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Azure management client library for Java

The Azure Management Libraries for Java is a higher-level, object-oriented API for managing Azure resources, that is optimized for ease of use, succinctness and consistency.

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Various documentation is available to help you get started

Migration from older version of Azure management library

If you are an existing user of the older version of Azure management library for Java (the namespace of old packages contains**) and you are looking for a migration guide to the new version of the SDK, please refer to this migration guide here

Getting started


Include the package

For your convenience, we have provided a multi-service package that includes some of the most highly used Azure services. We recommend using this package when you are dealing with multiple services.


The services available via azure-resourcemanager are listed as below:

List of services
  • App Services
  • Authorization
  • CDN
  • Compute
  • Container Instance
  • Container Registry
  • Container Services (AKS)
  • Cosmos DB
  • DNS
  • Event Hubs
  • Insight (Monitor)
  • Key Vault
  • Managed Identity
  • Network
  • Private DNS
  • Redis
  • Resources
  • Search
  • Service Bus
  • Spring Cloud
  • SQL
  • Storage
  • Traffic Manager

In the case where you are interested in certain service above or the service not included in the multi-service package, you can choose to use the single-service package for each service. Those packages follow the same naming patterns and design principals. For example, the package for Media Services has the following artifact information.


See Single-Service Packages for a complete list of single-services packages with the API versions they are consuming.

Include the recommended packages

Azure Management Libraries require a TokenCredential implementation for authentication and an HttpClient implementation for HTTP client.

azure-identity package and azure-core-http-netty package provide the default implementation.

Azure Identity provides Microsoft Entra ID token authentication support across the Azure SDK.


Azure Core Netty HTTP client is a plugin for Azure Core HTTP client API.


Alternatively, Azure Core OkHttp HTTP client is another plugin for HTTP client API.


Microsoft Entra ID token authentication relies on the credential class from Azure Identity package.

Azure subscription ID can be configured via AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID environment variable. Azure tenant ID can be configured via AZURE_TENANT_ID environment variable.

Assuming the use of the DefaultAzureCredential credential class, the client can be authenticated using the following code:

AzureProfile profile = new AzureProfile(AzureEnvironment.AZURE);
TokenCredential credential = new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder()
AzureResourceManager azure = AzureResourceManager
    .authenticate(credential, profile)

The sample code assumes global Azure. Please change AzureEnvironment.AZURE variable if otherwise.

See Authentication for more options.

Code snippets and samples

See Samples for code snippets and samples.

Key concepts

The key concepts of Azure Management Libraries includes:


Fluent interface

You can create a virtual machine instance, together with required virtual network and ip address created automatically.

VirtualMachine linuxVM = azure.virtualMachines().define("myLinuxVM")


    .withNewDataDisk(10, 0, CachingTypes.READ_WRITE)

Dependency across Azure resources

You can create a function app, together with required storage account and app service plan created on specification.

Creatable<StorageAccount> creatableStorageAccount = azure.storageAccounts()
Creatable<AppServicePlan> creatableAppServicePlan = azure.appServicePlans()
FunctionApp linuxFunctionApp = azure.functionApps().define("<function-app-name>")
    .withAppSetting("WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE", "<function-app-package-url>")

Batch Azure resource provisioning

You can batch create and delete managed disk instances.

List<String> diskNames = Arrays.asList("datadisk1", "datadisk2");
List<Creatable<Disk>> creatableDisks =
    .map(diskName -> azure.disks()
Collection<Disk> disks = azure.disks().create(creatableDisks).values();

Integration with Azure role-based access control

You can assign Contributor for an Azure resource to a service principal.

String raName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
RoleAssignment roleAssignment = azure.accessManagement().roleAssignments()

Asynchronous operations (Preview)

You can create storage account, then blob container, in reactive programming.

    .flatMap(storageAccount -> azure.storageBlobContainers()

You can operate on virtual machines in parallel.


Configurable client

You can customize various aspects of the client and pipeline.

AzureResourceManager azure = AzureResourceManager

Include single package

Instead of include the complete Azure Management Libraries, you can choose to include a single service package.

For example, here is sample maven dependency for Compute package.


Sample code to create the authenticated client.

ComputeManager manager = ComputeManager.authenticate(credential, profile);


If you encounter any bugs, please file issues via GitHub Issues or checkout StackOverflow for Azure Java SDK.

HTTP client

An HttpClient implementation must exist on the classpath. See Include optional packages.

Latest azure-identity package specifies dependency on azure-core-http-netty package for convenience. If you would like to use a different HttpClient, please exclude azure-core-http-netty from azure-identity.

Enabling logging

Azure SDKs for Java offer a consistent logging story to help aid in troubleshooting application errors and expedite their resolution. The logs produced will capture the flow of an application before reaching the terminal state to help locate the root issue. View the configure logging for guidance on package required and its configuration.

Sample code to enable logging in Azure Management Libraries for Java. If you want to troubleshoot HTTP request and response details, you can use .withLogLevel(HttpLogDetailLevel.BODY_AND_HEADERS).

AzureResourceManager azure = AzureResourceManager
    .authenticate(credential, profile)

Mocking SDK

Please refer to Unit Testing for guidance on mocking the SDK clients. In particular, since many classes in clients are final, "Mocking Final classes" section would be helpful on mocking final classes in Mockito.

As Azure Management Libraries for Java uses Fluent interface extensively, it takes some extra effects to mock the Fluent interface. Samples can be found here.

Dependency management

Azure Core (azure-core) is the shared library for all packages under It guarantees backward compatibility.

However, if one accidentally uses an older version of it via transitive dependencies, it might cause problem in runtime. This case could happen when one module depends on multiple Azure Java SDKs with different versions, which in turn depends on different versions of azure-core.

Maven dependency plugin would help to diagnostic this problem. Here is an artificial example.

mvn dependency:tree

[INFO] \-
[INFO]    \-

We can see the azure-core resolved as 1.12.0.

mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose=true

[INFO] +-
[INFO] |  +-
[INFO] |  \-
[INFO] |     \- ( - omitted for duplicate)
[INFO] +-
[INFO] |  +-
[INFO] |  |  +- ( - omitted for conflict with 1.12.0)
[INFO] |  |  \-
[INFO] |  |     \- ( - omitted for conflict with 1.12.0)
[INFO] |  \-
[INFO] |     +-
[INFO] |     |  \- ( - omitted for conflict with 1.12.0)
[INFO] |     \-
[INFO] |        \- ( - omitted for conflict with 1.12.0)
[INFO] \-
[INFO]    +- ( - omitted for duplicate)
[INFO]    \-
[INFO]       \- ( - omitted for duplicate)

From the module, we can see there is multiple SDKs depends on different versions of azure-core, and the latest would be 1.13.0.

If we run the module, we will encounter this error in runtime.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ', java.lang.String)'

The cause is that this method was not available in 1.12.0 azure-core, and now being used by some SDK that depends on 1.13.0 azure-core.

In this example, apparently the problem is that we used an old version of azure-identity. After upgrade it to 1.2.3, problem solved.

Better, one can explicitly put azure-core as the first dependency, and keep it up-to-date.

Alternatively, maven dependency management will also help to control the version in transitive dependencies. Here is a sample dependency management section in maven POM.


To a lesser extent, similar problem could occur in runtime for azure-core-management library, when one module depends on multiple Azure Java management SDKs with different versions. For example, azure-resourcemanager 2.6.0 would require azure-core-management 1.3.0 or above, relying on ArmChallengeAuthenticationPolicy class for continuous access evaluation support.

ARM throttling

Azure Resource Manager applies throttling on the number of requests sent from client within certain span of time. For details, please refer to Guidance on ARM throttling.

Next steps


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