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SONiC FRR-BGP Extended Unified Configuration Management Framework

High Level Design Document

Rev 0.4

Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 1: Abbreviations


Rev Date Author Change Description
0.1 09/25/2019 Karthikeyan Arumugam Initial version
0.2 10/30/2019 Venkatesan Mahalingam Config DB schema changes
0.3 11/20/2019 Venkatesan Mahalingam Added various fields in config DB
0.4 12/18/2019 Venkatesan Mahalingam Addressed the comments on error handling and method of testing

About this Manual

This document provides general information about the implementation of Extended Unified Configuration and Management framework support for FRR-BGP feature in SONiC.


This document describes the high level design of FRR-BGP Extended Unified Configuration and Management feature.


Table 1: Abbreviations

Term Meaning
FRR Free Range Routing Stack
CVL Config Validation Library
VRF Virtual routing forwarding
RIB Routing Information Base
PBR Policy based routing
NBI North Bound Interface

1 Feature Overview

This feature extends and provides unified configuration and management capability for FRR-BGP features used in SONiC. This allows the user to configure & manage FRR-BGP using SONiC Management Framework with Open Config data models via REST, gNMI and also provides access via SONiC Management Framework CLI as well.

1.1 Requirements

1.1.1 Functional Requirements

  1. Extend Unified mode for full FRR-BGP config and management in SONiC
  2. Extend sonic-cfggen, bgpcfgd and integrate with FRR-BGP for features supported in SONiC
  3. Support for retrieval of FRR-BGP state and statistics information
  4. For backward compatibility retain access to FRR UI (vtysh) for managing features that are NOT in conflict with SONiC features

1.1.2 Configuration and Management Requirements

  1. Support Open Config data models for BGP config and Management
  2. Provide IS-CLI/gNMI/REST support for config and management of FRR-BGP features used in SONIC
  3. Enhance with Custom YANG models for features used in BGP that are not supported via Open Config data model
  4. Define ABNF schema for BGP features used in SONiC

1.1.3 Scalability Requirements


1.1.4 Warm Boot Requirements

As state and statistics information is retrieved from FRR-BGP on demand there is no Warm Boot specific requirements for this feature.

1.2 Design Overview

SONiC FRR-BGP Extended Unified config and management capability makes use of Management framework to implement the backend and transformer methods to support Open Config data models for BGP and route policy feature. The backend converts the incoming request to Redis ABNF schema format and writes the configuration to Redis DB. Then from DB events, bgpcfgd will configure FRR-BGP using FRR CLI commands. It also uses management framework's transformer methods to do syntactic and semantic validation of the requests using ABNF JSON before writing them into the Redis DB.

1.2.1 Basic Approach

  • This enhancement takes comprehensive approach to support BGP features used in SONiC:
    • Standard based YANG models and custom YANG models
    • Open API spec
    • Industry standard CLI
    • Config Validation
  • REST server, gNMI server, Transformer methods - all in Go
  • Marshalling and unmarshalling using YGOT
  • Redis updated using CAS(Check-and-Set) trans. (No locking, No rollback)
  • Config Validation by using YANG model from ABNF schema

1.2.2 Container

There will be changes in following containers,

  • sonic-mgmt-framework
  • sonic-frr

1.2.3 SAI Overview

N/A - software feature

2 Functionality

2.1 Target Deployment Use Cases

Configure and manage FRR-BGP via gNMI, REST and CLI interfaces using SONiC Management Framework.

2.2 Functional Description

Provide GNMI and REST support for config get/set, state get and statistics get, CLI config and show commands for FRR-BGP features used in SONiC.

3 Design

3.1 Overview

The extended unified config and management framework for FRR-BGP in SONiC is represented in below diagram.

FRR-BGP Unified Mgmt Framework

  1. Transformer common app owns the Open config data models related to BGP (which means no separate app module required for handling BGP open-config and augmented YANG objects).

  2. Provide annotations for required objects so that transformer core and common app will take care of handling them.

  3. Provide transformer methods as per the annotations defined to take care of model specific logics and validations.

  4. Define SONiC YANG and Redis ABNF schema for the supported Open Config BGP models & objects.

  5. KLISH CLI and REST clients provide extensive BGP configurations and hence there should not be any need for BGP configurations via vtysh.

  6. In bgpcfgd register for Redis DB events for the BGP and other related objects, so as to translate the Redis DB events to FRR-BGP CLI commands to configure FRR-BGP, similarly, separate config daemons can be present to configure individual features like OSPF, BFD..etc

  7. Update /usr/share/sonic/templates/bgpd.conf.j2 template for new FRR-BGP configurations supported in SONiC which will be used by sonic-cfggen to generate /etc/frr/bgpd.conf file.

3.2 DB Changes

Following section describes the changes to DB.


Added new tables to configure following information:

  • BGP router & address family configurations
  • BGP neighbor & address family configurations
  • BGP peer group & address family configurations
  • BGP listen prefix configuration for peer group
  • Route map configurations
  • Route redistribute configurations
  • Route policy sets (prefix list/community/ext-community/as-path/neighbor-set/tag-set configurations

Enhanced following table to configure additional attributes:

  • BGP Neighbor table BGP_GLOBALS

;Defines BGP globals table
;Status: stable

key                                  = BGP_GLOBALS|vrf ;
vrf                                  = 1\*15VCHAR ; VRF name
local_asn                            = 1*10DIGIT ; Local ASN for the BGP instance
router_id                            = \*IPv4prefix ; Router ID IPv4 address
load_balance_mp_relax                = "true" / "false" ;
grace_restart                        = "true" / "false" ;
always_compare_med                   = "true" / "false" ;
load_balance_mp_relax                = "true" / "false" ;
graceful_restart_enable              = "true" / "false" ;
gr_restart_time                      = 1*4DIGIT ; {1..3600 };
gr_stale_routes_time                 = 1*4DIGIT ; {1..3600 };
ebgp_route_distance                  = 1*2DIGIT ; {1..255 };
ibgp_route_distance                  = 1*2DIGIT ; {1..255 };
external_compare_router_id           = "true" / "false" ;
ignore_as_path_length                = "true" / "false" ;
log_nbr_state_changes                = "true" / "false" ;
rr_cluster_id                        = 1*64VCHAR ; Route reflector cluster id
rr_allow_out_policy                  = "true" / "false" ; Router reflector allow outbound Policy
disable_ebgp_connected_rt_check      = "true" / "false" ;
fast_external_failover               = "true" / "false" ;
network_import_check                 = "true" / "false" ;
graceful_shutdown                    = "true" / "false" ;
route_flap_dampen                    = "true" / "false" ;
route_flap_dampen_half_life          = 1*2DIGIT; {1..45}
route_flap_dampen_reuse_threshold    = 1*5DIGIT; {1..20000}
route_flap_dampen_suppress_threshold = 1*5DIGIT; {1..20000}
route_flap_dampen_max_suppress       = 1*3DIGIT; {1..255}
rr_clnt_to_clnt_reflection           = "true" / "false" ;
max_dynamic_neighbors                = 1*4DIGIT; {1..5000}
read_quanta                          = 1*2DIGIT; {1..10} Indicates how many packets to read from peer socket per I/O cycle
write_quanta                         = 1*2DIGIT; {1..10} Indicates how many packets to write to peer socket per run
coalesce_time                        = 1*10DIGIT; Subgroup coalesce timer value in milli-sec
route_map_process_delay              = 1*3DIGIT; { 0..600}
deterministic_med                    = "true" / "false" ;
med_confed                           = "true" / "false" ; Compare MED among confederation paths when set to true
med_missing_as_worst                 = "true" / "false" ; Treat missing MED as the least preferred one when set to true
compare_confed_as_path               = "true" / "false" ; Compare path lengths including confederation sets & sequences in selecting a route
as_path_mp_as_set                    = "true" / "false" ; Generate an AS_SET
default_ipv4_unicast                 = "true" / "false" ; Activate ipv4-unicast for a peer by default
default_local_preference             = "true" / "false" ; Configure default local preference value
default_show_hostname                = "true" / "false" ; Show hostname in BGP dumps
default_shutdown                     = "true" / "false" ; Apply administrative shutdown to newly configured peers
default_subgroup_pkt_queue_max       = 1*2DIGIT; {20..100} Configure subgroup packet queue max
max_med_time                         = 1*5DIGIT; {5..86400} Time (seconds) period for max-med
max_med_val                          = 1*10DIGIT; Max MED value to be used
max_delay                            = 1*4DIGIT; {0..3600} Maximum delay for best path calculation
establish_wait                       = 1*5DIGIT; {Maximum delay for updates} BGP_GLOBALS_AF

;Defines BGP Address family table
;Status: stable

key                       = BGP_GLOBALS_AF|vrf|af_name ;
vrf                       = 1\*15VCHAR ; VRF name
af_name                   = "ipv4_unicast" / "ipv6_unicast" / "l2vpn_evpn"  ; address family
max_ebgp_paths            = 1*3DIGIT ; {1..256}
max_ibgp_paths            = 1*3DIGIT ; {1..256}
aggregate_prefix          = IPv4Prefix / IPv6prefix ;
aggregate_as_set          = "true" / "false" ;
aggregate_summary_only    = "true" / "false" ;
network_prefix            = IPv4Prefix / IPv6prefix ;
network_policy            = 1*64VCHAR ;
network_backdoor          = "true" / "false" ;
route_download_filter     = 1*64VCHAR ;
ebgp_route_distance       = 1*3DIGIT; { 1.255}
ibgp_route_distance       = 1*3DIGIT; { 1.255}
ibgp_equal_cluster_length = "true" / "false" ; BGP_LISTEN_PREFIX

;Defines BGP Listen Prefix table
;Status: stable

key             = BGP_GLOBALS_LISTEN_PREFIX|vrf|IPprefix ;
vrf             = 1\*15VCHAR ; VRF name
IPprefix        = IPv4Prefix / IPv6prefix ;
peer_group_name = 1*64VCHAR ; Peer group this listen prefix is associated with BGP_NEIGHBOR

;Defines BGP neighbor table
;Status: stable

key                                = BGP_NEIGHBOR|vrf|neighbor_ip ;
vrf                                = 1\*15VCHAR ; VRF name
neighbor_ip                        = IPv4Prefix / IPv6prefix ;
local_asn                          = 1*10DIGIT ; Local ASN for the BGP neighbor
name                               = 1*64VCHAR ; BGP neighbor description
asn                                = 1*10DIGIT; Remote ASN value
ebgp_multihop                      = "true" / "false" ; Allow EBGP neighbors not on directly connected networks
ebgp_multihop_ttl                  = 1*3DIGIT ; {1..255} EBGP multihop count
auth_password                      = STRING ; Set a password
enabled                            = "true" / "false" ; Neighbor admin status
keepalive_intvl                    = 1*4DIGIT ; {1..3600} keepalive interval
hold_time                          = 1*4DIGIT ; {1..3600}  hold time
local_address                      = IPprefix ; local IP address
peer_group_name                    = 1*64VCHAR ; peer group name
peer_type                          = "internal" / "external" Internal/External BGP peer
conn_retry                         = 1*5DIGIT ; {1..65535} Connection retry timer
min_adv_interval                   = 1*3DIGIT ; {1..600} Minimum interval between sending BGP routing updates
passive_mode                       = "true" / "false" ; Don't send open messages
capability_ext_nexthop             = "true" / "false" ; Advertise extended next-hop capability
disable_ebgp_connected_route_check = "true" / "false" ; one-hop away EBGP peer using loopback address
enforce_first_as                   = "true" / "false" ; Enforce the first AS for EBGP route
solo_peer                          = "true" / "false" ; Solo peer - part of its own update group
ttl_security_hops                  = 1*3DIGIT ; {1.254} BGP ttl-security parameters
bfd                                = "true" / "false" ; Enable BFD support
capability-dynamic                 = "true" / "false" ; Advertise dynamic capability
dont-negotiate-capability          = "true" / "false" ; Do not perform capability negotiation
enforce-multihop                   = "true" / "false" ; Allow EBGP neighbors not on directly connected networks
override-capability                = "true" / "false" ; Override capability negotiation result
peer-port                          = 1*5DIGIT ; {0..65535} Neighbor's BGP port
shutdown-message                   = "true" / "false" ; Add a shutdown message
strict-capability-match            = "true" / "false" ; Strict capability negotiation match BGP_NEIGHBOR_AF

;Defines BGP Neighbor table at an address family level
;Status: stable

key                            = BGP_NEIGHBOR_AF|vrf|neighbor_ip|af_name ;
vrf                            = 1\*15VCHAR ; VRF name
neighbor_ip                    = IPv4Prefix / IPv6prefix ;
af_name                        = "ipv4_unicast" / "ipv6_unicast" / "l2vpn_evpn"  ; address family
enabled                        = "true" / "false" ; Neighbor admin status
send_default_route             = "true" / "false" ;
default_rmap                   = 1*64VCHAR ; Filter sending default routes bsaed on this route map.    
max_prefix_limit               = 1*10DIGIT; Maximum number of prefixes to accept from this peer
max_prefix_warning_only        = "true" / "false" ; Only give warning message when limit is exceeded
max_prefix_warning_threshold   = 1*3DIGIT; Threshold value (%) at which to generate a warning msg
max_prefix_restart_interval    = 1*5DIGIT; Restart bgp connection after limit is exceeded
route_map_in                   = 1*64VCHAR ; Apply route map on incoming routes from neighbor
route_map_out                  = 1*64VCHAR ; Apply route map on outgoing routes to neighbor
soft_reconfiguration_in        = "true" / "false" ; Per neighbor soft reconfiguration
unsuppress_map_name            = 1*64VCHAR ; Route-map to selectively un-suppress suppressed routes        
route_reflector_client         = "true" / "false" ; Configure a neighbor as Route Reflector client
weight                         = 1*5DIGIT ; {0..65535} Set default weight for routes from this neighbor
as_override                    = "true" / "false" ;  Override ASNs in outbound updates if aspath equals remote-as
send_community                 = "standard" / "extended" / "both" / "none" ; Send Community attribute to this neighbor
add_path_tx_all                = "true" / "false" ;
add_path_tx_bestpath           = "true" / "false" ;
unchanged_as_path              = "true" / "false" ;
unchanged_med                  = "true" / "false" ;
unchanged_nexthop              = "true" / "false" ;      
filter_list_name               = 1*64VCHAR ;
filter_list_direction          = "inbound" / "outbound";
nexthop_self_enabled           = "true" / "false" ;
nexthop_self_force             = "true" / "false" ;       
prefix_list_name               = 1*64VCHAR ;
prefix_list_direction          = "inbound" / "outbound";
remove_private_as_enabled      = "true" / "false" ;
replace_private_as             = "true" / "false" ;
remove_private_as_all          = "true" / "false" ;  
allow_as_count                 = 1*3DIGIT ;  Number of occurences of AS number
allow_asin                     = "true" / "false" ;  Accept as-path with my AS present in it
allow_as_origin                = "true" / "false" ; Only accept my AS in the as-path if the route was originated in my AS
capability_orf_send            = "true" / "false" ; Capability to receive the outbound route filtering from this neighbor
capability_orf_receive         = "true" / "false" ; Capability to send the outbound route filtering to this neighbor
capability_orf_both            = "true" / "false" ; Capability to send and receive the outbound route filtering to/from this neighbor
route-server-client            = "true" / "false" ; Configure a neighbor as Route Server client BGP_PEER_GROUP

The existing BGP_PEER_RANGE (peer group) table does not have vrf-name as the key (but added as the field in the table as per VRF HLD) but FRR and open config models have the peer-group under VRF context, so, the new table BGP_PEER_GROUP has been introduced for configurations from management framework (This is not a backward compatible change, expecting the user to migrate to this table in the near future).

;Defines BGP peer group table
;Status: stable

key                                = BGP_PEER_GROUP|vrf|pgrp_name ;
vrf                                = 1\*15VCHAR ; VRF name
pgrp_name                          = 1*64VCHAR ; alias name for the peer group , must be unique
local_asn                          = 1*10DIGIT ; Local ASN for the BGP neighbor
name                               = 1*64VCHAR ; BGP neighbor description
asn                                = 1*10DIGIT; Remote ASN value
ebgp_multihop                      = "true" / "false" ; Allow EBGP neighbors not on directly connected networks
ebgp_multihop_ttl                  = 1*3DIGIT ; {1..255} EBGP multihop count
auth_password                      = STRING ; Set a password
enabled                            = "true" / "false" ; Neighbor admin status
keepalive_intvl                    = 1*4DIGIT ; {1..3600} keepalive interval
hold_time                          = 1*4DIGIT ; {1..3600}  hold time
local_address                      = IPprefix ; local IP address
peer_group_name                    = 1*64VCHAR ; peer group name
peer_type                          = "internal" / "external" Internal/External BGP peer
conn_retry                         = 1*5DIGIT ; {1..65535} Connection retry timer
min_adv_interval                   = 1*3DIGIT ; {1..600} Minimum interval between sending BGP routing updates
passive_mode                       = "true" / "false" ; Don't send open messages
capability_ext_nexthop             = "true" / "false" ; Advertise extended next-hop capability
disable_ebgp_connected_route_check = "true" / "false" ; one-hop away EBGP peer using loopback address
enforce_first_as                   = "true" / "false" ; Enforce the first AS for EBGP route
solo_peer                          = "true" / "false" ; Solo peer - part of its own update group
ttl_security_hops                  = 1*3DIGIT ; {1.254} BGP ttl-security parameters
bfd                                = "true" / "false" ; Enable BFD support
capability-dynamic                 = "true" / "false" ; Advertise dynamic capability
dont-negotiate-capability          = "true" / "false" ; Do not perform capability negotiation
enforce-multihop                   = "true" / "false" ; Allow EBGP neighbors not on directly connected networks
override-capability                = "true" / "false" ; Override capability negotiation result
peer-port                          = 1*5DIGIT ; {0..65535} Neighbor's BGP port
shutdown-message                   = "true" / "false" ; Add a shutdown message
strict-capability-match            = "true" / "false" ; Strict capability negotiation match BGP_PEER_GROUP_AF

;Defines BGP per address family peer group table
;Status: stable

key                            = BGP_PEER_GROUP_AF|vrf|pgrp_name|af_name" ;
vrf                            = 1\*15VCHAR ; VRF name
af_name                        = "ipv4_unicast" / "ipv6_unicast" / "l2vpn_evpn"  ; address family
pgrp_name                      = 1*64VCHAR ; alias name for the peer group template, must be unique
af_name                        = "ipv4_unicast" / "ipv6_unicast" / "l2vpn_evpn"  ; address family
enabled                        = "true" / "false" ; Neighbor admin status
send_default_route             = "true" / "false" ;
default_rmap                   = 1*64VCHAR ; Filter sending default routes bsaed on this route map.    
max_prefix_limit               = 1*10DIGIT; Maximum number of prefixes to accept from this peer
max_prefix_warning_only        = "true" / "false" ; Only give warning message when limit is exceeded
max_prefix_warning_threshold   = 1*3DIGIT; Threshold value (%) at which to generate a warning msg
max_prefix_restart_interval    = 1*5DIGIT; Restart bgp connection after limit is exceeded
route_map_in                   = 1*64VCHAR ; Apply route map on incoming routes from neighbor
route_map_out                  = 1*64VCHAR ; Apply route map on outgoing routes to neighbor
soft_reconfiguration_in        = "true" / "false" ; Per neighbor soft reconfiguration
unsuppress_map_name            = 1*64VCHAR ; Route-map to selectively un-suppress suppressed routes        
route_reflector_client         = "true" / "false" ; Configure a neighbor as Route Reflector client
weight                         = 1*5DIGIT ; {0..65535} Set default weight for routes from this neighbor
as_override                    = "true" / "false" ;  Override ASNs in outbound updates if aspath equals remote-as
send_community                 = "standard" / "extended" / "both" / "none" ; Send Community attribute to this neighbor
add_path_tx_all                = "true" / "false" ;
add_path_tx_bestpath           = "true" / "false" ;
unchanged_as_path              = "true" / "false" ;
unchanged_med                  = "true" / "false" ;
unchanged_nexthop              = "true" / "false" ;      
filter_list_name               = 1*64VCHAR ;
filter_list_direction          = "inbound" / "outbound";
nexthop_self_enabled           = "true" / "false" ;
nexthop_self_force             = "true" / "false" ;       
prefix_list_name               = 1*64VCHAR ;
prefix_list_direction          = "inbound" / "outbound";
remove_private_as_enabled      = "true" / "false" ;
replace_private_as             = "true" / "false" ;
remove_private_as_all          = "true" / "false" ;  
allow_as_count                 = 1*3DIGIT ;  Number of occurences of AS number
allow_asin                     = "true" / "false" ;  Accept as-path with my AS present in it
allow_as_origin                = "true" / "false" ; Only accept my AS in the as-path if the route was originated in my AS
capability_orf_send            = "true" / "false" ; Capability to receive the outbound route filtering from this neighbor
capability_orf_receive         = "true" / "false" ; Capability to send the outbound route filtering to this neighbor
capability_orf_both            = "true" / "false" ; Capability to send and receive the outbound route filtering to/from this neighbor
route-server-client            = "true" / "false" ; Configure a neighbor as Route Server client ROUTE_MAP

;Defines route map table
;Status: stable

key                      = ROUTE_MAP|route_map_name|stmt_name ;
route_map_name           = 1*64VCHAR ; route map name
stmt_name                = 1*64VCHAR ; statment name
route_operation          = "ACCEPT" / "REJECT"
match_interface          = 1*64VCHAR ; Match interface name
match_prefix_set         = 1*64VCHAR ; Match prefix sets
match_med                = 1*10DIGIT ; Match metric of route
match_origin             = 1*64VCHAR ; Match BGP origin code
match_local_pref         = 1*64VCHAR ; Match local-preference of route
match_community          = 1*64VCHAR ; Match BGP community list
match_ext_community      = 1*64VCHAR ; Match BGP/VPN extended community list
match_as_path            = 1*64VCHAR ; Match BGP AS path list
call_route_map           = 1*64VCHAR ; Jump to another Route-Map after match+set

set_origin               = 1*64VCHAR ; Set BGP origin code
set_local_pref           = 1*64VCHAR ; Set BGP local preference path attribute
set_next_hop             = 1*64VCHAR ; Set IP address of next hop
set_med                  = 1*64VCHAR ; Set Metric value for destination routing protocol
set_repeat_asn           = 1*3DIGIT  ; NO of times the set_asn number to be repeated
set_asn                  = 1*10DIGIT ; Set ASN number
set_community_inline     = 1*64VCHAR ; Set BGP community attribute inline
set_community_ref        = 1*64VCHAR ; Refer BGP community attribute from community table
set_ext_community_inline = 1*64VCHAR ; Set BGP extended community attribute inline
set_ext_community_ref    = 1*64VCHAR ; Refer BGP extended community attribute from extended community table ROUTE_REDISTRIBUTE

;Defines route redistribution table
;Status: stable

key                      = ROUTE_REDISTRIBUTE|vrf|src_protocol|dst_protocol|addr_family ;
vrf                      = 1\*15VCHAR ; VRF name
src_protocol             = "connected" / "static" / "ospf" / "ospf3"
dst_protocol             = "bgp"
addr_family              = "ipv4" / "ipv6"   
route_map                = 1*64VCHAR ; route map filter to apply for redistribution IP_PREFIX_SET

;Defines prefix set table
;Status: stable

key           = IP_PREFIX_SET:name          ; prefix_set_name must be unique
name          = 1*255VCHAR ; community set name  
mode          = "IPv4"/"IPv6" ; mode of prefix set. IP_PREFIX

;Defines prefix table
;Status: stable
key              = IP_PREFIX:set_name:ip_prefix:masklength_range; an instance of this key will be repeated for each prefix
                                                             ;  an instance of this key/value pair will be repeated for each prefix
set_name         = 1*255VCHAR ; community set name                                                             
ip_prefix        = IPv4prefix / IPv6prefix   ; prefix, example              
masklength_range = 1*255VCHAR                ; exact or (masklength_range..low-masklength_range_high). example 8..16 or exact BGP_COMMUNITY_SET

;Defines community table
;Status: stable
key              = BGP_COMMUNITY_SET|name  ; name must be unique
set_type          = "STANDARD"/"EXPANDED"
match_action      = "ANY/ALL"
community_member = string list ; community member list
                               ; Acceptable List of communities as ("AA:NN","local-AS", "no-advertise", "no-export" | regex) BGP_EXT_COMMUNITY_SET

;Defines extended community table
;Status: stable
key               = BGP_EXT_COMMUNITY_SET|name          ; name must be unique
set_type          = "STANDARD"/"EXPANDED"
match_action      = "ANY/ALL"
community_member = string list; community member list
                              ; Acceptable List of communities as ("route-target/route-origin:AA:NN" or "IP_Address" or regex) BGP_AS_PATH_SET

;Defines extended community table
;Status: stable
key           = AS_PATH_SET|name          ; name must be unique

as_path_member = string list; AS path list
                            ;Acceptable List of as paths "string, string"

3.2.2 APP DB


3.2.3 STATE DB

No changes to State DB, State and statistics information will be retrieved directly from FRR-BGP.

3.2.4 ASIC DB




3.3 Switch State Service Design

3.3.1 Orchestration Agent

No changes to Orch agent.

3.3.2 Other Process FRR Template Changes

FRR template must be enhanced to contain FRR-BGP related configuration that are supported via FRR-BGP extended unified (Config DB is propagated to FRR config at startup) with non-integrated mode (FRR configuration is saved in individual files: “bgpd.conf”, “zebra.conf” and ospfd.conf....etc) config management framework.

On startup, sonic-cfggen will use "/usr/share/sonic/templates/bgpd.conf.j2" to generate "/etc/frr/bgpd.conf".

3.4 SyncD

No changes to SyncD

3.5 SAI

No changes to SAI APIs.

3.6 User Interface

3.6.1 Data Models

List of Open-config YANG models required for FRR-BGP Unified Configuration and Management are,

1) openconfig-network-instance.yang

2) openconfig-routing-policy.yang

BGP and "routing policy" related augmented and not-supported fields are available in openconfig-bgp-ext.yang and openconfig-routing-policy-ext.yang files respectively. Supported YANG containers:

module: openconfig-network-instance
    +--rw network-instances
       +--rw network-instance* [name]
          +--rw table-connections
          |    ...
          +--rw protocols
             +--rw protocol* [identifier name]     
                +--rw bgp
                   +--rw global
                   |  |   ...
                   |  +--rw afi-safis
                   |     +--rw afi-safi* [afi-safi-name]
                   |        ...
                   +--rw neighbors
                   |  +--rw neighbor* [neighbor-address]
                   |     |   ...
                   |     +--rw afi-safis
                   |        +--rw afi-safi* [afi-safi-name]
                   |             ...   
                   +--rw peer-groups
                   |  +---rw peer-group* [peer-group-name]
                   |      |  ...
                   |      +--rw afi-safis
                   |         +--rw afi-safi* [afi-safi-name]
                   |                ...            
                   +--ro rib
                      +--ro afi-safis

module: openconfig-routing-policy
    +--rw routing-policy
       +--rw defined-sets
       |     ...
       +--rw policy-definitions
          +--rw policy-definition* [name]

3.6.2 CLI

  1. For all configuration commands, the CLI request is converted to a corresponding REST client SDK request based on the Open Config data model that was generated by the Swagger generator, and is given to the REST server.

  2. From there on it will follow the same path as a REST config request for create, update and delete operations.

  3. The Swagger generated REST server handles all the REST requests from the client SDK and invokes a common handler for all the create, update, replace, delete and get operations along with path and payload. This common handler converts all the requests into Transformer arguments and invokes the corresponding Transformer APIs.

  4. For show commands, the CLI request is converted to a corresponding REST client SDK get request based on Open Config data model's config or state object on a case by case basis.

  5. For show commands that requires retrieval of the data that doesn't contain any state information (information only based on the configuration), the backend callback will fetch the data from CONFIG_DB.

  6. For show commands that requires retrieval of state or statistics information the backend, managemnt framework executes the FRR CLI using "docker exec bgp vtysh -c " to fetch the data in JSON format from FRR-BGP.

  7. At transformer the JSON output (retrived from FRR BGP) is converted back to corresponding open config objects and returned to the caller.

  8. For CLI show, the output returned in object format is then translated back to CLI Jinga template for output display in CLI. Configuration Commands BGP Router mode commands
Command Description CLI Command
Enable BGP routing instance sonic(config)# router bgp <local_asn> [vrf <vrf_name>]
Override configured BGP router-id sonic(config-router-bgp)# router-id <IPv4>
Configure default best path selection sonic(config-router-bgp)# bestpath {as-path { confed | ignore | multipath-relax [as-set] | med { confed | missing-as-worst } }
Configure graceful restart capability params sonic(config-router-bgp)# graceful-restart preserve-fw-state
sonic(config-router-bgp)# graceful-restart restart-time <1-3600>
sonic(config-router-bgp)# graceful-restart stalepath-time <1-3600>
Configure BGP IPv4/IPv6 neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp)# neighbor { <IP> | <intf> }
Configure BGP peer group sonic(config-router-bgp)# peer-group <peer-group-name>
Enter address family command mode sonic(config-router-bgp)# address-family { ipv4 unicast | ipv6 unicast | l2vpn evpn}
Subgroup coalesce timer sonic(config-router-bgp)# coalesce-time <timer-val>
How many packets to read from peer socket per I/O cycle sonic(config-router-bgp)# read-quanta <val>
How many packets to write to peer socket per run sonic(config-router-bgp)# write-quanta <val>
Configure client to client route reflection sonic(config-router-bgp)# client-to-client reflection
Configure Route-Reflector Cluster-id sonic(config-router-bgp)# cluster-id { <32-bit-val> | <A.B.C.D> }
Log neighbor up/down and reset reason(default) sonic(config-router-bgp)# log-neighbor-changes
Pick the best-MED path among paths advertised from the neighboring AS sonic(config-router-bgp)# deterministic-med
Enable route-flap dampening sonic(config-router-bgp)# dampening <half-time> <reuse-time> <supp-route-time>
Disable checking if nexthop is connected on ebgp sessions sonic(config-router-bgp)# disable-ebgp-connected-route-check
Graceful shutdown parameters sonic(config-router-bgp)# graceful-shutdown
Configure BGP defaults sonic(config-router-bgp)# bgp listen { limit <val> | range <IP-prefix> }
Advertise routes with max-med sonic(config-router-bgp)# max-med on-startup [<time>] [<max-med-val>]
Configure BGP defaults sonic(config-router-bgp)# default { ipv4-unicast | local-preference <val> | show-hostname | shutdown | subgroup-pkt-queue-max <val> }
Immediately reset session if a link to a directly connected external peer goes down sonic(config-router-bgp)# fast-external-failover
Check BGP network route exists in IGP sonic(config-router-bgp)# network import-check
Time in secs to wait before processing route-map changes sonic(config-router-bgp)# route-map delay-timer <val>
Allow modifications made by out route-map sonic(config-router-bgp)# route-reflector allow-outbound-policy
Force initial delay for best-path and updates sonic(config-router-bgp)# update-delay [<best-path>] [<update>] BGP Router Address family mode commands
Command Description CLI Command
Configure route redistribution policy sonic(config-router-bgp-af)# redistribute { static | connected } [route-map <route-map-name>]
BGP table to RIB route download filter sonic(config-router-bgp-af)# table-map <route-map>
Forward packets over multiple paths sonic(config-router-bgp-af)# maximum-paths { ebgp <val> | ibgp <val> [equal-cluster-length] }
Specify a network to announce via BGP sonic(config-router-bgp-af)# network <prefix> [backdoor] [route-map <map-name>]
Configure BGP aggregate entries sonic(config-router-bgp-af)# aggregate-address <prefix> [as-set] [summary-only]
Define an administrative distance sonic(config-router-bgp-af)# distance bgp <external-distance> <internal-distance> BGP Neighbor mode commands
Command Description CLI Command
Configure neighbor description sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)#description <string>
Configure EBGP neighbors hop count sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)#ebgp-multihop <hop-count>
Configure a BGP neighbor ASN sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)#remote-as { <ASN> | internal | external }
Administratively bring down a neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# shutdown
Configure BGP neighbor timers sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)#timers [<keepalive-time>] [<hold-time>] [connect <val>]
Configure source of routing updates sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)#update-source <IP-addr>
Specify the peer-group to inherit for this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)#peer-group <peer-group>
Specify address family for a BGP neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)#address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} unicast
sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# address-family l2vpn evpn
Minimum interval between sending BGP routing updates sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# advertisement-interval <val>
Enables BFD support sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# bfd
Advertise capability to the peer sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# capability { dynamic | extended-nexthop }
one-hop away EBGP peer using loopback address sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# disable-connected-check
Do not perform capability negotiation sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# dont-capability-negotiate
Enforce the first AS for EBGP routes sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# enforce-first-as
Enforce EBGP neighbors perform multihop sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# enforce-multihop
Specify a local-as number sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# local-as <val>
Override capability negotiation result sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# override-capability
Don't send open messages to this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# passive
Set a password sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# password <val>
Neighbor's BGP port sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# port <val>
Administratively shut down this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# shutdown [message]
Solo peer - part of its own update group sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# solo
Strict capability negotiation match sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# strict-capability-match
sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# ttl-security hops <val> BGP Neighbor Address family mode commands
Command Description CLI Command
Activate a BGP neighor for a specific address family sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)#activate
Config as-path acceptance with own ASN sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)#allowas-in <AS occurrence count> [origin]
Specify route policy map to neighbor mapping sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)#route-map <name> {in | out}
Use addpath to advertise all paths to a neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# addpath-tx-all-paths
Use addpath to advertise the bestpath per each neighboring AS sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# addpath-tx-bestpath-per-AS
Override ASNs in outbound updates if aspath equals remote-as sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# as-override
BGP attribute is propagated unchanged to this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# attribute-unchanged {as-path | med | next-hop}
Advertise capability to the peer sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# capability capability orf prefix-list {send | receive | both}
Originate default route to this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# default-originate [route-map <route-map]
Establish BGP filters sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# filter-list <list> { in | out}
Disable the next hop calculation for this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# next-hop-self [force]
Filter updates to/from this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# prefix-list <list> { in | out }
Remove private ASNs in outbound updates sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# remove-private-AS [all] [replace-AS]
Configure a neighbor as Route Reflector client sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# route-reflector-client
Configure a neighbor as Route Server client sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# route-server-client
Send Community attribute to this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# send-community { standard | extended | both}
Per neighbor soft reconfiguration sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# soft-reconfiguration inbound
Route-map to selectively unsuppress suppressed routes sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# unsuppress-map <map>
Set default weight for routes from this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# weight <val>
Maximum number of prefixes to accept from this peer sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor-af)# maximum-prefix <max-prefix-val> {<threshold-val> | warning-only | restart <val>} BGP Peer Group mode commands
Command Description CLI Command
Configure BGP peer group's description sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)#description <string>
Configure EBGP neighbors hop count sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)#ebgp-multihop <hop-count>
Configure a BGP neighbor ASN sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)#remote-as { <ASN> | internal | external }
Administratively bring down a neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# shutdown
Configure BGP neighbor timers sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)#timers [<keepalive-time>] [<hold-time>] [connect <val>]
Configure source of routing updates sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)#update-source <IP-addr>
Specify the peer-group to inherit for this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)#peer-group <peer-group>
Specify address family for a BGP neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)#address-family {ipv4 | ipv6} unicast
sonic(config-router-bgp-neighbor)# address-family l2vpn evpn
Minimum interval between sending BGP routing updates sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# advertisement-interval <val>
Enables BFD support sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# bfd
Advertise capability to the peer sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# capability { dynamic | extended-nexthop }
one-hop away EBGP peer using loopback address sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# disable-connected-check
Do not perform capability negotiation sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# dont-capability-negotiate
Enforce the first AS for EBGP routes sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# enforce-first-as
Enforce EBGP neighbors perform multihop sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# enforce-multihop
Specify a local-as number sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# local-as <val>
Override capability negotiation result sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# override-capability
Don't send open messages to this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# passive
Set a password sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# password <val>
Neighbor's BGP port sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# port <val>
Administratively shut down this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# shutdown [message]
Solo peer - part of its own update group sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# solo
Strict capability negotiation match sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# strict-capability-match
sonic(config-router-bgp-pg)# ttl-security hops <val> BGP Peer Group Address family mode commands
Command Description CLI Command
Activate BGP peer group at an address family level sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# activate
Config as-path acceptance with own ASN sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)#allowas-in <AS occurrence count> [origin]
Specify route policy map to neighbor mapping sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)#route-map <name> {in | out}
Use addpath to advertise all paths to a neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# addpath-tx-all-paths
Use addpath to advertise the bestpath per each neighboring AS sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# addpath-tx-bestpath-per-AS
Override ASNs in outbound updates if aspath equals remote-as sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# as-override
BGP attribute is propagated unchanged to this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# attribute-unchanged {as-path | med | next-hop}
Advertise capability to the peer sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# capability capability orf prefix-list {send | receive | both}
Originate default route to this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# default-originate [route-map <route-map]
Establish BGP filters sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# filter-list <list> { in | out}
Disable the next hop calculation for this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# next-hop-self [force]
Filter updates to/from this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# prefix-list <list> { in | out }
Remove private ASNs in outbound updates sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# remove-private-AS [all] [replace-AS]
Configure a neighbor as Route Reflector client sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# route-reflector-client
Configure a neighbor as Route Server client sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# route-server-client
Send Community attribute to this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# send-community { standard | extended | both}
Per neighbor soft reconfiguration sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# soft-reconfiguration inbound
Route-map to selectively unsuppress suppressed routes sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# unsuppress-map <map>
Set default weight for routes from this neighbor sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# weight <val>
Maximum number of prefixes to accept from this peer sonic(config-router-bgp-pg-af)# maximum-prefix <max-prefix-val> {<threshold-val> | warning-only | restart <val>} Routing policy defined-sets commands
Command Description CLI Command
Configure an IPv4 prefix list sonic(config)# ip prefix-list [ge min-prefix-length] [le max-prefix-length]
Configure an IPv6 prefix list sonic(config)# ipv6 prefix-list [ge min-prefix-length] [le max-prefix-length]
Configure a BGP standard community entry sonic(config)#bgp community-list standard {AA:NN Community number in AA:NN format (where AA and NN are (0-65535)) or local-AS|no-advertise|no-export} {any/all}
Configure a BGP expanded community entry sonic(config)# bgp community-list expanded {LINE An ordered list as a regular-expression}
Configure a BGP standard extended community entry sonic (config)# bgp extcommunity-list standard { AA:NN Extended community attribute in 'rt aa:nn_or_IPaddr:nn' OR 'soo aa:nn_or_IPaddr:nn' format} {any/all}
Configure a BGP expanded extended community entry sonic(config)# bgp extcommunity-list expanded {LINE An ordered list as a regular-expression}
Configure a BGP autonomous system path sonic(config)#bgp as-path-list regex {REGEX-LINE } regular-expression (1234567890_(^|[, {}() ]|$)) to match the BGP AS paths Routing policy commands
Command Description CLI Command
Configure routing policy match criteria and associated actions sonic(config)#route-map <map-name> { permit | deny } <sequence-number>
Configure routing policy match criteria sonic(config-route-map)# match as-path <list>
sonic(config-route-map)# match community <list>
sonic(config-route-map)# match ext-community <list>
sonic(config-route-map)# match interface <intf-name>
sonic(config-route-map)# match ip address prefix-list <name>
sonic(config-route-map)# match ipv6 address prefix-list <name>
sonic(config-route-map)# match metric <val>
sonic(config-route-map)# match route-type { internal | external }
sonic(config-route-map)# match origin { egp | igp | incomplete }
sonic(config-route-map)# tag <value>
sonic(config-route-map)# match local-preference <val>
sonic(config-route-map)# match peer <IP>
sonic(config-route-map)# match ip next-hop prefix-list <name>
sonic(config-route-map)# call <route-map>
sonic(config-route-map)# match source-protocol { bgp | ospf | ospf3 | static | connected }
Configure routing policy actions sonic(config-route-map)# set as-path prepend <list>
sonic(config-route-map)# set comm-list <name> { add | del }
sonic(config-route-map)# set community <options>
sonic(config-route-map)# set ext-community
sonic(config-route-map)# set ip next-hop <val>
sonic(config-route-map)# set ipv6 next-hop <val>
sonic(config-route-map)# set local-preference <val>
sonic(config-route-map)# set origin { igp | egp | incomplete }
sonic(config-route-map)# set tag <value> Show Commands

Command Description CLI Command
Display BGP routes information show ip bgp [vrf <name>] { ipv4 | ipv6 }
sonic# show ip bgp
BGP routing table information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 100
Route status codes: * - valid, > - active, e - ECMP
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
AS Path Attributes: Or-ID - Originator ID, C-LST - Cluster List, LL Nexthop - Link Local Nexthop

        Network        Next Hop     Metric     LocPref     Weight     Path
* >        0          100         0          300 i
*        0          100         0          200 ?
* >        0          100         0          300 i
*        0          100         0          200 ?
* >        0          100         0          300 i
Command Description CLI Command
Display summary of all BGP neighbors information show ip bgp [vrf <name>] { ipv4 | ipv6 } summary
sonic#show ip bgp summary
BGP summary information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 100
  Neighbor         V  AS           MsgRcvd   MsgSent  InQ OutQ  Up/Down  State   PfxRcd PfxAcc       4  200           1075      1083    0    0    00:04:04 Connect       4  200           1079      1088    0    0    00:04:14 Connect
Command Description CLI Command
Display BGP specific route information show ip bgp [vrf <name>] { ipv4 | ipv6 } <prefix>
Router# show ip bgp

BGP routing table entry for, version 35
Paths: (3 available, best #2, table default)
Multipath: eBGP
Flag: 0x860
  Advertised to update-groups:
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, valid, external, backup/repair
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, weight 100, valid, external, best
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, valid, external,
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route
Command Description CLI Command
Display BGP neighbor information show ip bgp [vrf <name>] { ipv4 | ipv6 } neighbors [<nbr-ip>]
Command Description CLI Command
Display BGP neighbor received/advertised routes show ip bgp [vrf <name>] { ipv4 | ipv6 } neighbors <nbr-ip> { received-routes | advertised-routes }
sonic#show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes
BGP routing table information for VRF default
Router identifier, local AS number 64500
Route status codes: s - suppressed, * - valid, > - active, # - not installed, E - ECMP head, e - ECMP
                    S - Stale, c - Contributing to ECMP, b - backup, L - labeled-unicast
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
AS Path Attributes: Or-ID - Originator ID, C-LST - Cluster List, LL Nexthop - Link Local Nexthop

         Network                Next Hop            Metric  LocPref Weight  Path
* >              -       100     -       i
* >              -       100     -       i
* >              -       100     -       i
* >            200     100     -       64496 i
* >            -       100     -       64496 64497 65536 i
* >            42      100     -       64496 ?
* >            -       100     -       64510 i
* >            -       100     -       64510 i
* >            -       100     -       64510 i

Command Description CLI Command
Display peer-group information show ip bgp [vrf <name>] peer-group [<pg-name>]
sonic#show ip bgp peer-group
BGP peer-group is EXTERNAL
  BGP version 4
  Static peer-group members:
    VRF default:, state: Connect
        Negotiated MP Capabilities:
            IPv4 Unicast: No
            IPv6 Unicast: No, state: Connect
        Negotiated MP Capabilities:
            IPv4 Unicast: No
            IPv6 Unicast: No

BGP peer-group is INTERNAL
  BGP version 4
  Listen-range subnets:
    VRF default:, remote AS 64500
  Dynamic peer-group members:
    VRF default:

Command Description CLI Command
Command Description CLI Command
Display route map information show route-map
sonic# show route-map
Route map map1:
   permit, sequence 10
    Match clauses:
    Set clauses:
      local preference 10
    Call clauses:
      Exit routemap
Route map map2:
   permit, sequence 2
    Match clauses:
      med 10
    Set clauses:
    Call clauses:
      Exit routemap
Command Description CLI Command
Display IPv4 prefix list information show ip prefix-list
sonic# show ip prefix-list
IP prefix list pref1:
Command Description CLI Command
Display IPv6 prefix list information show ipv6 prefix-list
sonic# show ipv6 prefix-list
IPv6 prefix list pref2:
     permit 2222::/64 ge 65 le 65
     permit 2223::/64 ge 65 le 128
Command Description CLI Command
Display BGP community list information show bgp community-list
sonic# show bgp community-list
Standard community list com1:  match: ANY
Expanded community list com2:   match: ANY
Command Description CLI Command
Display BGP extended community list information show bgp ext-community-list
sonic# show bgp ext-community-list
Standard extended community list extcom1:  match: ANY
Expanded extended community list extcom2:  match: ANY
Command Description CLI Command
Display BGP AS-Path list information show bgp as-path-access-list
sonic# show bgp as-path-access-list
AS path list aspath1:
   members: 1:1+
sonic# Debug Commands

N/A IS-CLI Compliance


3.6.3 REST API Support

Various REST operations (POST/PUT/PATCH/GET/DELETE) are supported for the BGP and route map configurations.

4 Flow Diagrams

4.1 Configuration Sequence


4.2 CLI Show Command Sequence

4.2.1 CLI Show Sequence - Config information


4.2.2 CLI Show Sequence - State/Statistics


4.3 REST Get Sequence

4.3.1 REST Get Sequence - Config information


4.3.2 REST Get Sequence - State/Statistics


5 Error Handling

The complete validation of BGP parameters is performed in the SONiC management framework based on open config BGP/Routing policy YANGs and against corresponding SONiC YANGs. Appropriate error code is returned for invalid configurations or on failures due to a dependency from management framework and bgpcfgd modules and the same is logged into the syslog, it is not expected for bgpcfgd (FRR CLI command execution) to return validation errors. However, such errors are logged into syslog for debugging purposes.

6 Serviceability and Debug

  1. Tables added to CONFIG_DB for FRR-BGP unified management are accessible via table dump.
  2. Syslog messages are added at appropriate places to help trace a failure.
  3. Leverages existing debug mechanism & framework if any.

7 Warm Boot Support

This enhancement to FRR-BGP Unified management framework does not disrupt data plane traffic during warmboot. No special handling required for warmboot.

8 Scalability

9 Unit Test

Testing of the configuration changes is manual and BGP configurations present in CONFIG_DB are converted to FRR configurations using config gen utility with help of Jinja template.

10 Appendix