When working with large set of data displaying a long list in html can be quite laggy. Virtual scrolling means you only write to the dom the elements that are currently in the view.
This has however some restrictions:
- You must know the height of your items. TThis is used to caclulate where you are in the list
- Each item mush have the exact same height
- The container of the virtual scroll must have a fixed height(Or 100%). Virtual scroll will try to use all the space available to it
Virtual scroll is currently being used in the bl-quick-list
and bl-table
components for examples.
<div *ngVirtualRow="let item; trackBy: trackItem">
<!-- Displpay item here -->
<!-- Optional adding a tail. -->
<bl-virtual-scroll-tail [height]="100" *ngIf="showTail">
<!-- THings to show at the end of the scrolling -->