps:
Add a parameter for each model used in the infrastructure to set the sku name, like chatGptDeploymentSkuName. Use that parameter as the sku input for the OpenAI deployments.
In main.bicep:
param chatGptDeploymentSkuName string = '' ... module openAi 'br/public:avm/res/cognitive-services/account:0.5.4' = { ... params: { ... deployments: [ { ... sku: { name: chatGptDeploymentSkuName ... } } ] } }
Add a parameter mapping to main.parameters.json or main.bicepparam that maps an azd environment variable to that parameter. This allows developers to customize the sku per azd environment easily. In the parameter mapping, set the default to GlobalStandard.
In main.parameters.json:
"chatGptDeploymentSkuName": { "value": "${CHAT_GPT_DEPLOYMENT_SKU_NAME=GlobalStandard}" }
In main.bicepparam
param chatGptDeploymentSkuName = readEnvironmentVariable('CHAT_GPT_DEPLOYMENT_SKU_NAME', 'GlobalStandard'))
Update the allowed location list in main.bicep because global standard SKU is not supported in some region for some models. See the global-standard-model-availability for more details.
@description('Location for the OpenAI resource group') @allowed([ 'eastus' 'eastus2' 'northcentralus' 'southcentralus' 'swedencentral' 'westus' 'westus3' ]) @metadata({ azd: { type: 'location' } }) param openAiResourceGroupLocation string
In the documentation somewhere, provide guidance about how to set the sku back to standard, for developers that need it:
azd up
andazd down
to ensure everything works properly.
No issues active. If you experience any issues with global deployments, let us know opening an issue in this repository.