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File metadata and controls

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title permalink folder sidebar
Policies: Open source

{% include requirement/MUST %} ensure that all library code is public and open-source on GitHub. Library code must be placed in the Azure SDK 'mono-repo' for its language:

{% include requirement/SHOULD %} develop in the open on GitHub. Seek feedback from the community on design choices and be active in conversations with the community.

{% include requirement/MUST %} remain active in GitHub. Your client library is your primary touchpoint with the developer community, so it's important to keep up with the activity there. Issues and pull requests on GitHub must have an authoritative comment within one week of filing.

{% include requirement/MUST %} review the Microsoft Open Source Guidelines' community section for more information on fostering a healthy open-source community.

{% include requirement/MUST %} use the Microsoft CLA. Microsoft makes significant contributions to cla-assistant. It is the easiest way to ensure the CLA is signed by all contributors.

{% include requirement/MUST %} include a copyright header at the top of every source file (including samples). See the Microsoft Open Source Guidelines for example headers in various languages.

The expected copyright header is as follows:

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Licensed under the MIT license.

{% include important.html content="There is currently disagreement between the Microsoft Open Source Guidelines and this advice. This advice is current as of August 2019. Consult CELA if you are unsure as to the proper license." %}

{% include requirement/MUST %} include a file in your GitHub repository, using it to describe the process by which contributors can make contributions to the project. An example is provided by the Microsoft Open Source Guidelines:

# Contributing

This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repositories using our CLA.

This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct]( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ]( or contact []( with any additional questions or comments.


{% include requirement/MUST %} include a LICENSE file containing your license text (which by default should be the standard MIT license).


CODEOWNERS is a GitHub standard to specify who is automatically assigned pull requests to review. This helps prevent pull requests from languishing without review. GitHub can also be configured to require review from code owners before a pull request can be merged. Further reading is available from the following two URLs:

{% include requirement/MUST %} edit the root-level CODEOWNERS file to ensure that it is updated to redirect all pull requests for the directory of the client library to point to the relevant engineers of this component. If the client library will exist within its own repository, then a CODEOWNERS file must be introduced and configured appropriately.

Use the following rules to ensure that we can use CODEOWNERS for both GitHub and build failure notifications:

  • The CODEOWNERS file must be located in the .github directory. /.github/CODEOWNERS
  • CODEOWNERS has METADATA which exists in the comments of the CODEOWNERS file. The METADATA, and what it's for, are fully described here. The METADATA is primarily used by GitHub Events for Issue and Pull Request triage and processing.
  • Follow the /sdk/<service name>/ (with the leading and trailing slashes) convention to define service owners
    • When using this format, service owners will be automatically subscribed to build notification failure alerts
    • Wildcards are supported for paths but the path must end in a /. For example, if someone owned /sdk/foo1, /sdk/foo2 and /sdk/foo3 the CODEOWNERS could have one entry with /sdk/foo*/. Similarly, if a user or team owned a particular file that existed in numerous subdirectories that can be wildcarded with the following /**/ci.something.yml. This says I own all of the ci.something.yml files regardless of where in they live in the repository. If this was to be limited to the /sdk directory it would simply be /sdk/**/ci.something.yml.
  • Place more general rules higher in the file and more specific rules lower in the file as GitHub uses the last matching expression.
    • The exception to this is certain wildcarded rules, like /**/ci.something.yml. This would need to be lower in the file to get picked up correctly since GitHub uses the last matching expression. For example if /sdk/MyService/ had a ci.something.yml and the /sdk/MyService/ entry was lower than the /**/ci.something.yml, the owners of /sdk/MyService/ would be identified as the owners of ci.something.yml, instead of the owners on the /**/ci.something.yml line, because the /sdk/MyService/ entry is lower in the file.
  • Use GitHub person aliases for the owners (e.g. @person) and/or a GitHub team (e.g. @Azure/team1). GitHub teams must be within the Azure org. GitHub users that aren't linked to internal users, internal group aliases, email addresses and non-Azure org teams are not supported.
    • All teams must start with '@Azure/' otherwise it won't be recognized as a team either by GitHub or our tooling.
    • In order to be in CODEOWNERS file, a user or team needs to be a public member of the GitHub Azure org and have write permission. This means they need to be part of the azure-sdk-write team. This also applies users and groups in METADATA tags.
  • If you want PRs in those folders to be auto-labeled, add a comment line above the entry with the path with the content of # PRLabel: followed by the %Label you want to apply. Note: Each path must its own label. Having one # PRLabel: followed by multiple paths will only apply the label to the first path.
  • You can also capture the information about which people have to be notified when issues are filed for a service. To do that, you have to add the # ServiceLabel: followed by the %Label that have to be applied to an issue in order for the people specified in the path below to be mentioned by the bot.
  • If the code for a service is not inside the repo, you can use this special commented out path to allow issues to be tagged for a service: # ServiceOwners: . Note: This was previously #/<NotInRepo>/ which was renamed to be more intuitive and tooling, for the moment, recognizes both.
  • For the labels that are used with the % character, you can use spaces. Labels are delimited by the start of the % character.
  • Types of owners:
    1. Source owners - These are the user/teams on the source path lines /sdk/azconfig/ @person3 @person4. These are the individuals that GitHub will assign to review PRs automatically.
    2. Service owners - These are user/teams after the # ServiceOwners: or #/<NotInRepo>/ monikers. If a # ServiceLabel: entry is attached to a source line, the source owners are also service owners.
    3. AzureSdkOwners - These are owners that have triage responsibility for a given service label definition. Must be part of block with a # ServiceLabel: entry.
# Catch-all for SDK changes
/sdk/  @person1 @person2

# Source owners of a given service directory
/sdk/azconfig/   @person3 @person4

# Source owners for libraries that exist in multiple service directories. This example sets the owners of all of the azure-resourcemanager libraries regardless of the service directory. If this entry had a PRLabel or ServiceLabel it would be applied to anything matching the pattern
/sdk/**/azure-resourcemanager-*/   @Azure/team1 @person11

# A service label on a source path identifies the source owners as also being the service owners.
# ServiceLabel: %KeyVault %Service Attention
/sdk/keyvault/   @person5 @person6

# PR label for a given source path
# PRLabel: %label
/sdk/servicebus/ @person7 @person8

# Example for a service that needs both PRs to be labeled and service owners for issue triage
# ServiceLabel: %label
# PRLabel: %label
/sdk/eventhubs/ @person7 @person8

# Example for a service that needs both PRs to be labeled, service owners and AzureSdkOwners for issue triage
# ServiceLabel: %label
# PRLabel: %label
# AzureSdkOwners: @Azure/team3 @person12
/sdk/eventhubs/ @person7 @person8

# Example for service that does not have the code in the repo but wants issues to be labeled and service owners for issue triage
# ServiceLabel: %Some Label %Some Other Label
# ServiceOwners: @person7 @person8

# Example for service that does not have the code in the repo and has service owners as well as AzureSdkOwners responsible for issue triage for the service
# ServiceLabel: %Some Label
# ServiceOwners: @Azure/team2 @person10
# AzureSdkOwners: @person11 @person12

This example CODEOWNERS file has a catch-all list of owners at the top of the file and drills into specific service teams. GitHub uses the last matching expression to assign reviewers. For example, a PR with changes in /sdk/keyvault/ will result in @person5 and @person6 being added to the PR. If a new service, like batch, were added with changes under /sdk/batch/ then @person1 and @person2 will be assigned.