Provide a fast backend for grid2op using c++ KLU and Eigen librairies. Its primary goal is to serve as a fast backend for the grid2op platform, used primarily as a testbed platform for sequential decision making in the world of power system.
See the Disclaimer to have a more detailed view on what is and what is not this package. For example this package should not be used for detailed power system computations or simulations.
- 1 Usage
- 2 Installation (from pypi official repository, recommended)
- 3 Installation (from source, for more advanced user)
- 4. Benchmarks
- 5. Philosophy
- 6. Miscellaneous
Once installed (don't forget, if you used the optional virtual env
above you need to load it with source venv/bin/activate
) you can
use it as any python package.
This functionality requires you to have grid2op installed, with at least version 0.7.0. You can install it with
pip install grid2op>=1.6.4
Then you can use a LightSimBackend instead of the default PandapowerBackend this way:
import grid2op
from lightsim2grid import LightSimBackend
env_name = "l2rpn_case14_sandbox" # or any other name.
env = grid2op.make(env_name, backend=LightSimBackend())
# do regular computation as you would with grid2op
And you are good to go.
It is also possible to use directly the "solver" part of lightsim2grid.
Suppose you somehow get:
the admittance matrix of your powersystem, for example given by pandapower (will be converted to a scipysparse.csc_matrix
the (complex) voltage vector at each bus, for example given by pandapowerSbus
the (complex) power absorb at each bus, for example as given by pandapowerref
Ids of the slack buses (added in version 0.5.6 to match recent pandapower changes)pv
list of PV busespq
list of PQ busesppci
a ppc internal pandapower test case (or dictionary, is used to retrieve the coefficients associated to each slack bus)options
list of pandapower "options" (or dictionary with keysmax_iteration
You can define replace the newtonpf
function of pandapower.pandapower.newtonpf
function with the following
piece of code:
from lightsim2grid.newtonpf import newtonpf
V, converged, iterations, J = newtonpf(Ybus, V, Sbus, ref, weights, pv, pq, ppci, options)
This function uses the KLU algorithm (when available) and a c++ implementation of a Newton solver for speed.
Since version 0.5.3, lightsim2grid is can be installed like most python packages, with a call to:
python -m pip install lightsim2grid
It includes faster grid2op backend and the SuiteSparse
faster KLU
solver, even on windows. This is definitely the
easiest method to install lightsim2grid on your system and have it running.
Note though that these packages have been compiled on a different platform that the one you are using. You might still get some benefit (in terms of performances) to install it from your on your machine with the proper compilations flags ( see section 6.1 Customization of the compilation for more information)
Pypi packages are available for linux (x86_64
cpu architecture), windows (x86_64
cpu architecture) and macos (x86_64
cpu architecture) with python versions:
- 3.7
- 3.8
- 3.9
- 3.10 (lightsim2grid >= 0.6.1)
- 3.11 (lightsim2grid >= 0.7.1)
- 3.12 (lightsim2grid >= 0.7.5)
- 3.13 (lightsim2grid >= 0.9.2.post2)
As from version 0.8.2, we also distribute windows arm64
and macos arm64
binaries of lightsim2grid that can be installed
directly with pip too (requires python >= 3.8 for macos and python >= 3.9 for windows). We do not currently produce arm64
) linux binaries because it takes too long to build. If you really want them, let us know and we'll see what we can do.
NB on some version of MacOs (thanks Apple !), especially the one using M1 or M2 chip, lightsim2grid is only available on pypi starting from version 0.7.3 We attempted to deliver arm64 lightsim2grid version but we could not test them. So if you want a reliable working and tested version of lightsim2grid on newest version of macos (with M1 or M2 chips for example) please use lightsim2grid >= 0.8.2
NB we do not currently build any 32 bits lightsim2grid libraries.
See the official documentation at Install from source for more information
Lightsim2grid is significantly faster than pandapower when used with grid2op for all kind of environment size (sometimes more than 30x faster - making 30 steps while pandapower makes one).
If you prefer to use the dedicated lightsim2grid SecurityAnalysis
or TimeSerie
classes you can even expect another 10-20x
speed ups compared to grid2op with lightsim2grid (sometimes more than 300x faster than grid2op with pandapower).
For more information (including the exact way to reproduce these results, as well as the computer used), you can consult the dedicated Benchmarks page on the documentation.
Lightsim2grid aims at providing a somewhat efficient (in terms of computation speed) backend targeting the grid2op platform.
It provides a c++ api, compatible with grid2op that is able to compute flows (and voltages and reactive power) from a given grid. This grid can be modified according to grid2op mechanism (see more information in the official grid2Op documentation ).
This code do not aim at providing state of the art solver in term of performances nor in terms of realism in the modeling of power system elements (eg loads, generators, powerlines, transformers, etc.).
Lightsim2grid codebase is "organized" in 4 different parts:
- modify the elements (eg disconnecting a powerline or changing the voltage magnitude setpoint of a generator, or any other action made possible by grid2op)
- generate the
(sparse) complex admitance matrix andSbus
complex injection vector from the state of the powergrid (eg physical properties of each elements, which elements are in service, which power is produce at each generators and consumed at each loads, what is the grid topology etc.) - solving for the complex voltage
(and part of theSbus
vector) the equationV.(Ybus.V)* = Sbus
with the "standard" "powerflow constraints" (eg the voltage magnitude ofV
is set at given components, and on other it's the imaginary part ofSbus
) - computes the active power, reactive power, flow on powerllines etc. from the
complex vectors computed at step 3).
Step 1, 2 and 4 are done in the GridModel class.
Step 3 is performed thanks to a "powerflow solver".
For now some basic "solver" (eg the program that performs points 3.
above) are available, based on the
Gauss Seidel or the Newton-Raphson methods to perform "powerflows".
Nothing prevents any other "solver" to be used with lightsim2grid and thus with grid2op. For this, you simply need to implement, in c++ a "lightsim2grid solver" which mainly consists in defining a function:
bool compute_pf(const Eigen::SparseMatrix<cplx_type> & Ybus, // the admittance matrix
CplxVect & V, // store the results of the powerflow and the Vinit !
const CplxVect & Sbus, // the injection vector
const Eigen::VectorXi & ref, // bus id participating to the distributed slack
const RealVect & slack_weights, // slack weights for each bus
const Eigen::VectorXi & pv, // (might be ignored) index of the components of Sbus should be computed
const Eigen::VectorXi & pq, // (might be ignored) index of the components of |V| should be computed
int max_iter, // maximum number of iteration (might be ignored)
real_type tol // solver tolerance
The types used are:
: double => type representing the real numbercplx_type
: std::complex<real_type> => type representing the complex numberCplxVect
: Eigen::Matrix<cplx_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> => type representing a vector of complex numbersRealVect
: Eigen::Matrix<real_type, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> => type representing a vector of real numbersEigen::VectorXi
=> represents a vector of integerEigen::SparseMatrix<cplx_type>
=> represents a sparse matrix
See for example BaseNRSolver for the implementation of a Newton Raphson solver (it requires some "linear solvers", more details about that are given in the section bellow)
Any contribution in this area is more than welcome.
NB For now the "solver" only uses these above information to perform the powerflow. If a more "in depth" solution needs to be implemented, let us know with a github issue. For example, it could be totally fine that a proposed "solver" uses direct information about the elements (powerline, topology etc.) of the grid in order to perform some powerflow.
NB It is not mandatory to "embed" all the code of the solver in lightsim2grid. Thanks to different customization, it is perfectly possible to install a given "lightsim solver" only if certain conditions are met. For example, on windows based machine, the SuiteSparse library cannot be easily compiled, and the KLUSolver is then not available.
NB It would be totally fine if some "lightsim2grid" solvers are available only if some packages are installed on the machine for example.
In lightsim2grid (c++ part) it is also possible, thanks to the use of "template meta programming" to not recode the Newton Raphson algorithm (or the DC powerflow algorithm) and to leverage the use of a linear solver.
A "linear solver" is anything that can implement 3 basic functions:
initialize(const Eigen::SparseMatrix<real_type> & J)
: initialize the solver and prepare it to solve for linear systemsJ.x = b
(usually called once per powerflow)ErrorType solve(const Eigen::SparseMatrix<real_type> & J, RealVect & b, bool has_just_been_inialized)
: effectively solvesJ.x = b
(usually called multiple times per powerflow)ErrorType reset()
: clear the state of the solver (usually performed at the end of a powerflow to reset the state to a "blank" / "as if it was just initialized" state)
Some example are given in the c++ code "KLUSolver.h", "SparLUSolver.h" and "NICSLU.h"
This usage usually takes approximately around 20 / 30 lines of c++ code (not counting the comments, and boiler code for exception handling for example).
If you use this package in one of your work, please cite:
author = {B. Donnot},
title = {{Lightsim2grid - A c++ backend targeting the Grid2Op platform. }},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},
For that, you need to declare the environment variables PATH_NICSLU
that points to a valid installation of
the NICSLU package (see
For example: export PATH_NICSLU=/home/user/Documents/nicslu/nicslu202103
For that, you need to declare the environment variables PATH_CKTSO
that points to a valid installation of
the NICSLU package (see
For example: export PATH_NICSLU=/home/user/Documents/cktso
By default, at least on ubuntu, only the "-O2" compiler flags is used. To use the O3 optimization flag, you need
to specify the __O3_OPTIM
environment variable: set __O3_OPTIM=1
(or $Env:__O3_OPTIM=1
in powershell) before the compilation (so before
python3 build
or python -m pip install -e .
This compilation argument will increase the compilation time, but will make the package faster.
By default, for portability, we do not compile with -march=native
flags. This lead to some error on some platform.
If you want to further improve the performances.
to enable it before the compilation (so before
python3 build
or python -m pip install -e .
This is a work in progress for now. And it is far from perfect, and probably only work on linux.
See for more details.
cd benchmarks
perf record ./
perf report
And some official tests, to make sure the solver returns the same results as pandapower are performed in "lightsim2grid/tests"
cd lightsim2grid/tests
python -m unittest discover
This tests ensure that the results given by this simulator are consistent with the one given by pandapower when using the Newton-Raphson algorithm, with a single slack bus, without enforcing q limits on the generators etc.
NB to run these tests you need to install grid2op from source otherwise all the test of the LightSim2gridBackend will fail. In order to do so you can do:
git clone
cd Grid2Op
pip3 install -U -e .
cd ..
Some tests are performed automatically on standard platform each time modifications are made in the lightsim2grid code.
These tests include, for now, compilation on gcc (version 8, 12 and 13) and clang (version 11, 16 and 17).
NB Intermediate versions of clang and gcc (eg gcc 9 or clang 12) are not tested regularly, but lightsim2grid used to work on these. We suppose that if it works on eg clang 10 and clang 14 then it compiles also on all intermediate versions.
NB Package might work (we never tested it) on earlier version of these compilers. The only "real" requirement for lightsim2grid is to have a compiler supporting c++11 (at least).
There are discrepency in the handling of storage units, when the are not asked to produce / consume anything (setpoint is 0.) between pandapower and lightsim2grid only in the case where the storage unit is alone on its bus.
Pandapower does not detect it and the episode can continue. On the other side, lightsim2grid detects it and raise an error because in that case the grid is not connex anymore (which is the desired behaviour).
On the clang compiler (default one on MacOS computer) it is sometime require to downgrade the pybind11 version to 2.6.2 to install the package.
You can downgrade pybind11 with: python -m pip install -U pybind11==2.6.2