Continuation of the awesome work by everett-toews.
kubectl access to a Kubernetes 1.4+ cluster
brew install kubernetes-helm
helm init
helm repo update
helm install stable/kube-lego --set config.LEGO_EMAIL=<valid-email>,config.LEGO_URL=
helm install stable/nginx-ingress
Follow the notes from helm status to determine the external IP of the nginx-ingress service in A <nginx ingress svc external-IP>
or * in A <nginx ingress svc external-IP>
Find and replace `` with the DNS name provisioned above
helm --namespace jenkins --name jenkins -f ./jenkins-values.yaml install stable/jenkins
watch kubectl get svc --namespace jenkins # wait for external ip
export JENKINS_IP=$(kubectl get svc jenkins-jenkins --namespace jenkins --template "{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{.}}{{ end }}")
export JENKINS_URL=http://${JENKINS_IP}:8080
kubectl get pods --namespace jenkins # wait for running
open ${JENKINS_URL}/login
printf $(kubectl get secret --namespace jenkins jenkins-jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode) | pbcopy
kubectl create secret docker-registry croc-hunter-secrets --docker-server=$DOCKER_SERVER --docker-username=$DOCKER_USERNAME --docker-password=$DOCKER_PASSWORD --docker-email=$DOCKER_EMAIL --namespace=croc-hunter
Reference to the secret name must also be added to the chart values.yaml or set on install.
# username: admin
# password: <paste>
If you're not using quay you can configure this to alternate locations in Jenkinsfile.json
# Credentials > Jenkins > Global credentials > Add Credentials
# Username: lachie83
# Password: ***
# ID: quay_creds
# Description:
# Open Blue Ocean
# Create a new Pipeline
# Where do you store your code?
# GitHub
# Connect to Github
# Create an access key here
# Token description: kubernetes-jenkins
# Generate token > Copy Token > Paste back in Jenkins
# Which organization does the repository belong to?
# lachie83
# Create a single Pipeline or discover all Pipelines?
# New pipeline
# Choose a repository
# croc-hunter
# Create Pipeline
kubectl get pods --namespace jenkins
# Classic Jenkins
# lachie83 (GitHub org)
# Configure
# Advanced
# Build origin PRs (merged with base branch)
# Save
printf ${JENKINS_URL}/github-webhook/ | pbcopy
# Add webhook
# Payload URL: <paste>
# Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?
# Send me everything.
# Add webhook
Update in charts/croc-hunter/values.yaml
Configured DNS A record to point to the Nginx Ingress IP
Once master branch is pushed it should be available at that name
git checkout dev
sed -i "" "s/game\.js/game2\.js/g" croc-hunter.go
git commit -am "Game 2"
git push
open ${JENKINS_URL}/blue/organizations/jenkins/lachie83%2Fcroc-hunter/activity/
# dev branch builds
# PR from dev to master
# PR builds
# merge the PR
# master builds and deploys new version