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645 lines (506 loc) · 18.5 KB

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645 lines (506 loc) · 18.5 KB

ORM Lite


  • C++ 14 Support
    • MSVC >= 14 (VS 2015 Update 3)
    • gcc >= 5.4
    • Clang >= 3.8
  • SQLite 3 Dependency


SQL Concepts C++ Concepts Notes
Table / Relation Object Deduced by ORMAP
Tuple (in SELECT) std::tuple Deduced by Join / Select
Column Field Decuced by Field


#include "ORMLite.h"
using namespace BOT_ORM;
using namespace BOT_ORM::Expression;

Macro ORMAP in ORMLite.h

  • ORMAP (TableName, PrimaryKey, ...);

Modules under namespace BOT_ORM

  • BOT_ORM::Nullable
  • BOT_ORM::ORMapper
  • BOT_ORM::Queryable<QueryResult>
  • BOT_ORM::FieldExtractor
  • BOT_ORM::Constraint

Modules under namespace BOT_ORM::Expression

  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Selectable
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Field
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::NullableField
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Aggregate
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Expr
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::SetExpr
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Count ()
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Sum ()
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Avg ()
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Max ()
  • BOT_ORM::Expression::Min ()

Static Modules under class BOT_ORM::Constraint

  • BOT_ORM::Constraint::CompositeField
  • BOT_ORM::Constraint::Default
  • BOT_ORM::Constraint::Check
  • BOT_ORM::Constraint::Unique
  • BOT_ORM::Constraint::Reference

ORMAP (TableName, PrimaryKey, ...)

Before we use ORM Lite, we should Inject some code into the Class;

struct MyClass
    int field1;
    double field2;
    std::string field3;

    Nullable<int> field4;
    Nullable<double> field5;
    Nullable<std::string> field6;

    // Inject ORM-Lite into this Class :-)
    ORMAP ("TableName", field1, field2, field3,
           field4, field5, field6);

In this sample, ORMAP ("TableName", field1, ...) specifies that:

  • Class MyClass will be mapped into Table TableName;
  • field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6 will be mapped into INTEGER field1 NOT NULL, REAL field2 NOT NULL, TEXT field3 NOT NULL, INTEGER field4, REAL field5 and TEXT field6 respectively;
  • The first entry field1 will be set as the Primary Key of the Table;

Note that:

  • You should Pass at least 2 Params into this Macro (TableName and PrimaryKey), otherwise it will Not Compile...;
  • Currently Only Support
    • T such that std::is_integral<T>::value == true and NOT char or *char_t
    • T such that std::is_floating_point<T>::value == true
    • T such that std::is_same<T, std::string>::value == true
    • which are mapped as INTEGER, REAL and TEXT (SQLite3);
  • Not Nullable members will be mapped as NOT NULL;
  • The Primary Key (first entry) is Recommended to be Integral, and it could be regarded as the ROWID with a Better Query Performance :-) (otherwise SQLite 3 will Generate a Column for ROWID Implicitly)
  • Field Names MUST NOT be SQL Keywords (SQL Constraint);
  • std::string Value MUST NOT contain \0 (SQL Constraint);
  • std::string Value can be utf-8 to support Locale;
  • ORMAP (...) will auto Inject some private members;
    • __Accept () to Implement Visitor Pattern;
    • __Tuple () to Flatten data to tuple;
    • __FieldNames () and __TableName to store strings;
    • and the Access by Implementation;


It keeps the Similar Semantic of Nullable<T> as C#; and Reference Here

Construction & Assignment

  • Default Constructed / nullptr Constructed / nullptr Assigned object is NULL Valued;
  • Value Constructed / Value Assigned object is NOT NULL Valued
  • Nullable Objects are Copyable / Movable, and the Destination Value has the Same Value as the Source
// Default or Null Construction
Nullable ();
Nullable (nullptr_t);

// Null Assignment
const Nullable<T> & operator= (nullptr_t);

// Value Construction
Nullable (const T &value);

// Value Assignment
const Nullable<T> & operator= (const T &value);

Get Value

Return the Underlying Value of the object or Default Not-null Value of T; (similar to GetValueOrDefault in C#)

const T &Value (); const


Two Objects have the Same value only if their Nullable Construction:

  • Both are NULL;
  • Both are NOT NULL and have the Same Underlying Value;
bool operator==(const Nullable<T> &op1, const Nullable<T> &op2);
bool operator==(const Nullable<T> &op1, T &op2);
bool operator==(T &op1, const Nullable<T> &op2);
bool operator==(const Nullable<T> &op1, nullptr_t);
bool operator==(nullptr_t, const Nullable<T> &op2);



ORMapper (const string &connectionString);


  • Construct a O/R Mapper to connect to connectionString;
  • For SQLite, the connectionString is the database name;
  • The ORMapper Keeps the Connection and Shares the Connection with Queryable;
  • Disconnecting at all related ORMapper/Queryable destructied;


void Transaction (Fn fn);


  • Invoke fn Transactionally, as following:
    _connector.Execute ("begin transaction;");
    fn ();
    _connector.Execute ("commit transaction;");
catch (...)
    _connector.Execute ("rollback transaction;");

Create and Drop Table

// Create Table
void CreateTbl (const MyClass &);
void CreateTbl (const MyClass &,
                const Constraint &constraint1,
                const Constraint &constraint2,

// Drop Table
void DropTbl (const MyClass &);


  • Create/Drop Table for class MyClass;
  • void CreateTbl (const MyClass &, ...); will Create a Table with Constraints;
  • Constraint will be described later;


CREATE TABLE MyClass (...);



// Insert a single value
void Insert (const MyClass &entity, bool withId = true);

// Insert values
void InsertRange (const Container<MyClass> &entities, bool withId = true);


  • Insert entity / entities into Table for MyClass;
  • If withId is false, it will insert the entity without Primary Key;
    • Note that: Primary Key is recommended to be Integral in this case (INT PK would be AUTOINCREMENT, Floating Point / String may Failed);
  • NULL Fields will NOT be Set;
  • entities must SUPPORT forward_iterator;


INSERT INTO MyClass (...) VALUES (...);

INSERT INTO MyClass (...) VALUES (...);
INSERT INTO MyClass (...) VALUES (...);


// Update value by Primary Key
void Update (const MyClass &entity);

// Update values by Primary Key
void UpdateRange (const Container<MyClass> &entities);

// Update by Expressions
void Update (const MyClass &,
             const Expression::SetExpr &setExpr,
             const Expression::Expr &whereExpr);


  • Update entity / entities in Table MyClass with the Same Primary Key;
  • Update Set setExpr Where whereExpr for Table MyClass (Expressions will be described later);
  • NULL Fields will also be Set;
  • entities must SUPPORT forward_iterator;


UPDATE MyClass SET (...) WHERE KEY = <>;

UPDATE MyClass SET (...) WHERE KEY = <>;
UPDATE MyClass SET (...) WHERE KEY = <>;

UPDATE MyClass SET (...) WHERE ...;


// Delete value by Primary Key
void Delete (const MyClass &entity);

// Delete by Expressions
void Delete (const MyClass &,
             const Expression::Expr &whereExpr);


  • Delete Entry in Table MyClass with the Same Primary Key;
  • Delete Where whereExpr for Table MyClass (Expression will be described later);
  • This function will NOT throw a std::runtime_error even if there is nothing to delete;





// Retrieve a Queryable Object
Queryable<MyClass> Query (MyClass queryHelper);


  • Return new Queryable object with QueryResult is MyClass;
  • MyClass MUST be Copy Constructible to Construct a queryHelper;
  • The ORMapper Shares the Connection with Queryable;


Retrieve Results

Nullable<T> Aggregate (const Expression::Aggregate<T> &agg) const;
std::vector<QueryResult> ToVector () const;
std::list<QueryResult> ToList () const;


  • QueryResult specifies the Row Type of Query Result;
  • Aggregate will Get the one-or-zero-row Result for agg;
  • ToVector / ToList returns the Collection of QueryResult;
  • The results are from the Connection of Queryable;
  • If the Result is null for NOT Nullable Field, it will throw std::runtime_error;
  • Expression will be described later;

Set Conditions

Queryable Distinct (bool isDistinct = true) const;
Queryable Where (const Expression::Expr &expr) const;

Queryable GroupBy (const Expression::Field<T> &field) const;
Queryable Having (const Expression::Expr &expr) const;

Queryable OrderBy (const Expression::Field<T> &field) const;
Queryable OrderByDescending (const Expression::Field<T> &field) const;

Queryable Take (size_t count) const;
Queryable Skip (size_t count) const;


  • Default Selection is ALL;
  • These functions will Set/Append Conditions to a copy of this;
  • OrderBy will Append field to Condition, while Other functions will Set DISTINCT, expr, field or count to Condition;
  • New Queryable Shares the Connection of this;
  • Expression will be described later;

Construct New QueryResult

auto Select (const Expression::Selectable<T1> &target1,
             const Expression::Selectable<T2> &target2,
             ...) const;
auto Join (const MyClass2 &queryHelper2,
           const Expression::Expr &onExpr) const;
auto LeftJoin (const MyClass2 &queryHelper2,
               const Expression::Expr &onExpr) const;


  • Default Selection is All Columns (SELECT *);
  • Select will Set QueryResult to std::tuple<T1, T2, ...>, which can be retrieved by SELECT target1, target2, ... (target can be Field or Aggregate Functions);
  • Join / LeftJoin will Set QueryResult to std::tuple<...>
    • ... is the flattened nullable concatenation of all entries of Previous QueryResult and queryHelper2;
    • Flatten and Nullable means all fields of ... are all Nullable<T>, where T is the Supported Types of ORMAP (NOT std::tuple or MyClass);
    • onExpr specifies the ON Expression for JOIN;
  • All Functions will copy the Conditions of this to the new one;
  • New Queryable Shares the Connection of this;
  • Expression will be described later;

Compound Select

Queryable Union (const Queryable &queryable) const;
Queryable UnionAll (const Queryable &queryable) const;
Queryable Intersect (const Queryable &queryable) const;
Queryable Expect (const Queryable &queryable) const;


  • All Functions will return a Compound Select for this and queryable;
  • All Functions will only Inherit Conditions OrderBy and Limit from this;
  • New Queryable Shares the Connection of this;

Query SQL

We will use the following SQL to Query:

GROUP BY <field>
[<Compound> SELECT ... FROM ...]
ORDER BY <field> [DESC], ...
LIMIT <take> OFFSET <skip>;


  • If the Corresponding Condition is NOT Set, it will be omitted;


// Construction
FieldExtractor (const MyClass1 &queryHelper1,
                const MyClass2 &queryHelper2,

// Get Field<> by operator ()
Field<T> operator () (const T &field) const;
NullableField<T> operator () (const Nullable<T> &field) const;


  • Construction of FieldExtractor will take all fields' pointers of queryHelper into a Hash Table;
  • operator () (field) will find the position of field in the Hash Table from queryHelper and Construct the corresponding Field;
  • If the field is Nullable<T> it will Construct a NullableField<T>; and it will Construct a Field<T> otherwise;
  • If field is not a member of queryHelper, it will throw std::runtime_error;
  • Expression will be described later;

namespace BOT_ORM::Expression

Fields and Aggregate Functions


BOT_ORM::Expression::Field<T> : public Selectable<T>
BOT_ORM::Expression::NullableField<T> : public Field<T>
BOT_ORM::Expression::Aggregate<T> : public Selectable<T>


// Field / Aggregate ? Value
Expr operator == (const Selectable<T> &op, T value);
Expr operator != (const Selectable<T> &op, T value);
Expr operator >  (const Selectable<T> &op, T value);
Expr operator >= (const Selectable<T> &op, T value);
Expr operator <  (const Selectable<T> &op, T value);
Expr operator <= (const Selectable<T> &op, T value);

// Field ? Field
Expr operator == (const Field<T> &op1, const Field<T> &op2);
Expr operator != (const Field<T> &op1, const Field<T> &op2);
Expr operator >  (const Field<T> &op1, const Field<T> &op2);
Expr operator >= (const Field<T> &op1, const Field<T> &op2);
Expr operator <  (const Field<T> &op1, const Field<T> &op2);
Expr operator <= (const Field<T> &op1, const Field<T> &op2);

// Nullable Field ? nullptr
Expr operator == (const NullableField<T> &op, nullptr_t);
Expr operator !== (const NullableField<T> &op, nullptr_t);

// String Field ? std::string
Expr operator& (const Field<std::string> &op, std::string val);
Expr operator| (const Field<std::string> &op, std::string val);

// Get SetExpr
SetExpr operator = (const Field<T> &op, T value);
SetExpr operator = (const NullableField<T> &op, nullptr_t);


  • Selectable<T> ? T returns Expr<op ? value>;
  • Field<T> ? Field<T> returns Expr<op1 ? op2>;
  • NullableField<T> == / != nullptr returns Expr<op> IS NULL / IS NOT NULL;
  • Field<std::string> & / | T returns Expr<op> LIKE / NOT LIKE <value>;
  • Field<T> = T returns SetExpr<op> = <value>;
  • NullableField<T> = nullptr returns SetExpr<op> = null;





// Get Composite Expr
Expr operator && (const Expr &op1, const Expr &op2);
Expr operator || (const Expr &op1, const Expr &op2);

// Concatenate 2 SetExpr
SetExpr operator && (const SetExpr &op1, const SetExpr &op2);


  • Expr && / || Expr returns (<op1> and / or <op2>);
  • SetExpr && SetExpr returns <op1>, <op2>;

Aggregate Function Helpers

BOT_ORM::Expression::Count ();
BOT_ORM::Expression::Count (const Field<T> &field);
BOT_ORM::Expression::Sum (const Field<T> &field);
BOT_ORM::Expression::Avg (const Field<T> &field);
BOT_ORM::Expression::Max (const Field<T> &field);
BOT_ORM::Expression::Min (const Field<T> &field);


They will Generate Aggregate Functions as:

  • size_t COUNT (*)
  • size_t COUNT (field)
  • T SUM (field)
  • T AVG (field)
  • T MAX (field)
  • T MIN (field)

class BOT_ORM::Constraint

Composite Field

CompositeField could be constructed from normal Field and is used by Constraint Functions;

CompositeField (const Expression::Field<T1> &field1,
                const Expression::Field<T2> &field2,


  • Composite Field will Contain fields in the given Order;
  • If the fields are not from the Same Table, it will throw std::runtime_error;

Generate Constraints

Constraint Default (const Expression::Field<T> &field,
                    const T &value);
Constraint Check (const Expression::Expr &expr);
Constraint Unique (const Expression::Field<T> &field);
Constraint Unique (const CompositeField &fields);
Constraint Reference(const Expression::Field<T> &field,
                     const Expression::Field<T> &refered);
Constraint Reference (const CompositeField &field,
                      const CompositeField &refered);


  • They will Generate Constraints as: DEFAULT, CHECK, UNIQUE and FOREIGN KEY;
  • FOREIGN KEY is Enabled by Default (during the Construction of ORMapper);
  • Why there is NO Composite Primary Key Constaints:
    • It's recommended to use a Integral Field as the Primary Key, described in Section ## Macro ORMAP;
    • We can use Unique to implement a Composite Unique Constraint;
    • And use Reference to define a Composite Foreign Key;

Error Handling

Compile-time Error

ORM Lite uses static_assert to Check if the Code is valid:

  • Forget to Place ORMAP into the Class

    Please Inject the Class with 'ORMAP' first

  • Place Unsupported Types into ORMAP

    Only Support Integral, Floating Point and std::string

Note that: Error Messages will often appear at the TOP;

Runtime Error

All Functions will throw std::runtime_error with the Error Message if Failed:

  • Failed to Connect to Database

    SQL error: Can't open database <connectionString>

  • Failed at Executing Query Script

    SQL error: <ErrorMessage> at <Generated SQL Script>

  • Query Result's Column Count does NOT Match the Expected Count (happening in NOT Code First Cases...)

    SQL error: Bad Column Count at <Generated SQL Script>

  • Get NULL from Query while the Expected Field is NOT NULL (happening in NOT Code First Cases...)

    SQL error: Get Null Value at <Generated SQL Script>

  • Pass a Non-Member Var of Registered Object to Field Extractor

    No Such Field for current Extractor

  • Composite Fields from NOT the Same Tables

    Fields are NOT from the Same Table