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Releases: BSData/Firestorm-Armada-v2
Releases · BSData/Firestorm-Armada-v2
Firestorm Invasion
This release allows users to choose the new ships from the latest firestorm armada expansion : firestorm Planetfall.
The ships appear in both the Standard fleet files as well as a new set of files called invasion fleet files.
To Correctly utilize the new ships users should select a standard fleet and then the corresponding invasion fleet as a child of that fleet.
Terran platform wing fix
Merge pull request #57 from ivogoudzwaard/master Terran Security SRS fix
More bugfixes
Merge pull request #56 from ivogoudzwaard/master Bug fixes
Dindrenzi weapon Standardization
Weapon summary changes -) Fixed Pilum -) Heavy cruisers in cruiser squadrons were not displaying high energy in their weapons -) Indirect -> Torpedo -) I & D added to all weapons -) Non breakable spaces added to clean up output.
March Errata
Merge pull request #54 from ivogoudzwaard/master Errata from 13-MAR-2015
Standardization set 2
torpedo weapon change -) Indirect becomes torpedo -) hard spaces added to name to make printout cleaner -) (Biohazard) cleaned up. -) Can't order weapons appear in ABC order, would need to lead with a number or something to force order.
MathHammer added some changes to standardize naming conventions and entry ordering.
Wing profiles
Xireon added wing profiles to the fleet files.