File tree
2,938 files changed
lines changed- .azure-pipelines
- .azure-pipelines-preproduction
- .github
- documentation
- specification
- advisor/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Advisor/stable/2020-01-01
- examples
- apimanagement/resource-manager
- Microsoft.ApiManagement
- preview/2019-12-01-preview
- examples
- stable
- 2019-01-01
- 2019-12-01
- examples
- appconfiguration/resource-manager
- Microsoft.AppConfiguration
- preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples
- stable/2019-10-01/examples
- applicationinsights
- data-plane/Microsoft.Insights/preview
- 2018-04-20
- examples
- v1
- examples
- resource-manager
- Microsoft.Insights/preview/2020-03-01-preview
- examples
- appplatform/resource-manager/Microsoft.AppPlatform/preview/2019-05-01-preview
- attestation/resource-manager/Microsoft.Attestation/preview/2018-09-01-preview
- examples
- automation/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Automation/preview/2020-01-13-preview
- examples
- azsadmin/resource-manager
- backup
- Microsoft.Backup.Admin/stable/2016-05-01
- examples
- BackupLocations
- Backups
- Operations
- compute/Microsoft.Compute.Admin/preview/2018-07-30-preview
- azure-kusto/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Kusto/stable/2020-02-15
- examples
- azuredata/resource-manager
- Microsoft.AzureData/preview/2019-07-24-preview
- examples
- azurestack/resource-manager/Microsoft.AzureStack/stable/2017-06-01
- examples
- CloudManifestFile
- Operation
- batch
- data-plane
- Microsoft.Batch/stable/2020-03-01.11.0
- examples
- resource-manager
- Microsoft.Batch/stable/2020-03-01
- examples
- billing/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Billing/preview/2019-10-01-preview
- examples
- blockchain/resource-manager
- blueprint/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Blueprint/preview/2018-11-01-preview
- examples
- managementGroupBPAssignment
- managementGroupBPDef
- subscriptionBPAssignment
- subscriptionBPDef
- cdn/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Cdn
- preview/2019-06-15-preview
- examples
- stable
- 2019-06-15
- examples
- 2019-12-31
- examples
- cognitiveservices
- data-plane
- AnomalyDetector/preview/v1.0
- ComputerVision
- preview/v3.0-preview
- examples
- FormRecognizer/preview/v2.0
- QnAMaker
- stable/v4.0
- TextAnalytics
- preview
- v3.0-preview.1
- v3.1-preview.1
- examples
- stable/v3.0
- examples
- resource-manager/Microsoft.CognitiveServices/stable/2017-04-18
- examples
- compute/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Compute
- preview/2016-04-30-preview
- stable
- 2015-06-15
- 2016-03-30
- 2017-03-30
- 2017-12-01
- 2018-04-01
- 2018-06-01
- 2018-10-01
- 2019-03-01
- examples
- 2019-07-01
- examples
- 2019-11-01
- examples
- 2019-12-01
- examples
- consumption/resource-manager/Microsoft.Consumption/stable/2019-10-01
- examples
- containerregistry/resource-manager
- Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/preview
- 2019-05-01-preview
- 2019-06-01-preview
- examples
- 2019-12-01-preview
- containerservice/resource-manager
- Microsoft.ContainerService/stable/2020-03-01
- examples
- cosmos-db/resource-manager
- Microsoft.DocumentDB/stable
- 2014-04-01
- 2015-04-08
- 2015-11-06
- 2016-03-19
- 2016-03-31
- 2019-08-01
- examples
- 2019-12-12
- 2020-03-01
- examples
- cost-management/resource-manager
- Microsoft.CostManagement/stable
- 2019-10-01
- examples
- 2019-11-01
- customproviders/resource-manager
- Microsoft.CustomProviders/preview/2018-09-01-preview
- databoxedge/resource-manager/Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/stable/2019-08-01
- examples
- databricks/resource-manager
- datafactory/resource-manager/Microsoft.DataFactory/stable/2018-06-01/entityTypes
- deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview
- examples
- deviceprovisioningservices/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Devices/stable/2020-01-01
- examples
- dns/resource-manager
- domainservices/resource-manager/Microsoft.AAD/stable/2020-01-01
- examples
- eventgrid
- data-plane
- Microsoft.Cache/stable/2018-01-01
- Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/stable/2018-01-01
- resource-manager/Microsoft.EventGrid/preview/2020-04-01-preview
- examples
- frontdoor/resource-manager/Microsoft.Network/stable
- 2019-03-01
- examples
- 2019-10-01
- examples
- 2020-01-01
- examples
- hanaonazure/resource-manager
- Microsoft.HanaOnAzure/preview/2020-02-07-preview
- examples
- hdinsight/hdinsight-kafka-rest-proxy
- healthcareapis/resource-manager
- Microsoft.HealthcareApis
- preview/2018-08-20-preview
- examples
- stable/2019-09-16
- hybridcompute/resource-manager
- imagebuilder/resource-manager
- Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages
- preview/2019-05-01-preview/examples
- stable/2020-02-14
- examples
- iotcentral
- data-plane/Microsoft.IoTCentral/preview/2019-10-28-preview
- examples
- resource-manager/Microsoft.IoTCentral/stable/2018-09-01
- keyvault
- data-plane
- Microsoft.KeyVault/preview
- 7.0/examples
- 7.1
- examples
- 7.2
- examples
- resource-manager
- Microsoft.KeyVault
- preview/2018-02-14-preview/examples
- stable
- 2018-02-14/examples
- 2019-09-01
- examples
- logic/resource-manager
- machinelearningservices/resource-manager
- Microsoft.MachineLearningServices
- preview/2020-02-18-preview
- examples
- stable
- 2020-01-01
- 2020-03-01
- examples
- managementgroups/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Management/stable/2020-02-01
- examples
- managementpartner/resource-manager/Microsoft.ManagementPartner/preview/2018-02-01
- examples
- mariadb/resource-manager
- Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/stable/2018-06-01
- examples
- marketplace/resource-manager/Microsoft.Marketplace/stable/2019-12-01
- mediaservices/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Media/preview/2020-02-01-preview
- examples
- migrate/resource-manager
- Microsoft.OffAzure/stable/2020-01-01
- examples
- monitor/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Insights
- preview
- 2017-05-01-preview
- examples
- 2019-10-17-preview
- examples
- stable
- 2016-03-01
- examples
- 2018-03-01
- examples
- msi/resource-manager
- Microsoft.ManagedIdentity
- preview/2015-08-31-preview
- stable/2018-11-30
- examples
- mysql/resource-manager
- Microsoft.DBforMySQL
- preview
- 2017-12-01-preview
- examples
- 2018-06-01-privatepreview
- examples
- stable
- 2017-12-01
- examples
- 2020-01-01
- examples
- netapp/resource-manager/Microsoft.NetApp/stable/2019-11-01
- network/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Network/stable
- 2016-09-01
- 2016-12-01
- 2019-11-01
- 2019-12-01
- examples
- operationalinsights
- data-plane/Microsoft.OperationalInsights
- preview/2017-10-01
- examples
- stable/v1
- examples
- resource-manager/Microsoft.OperationalInsights
- preview
- 2015-11-01-preview
- examples
- 2019-08-01-preview
- examples
- stable/2015-03-20
- examples
- peering/resource-manager/Microsoft.Peering/preview/2020-01-01-preview
- examples
- policyinsights/resource-manager/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/stable/2019-10-01
- examples
- portal/resource-manager
- postgresql/resource-manager
- Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL
- preview/2017-12-01-preview
- examples
- stable
- 2017-12-01
- examples
- 2020-01-01
- examples
- recoveryservicesbackup/resource-manager
- Microsoft.RecoveryServices/stable
- 2018-12-20
- examples/AzureIaasVm
- 2019-05-13/examples/Common
- 2019-06-15
- examples/Common
- 2020-02-02
- examples/PrivateEndpointConnection
- recoveryservicessiterecovery/resource-manager/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/stable
- 2018-01-10
- examples
- 2018-07-10
- examples
- redhatopenshift/resource-manager
- Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/stable/2020-04-30
- examples
- reservations/resource-manager/Microsoft.Capacity/preview/2019-07-19
- examples
- resources/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Features/stable/2015-12-01
- examples
- Microsoft.Resources
- preview/2019-10-01-preview
- examples
- stable
- 2019-10-01
- examples
- 2019-11-01
- examples
- 2020-01-01
- examples
- search
- data-plane
- Azure.Search
- preview/2019-05-06-preview
- examples
- stable/2019-05-06
- examples
- Microsoft.Azure.Search.Data
- preview/2019-05-06-preview
- examples
- stable/2019-05-06
- examples
- Microsoft.Azure.Search.Service
- preview/2019-05-06-preview
- examples
- stable/2019-05-06
- examples
- resource-manager
- Microsoft.Search
- preview/2019-10-01-preview
- examples
- stable/2020-03-13
- examples
- security/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Security
- preview
- 2015-06-01-preview
- examples/ApplicationWhitelistings
- 2017-08-01-preview
- examples/InformationProtectionPolicies
- stable/2020-01-01
- examples
- AdaptiveNetworkHardenings
- AllowedConnections
- Topology
- securityinsights/resource-manager/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/preview/2019-01-01-preview
- examples
- bookmarks/expand
- cases
- entities
- incidents
- serialconsole/resource-manager
- servicebus/resource-manager
- sql/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Sql/preview
- 2015-05-01-preview/examples
- 2017-03-01-preview
- examples
- 2018-06-01-preview
- examples
- 2019-06-01-preview
- examples
- storage/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Storage/stable
- 2018-11-01
- 2019-04-01
- 2019-06-01
- examples
- storagecache/resource-manager
- storagesync/resource-manager
- Microsoft.StorageSync/stable/2019-10-01
- examples
- support/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Support/stable/2020-04-01
- examples
- synapse
- data-plane
- Microsoft.Synapse/preview/2019-11-01-preview/adf
- entityTypes
- examples
- resource-manager
- web/resource-manager
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01
- examples
- windowsesu/resource-manager/Microsoft.WindowsESU/preview/2019-09-16-preview
- examples
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Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
2,938 files changed
lines changedSome generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about customizing how changed files appear on GitHub.
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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14 |
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15 | 15 |
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16 | 16 |
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17 | 17 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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9 | 9 |
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10 | 10 |
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11 | 11 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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7 | 7 |
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8 | 8 |
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9 | 9 |
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10 | 14 |
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11 | 15 |
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12 | 16 |
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13 | 17 |
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14 | 18 |
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15 |
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16 |
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17 |
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18 | 19 |
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19 | 20 |
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20 | 21 |
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32 | 33 |
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34 | 35 |
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35 | 38 |
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51 | 71 |
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52 | 72 |
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54 | 74 |
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55 | 75 |
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56 | 76 |
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57 | 77 |
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58 |
| - | |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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14 | 14 |
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15 | 18 |
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16 | 19 |
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17 | 20 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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34 | 34 |
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35 | 35 |
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36 | 36 |
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37 |
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38 | 38 |
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39 | 39 |
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40 | 40 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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220 | 220 |
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221 | 221 |
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222 | 222 |
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223 | 235 |
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224 | 236 |
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225 | 237 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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32 | 32 |
| |
33 | 33 |
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34 | 34 |
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| 35 | + | |
35 | 36 |
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36 | 37 |
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37 | 38 |
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115 | 116 |
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116 | 117 |
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117 | 118 |
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118 | 121 |
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119 | 122 |
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120 | 123 |
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175 | 178 |
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176 | 179 |
| |
177 | 180 |
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178 | 182 |
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179 | 183 |
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180 | 185 |
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181 | 186 |
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182 | 187 |
| |
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212 | 217 |
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213 | 218 |
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214 | 219 |
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215 | 221 |
| |
216 | 222 |
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217 | 223 |
| |
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485 | 491 |
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486 | 492 |
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487 | 493 |
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488 | 495 |
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489 | 496 |
| |
490 | 497 |
| |
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553 | 560 |
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554 | 561 |
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555 | 562 |
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| 563 | + | |
556 | 564 |
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557 | 565 |
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558 | 566 |
| |
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965 | 973 |
| |
966 | 974 |
| |
967 | 975 |
| |
| 976 | + | |
968 | 977 |
| |
969 | 978 |
| |
970 | 979 |
| |
| |||
1030 | 1039 |
| |
1031 | 1040 |
| |
1032 | 1041 |
| |
| 1042 | + | |
1033 | 1043 |
| |
1034 | 1044 |
| |
1035 | 1045 |
| |
| |||
1132 | 1142 |
| |
1133 | 1143 |
| |
1134 | 1144 |
| |
| 1145 | + | |
1135 | 1146 |
| |
1136 | 1147 |
| |
1137 | 1148 |
| |
| |||
1213 | 1224 |
| |
1214 | 1225 |
| |
1215 | 1226 |
| |
| 1227 | + | |
1216 | 1228 |
| |
1217 | 1229 |
| |
1218 | 1230 |
| |
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1295 | 1307 |
| |
1296 | 1308 |
| |
1297 | 1309 |
| |
| 1310 | + | |
1298 | 1311 |
| |
1299 | 1312 |
| |
1300 | 1313 |
| |
| |||
1394 | 1407 |
| |
1395 | 1408 |
| |
1396 | 1409 |
| |
| 1410 | + | |
1397 | 1411 |
| |
1398 | 1412 |
| |
1399 | 1413 |
| |
| |||
1476 | 1490 |
| |
1477 | 1491 |
| |
1478 | 1492 |
| |
| 1493 | + | |
1479 | 1494 |
| |
1480 | 1495 |
| |
1481 | 1496 |
| |
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1588 | 1603 |
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1589 | 1604 |
| |
1590 | 1605 |
| |
| 1606 | + | |
1591 | 1607 |
| |
1592 | 1608 |
| |
1593 | 1609 |
| |
| |||
1716 | 1732 |
| |
1717 | 1733 |
| |
1718 | 1734 |
| |
| 1735 | + | |
| 1736 | + | |
| 1737 | + | |
| 1738 | + | |
| 1739 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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4 | 4 |
| |
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 |
| - | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
8 | 10 |
| |
9 | 11 |
| |
10 | 12 |
| |
0 commit comments