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Fund Transfer API

martin-nginio edited this page Sep 11, 2017 · 32 revisions

Withdraw (Crypto currencies)

path: /fundtransfer/withdrawCrypto

http post

Please note that currently this call does not return the tx id of the withdrawal as this is just the submission of the request. The actual withdraw process is executed in a separate job.

Example: Withdraw 0.1 Bitcoin to 1EJKj147QmEzywLnLpuxSr6SoPr1p62VBX

sample request:


sample success response:

{"success":true,"errorCode":null,"errorMessage":null,"status":"Pending Authorization"}

Note: Destination tag for Ripple When calling withdrawCrypto API for XRP, pass destination tag as part of the address as per following sample:


in this case value of dt can be any integer.

Withdraw (AUD)

path: /fundtransfer/withdrawEFT

http post

Please note that currently this call does not return the tx id of the withdrawal as this is just the submission of the request. The actual withdraw process is executed in a separate job.

Example: Withdraw $1000 to your ABC bank account

sample request:

{"accountName":"John Smith","accountNumber":"12345678","bankName":"ABC Bank","bsbNumber":"123456","amount":100000000000,"currency":"AUD"}

sample success response:

{"success":true,"errorCode":null,"errorMessage":null,"status":"Pending Authorization"}

Fund Transfer History

path: /fundtransfer/history method: http get

Providing list of deposits and withdraws and with ability to paginate between records.

This is coming soon for preview.

Introduction updated 9/28/18



WebSocket v2

WebSocket v1 deprecated

Market Data API updated 7/24/19

Trading API updated 08/19/19

Transaction API

Account API updated 3/14/19

Fund Transfer API updated 08/06/19


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