This is the AutoRest configuration file for billingbenefits.
To build the SDKs for My API, simply install AutoRest via npm
(npm install -g autorest
) and then run:
To see additional help and options, run:
autorest --help
For other options on installation see Installing AutoRest on the AutoRest github page.
These are the global settings for the billingbenefits.
openapi-type: arm
openapi-subtype: providerHub
tag: package-preview-2024-11-01-preview
- suppress: ProvisioningStateValidation
from: billingbenefits.json
where: $.definitions.ProvisioningState
reason: \'Cancelled\' state is used in the service which should be equivalent to in ARM's \'Canceled\' definition ProvisioningState property.
- suppress: PathForPutOperation
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Subscription or resource group is passed in request body.
- suppress: PatchSkuProperty
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: \'Sku\' is not a supported property in savings plan patch operation
- suppress: AllResourcesMustHaveDelete
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: This service does not support deleting resources once created.
- suppress: TopLevelResourcesListBySubscription
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Currently only list by tenant is supported.
- suppress: CreateOperationAsyncResponseValidation
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: According to ARM's guide 200 is returned when PUT call finishes.
- suppress: TrackedResourcePatchOperation
from: billingbenefits.json
- suppress: TenantLevelAPIsNotAllowed
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrderAliases/{savingsPlanOrderAliasName}"]
- suppress: ParametersInPointGet
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/{savingsPlanOrderId}"].get.parameters
- suppress: ParametersInPointGet
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/{savingsPlanOrderId}/savingsPlans/{savingsPlanId}"].get.parameters
- suppress: GetCollectionOnlyHasValueAndNextLink
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
- suppress: PatchResponseCodes
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/{savingsPlanOrderId}/savingsPlans/{savingsPlanId}"].patch
- suppress: NoErrorCodeResponses
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/savingsPlanOrders/{savingsPlanOrderId}/savingsPlans/{savingsPlanId}"].patch.responses["404"]
- suppress: PathForTrackedResourceTypes
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/reservationOrderAliases/{reservationOrderAliasName}"]
- suppress: PutRequestResponseSchemeArm
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/reservationOrderAliases/{reservationOrderAliasName}"].put
- suppress: RequestSchemaForTrackedResourcesMustHaveTags
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: False-positive. Tags property exists.
where: $.paths["/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/reservationOrderAliases/{reservationOrderAliasName}"].put
- suppress: AvoidAdditionalProperties
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: Service design forces this behavior. This API will remain managed by BenefitsRP when onboarded to RPaaS. (Direct type)
where: $
- suppress: AllTrackedResourcesMustHaveDelete
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: False-positive. ReservationOrderAliasResponse is a type defintion that does not require a delete operation.
where: $.definitions.ReservationOrderAliasResponse
- suppress: PatchIdentityProperty
from: billingbenefits.json
reason: False-positive. Identity property is never defined on the model.
where: $.paths["/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BillingBenefits/discounts/{discountName}"].patch.parameters[4]
These settings apply only when --tag=package-preview-2024-11-01-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.BillingBenefits/preview/2024-11-01-preview/billingbenefits.json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2022-11-01
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.BillingBenefits/stable/2022-11-01/billingbenefits.json
This section describes what SDK should be generated by the automatic system. This is not used by Autorest itself.
- repo: azure-sdk-for-python
- repo: azure-sdk-for-java
- repo: azure-sdk-for-go
- repo: azure-sdk-for-js
- repo: azure-resource-manager-schemas
- repo: azure-cli-extensions
- repo: azure-powershell
See configuration in
See configuration in
See configuration in
See configuration in
See configuration in